Question: Industry analysts said that the recent rise in fuel prices may be an early signal of the possibility of gasoline and heating oil prices staying higher than usually through the end of the year.
(A) of the possibility of gasoline and heating oil prices staying higher than usually through
(B) of the possibility that gasoline and heating oil prices could stay higher than usual throughout
(C) of prices of gasoline and heating oil possibly staying higher than usually through
(D) that prices of gasoline and heating oil could stay higher than they usually are throughout
(E) that prices of gasoline and heating oil will stay higher than usual through
Answer: (E)
Explanation: The adjustment that needs to be maintained for the given sentence can be justified with the use of certain guidelines below:
- Meaning
- Verb
- Modifiers
The following meaning is conveyed by the appropriate sentence. According to industry analysts, the recent increase in fuel costs may be a predictor to the prices of gasoline and heating oil ranging higher above average through the end of the year.
To ascertain which option is the best one, let us look at each option in turn. The appropriate answer, when inserted into the question's underlined portion, conveys the proper message without any grammatical or other errors.
Option E:
The sentence in this option conveys the intended meaning while avoiding redundant language and inappropriate adverb usage. So, this is the right answer option.
Option A:
There is no need to use the word "possibility" because the non-underlined portion of the sentence already contains the verb "may," which conveys the sense of ambiguity that is essential to the meaning of the sentence. Additionally, the adverb "usually" is incorrectly used to modify the adverb "higher" in this option. Instead, the adjective form of the verb should be used in this situation. As a result, this option is not the correct answer.
Option B:
The sentence in this option repeats the redundancy error found in the previous option. The word "through" is replaced with "throughout" in this sentence, which creates a meaning error. The correct sentence implies that prices will remain higher than usual from the present to the end of the year. Meanwhile this implies that prices will remain high for a specific, brief period before the year is over. As a result, this option is not the correct answer.
Option C:
Due to the word "possibly," the sentence from this option also contains a redundancy error. Additionally, this repeats the mistake made in the first option which is the use of the word "usually." As a result, this option is not the correct answer.
Option D:
The mistake with the word "throughout" that was present in the second option is also present in the sentence in this option. As a result, this option is not the correct answer.
From the explanations given above , it is clear that the statement in the last option is perfect and is the right answer according to the requirements.
“Industry Analysts Said That The Recent Rise In Fuel Prices” - is a GMAT sentence correction question. These types of questions contain grammatical errors in the underlined sentence and we have to choose the correct statement from the options. GMAT sentence correction is a part of GMAT verbal.
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