Question: In fine lacquering, which is an ornamentation process, artisans paint natural lacquer obtained from trees on objects, allowing it to dry, and then smoothing it with a whetstone before the application of further coats.
- In fine lacquering, which is an ornamentation process, artisans paint natural lacquer obtained from trees on objects, allowing it to dry, and then smoothing it with a whetstone before the application of further coats.
- Fine lacquering is a process of ornamentation in which artisans paint objects with natural lacquer obtained from trees, allow it to dry, and then smooth it with a whetstone before applying further coats.
- When fine lacquering, artisans do a process of ornamentation by painting on objects natural lacquer obtained from trees, allowing it to dry, and then smooth it with a whetstone before they apply further coats.
- Fine lacquering is an ornamentation process in which artisans, painting natural lacquer obtained from trees on objects, allow it to dry, and then smooth it with a whetstone before they apply further coats.
- The ornamentation process of fine lacquering is one in which artisans paint natural lacquer obtained from trees on objects, allow them to dry, then smoothing it with a whetstone before applying further coats.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: “Fine lacquering is a process of ornamentation in which artisans paint objects…, allow it to dry, and then smooth it with a whetstone before...” - Correct. The author in this answer choice intends to depict the “process of ornamentation” instead of the “ornamentation process”. Moreover, the answer choice uses multiple pronouns and there is no ambiguity in the use of pronouns. Furthermore, “paint”, “allow” and “smooth” used in this sentence maintain a parallel structure. Hence, the statement is structurally parallel. Therefore, option B is the correct answer since it satisfies the rules of grammar and the meaning of the sentence.
Let’s examine and analyse the other options:
Option A
“In fine lacquering, which is an ornamentation process, artisans paint natural lacquer… allowing it to dry, and then smoothing it with a ….”- Incorrect. The use of “in” in the answer choice modifies the fine lacquering by the utilisation of “which”. However, the prepositional phrase that is suffixed by a noun modifier makes the construction of the sentence obscure and irrelevant. The expression “...paint natural lacquer…, allowing it to dry, and then smoothing it…” is not structurally parallel. Therefore, the answer choice A is incorrect as it does not satisfy the rules of grammar. Hence, option A gets eliminated.
Option C
“When fine lacquering, artisans do a process of ornamentation by painting on objects…, allowing it to dry, and then smooth it with a whetstone ….”- Incorrect. The use of adverb “when” at the beginning of the sentence is used incorrectly. It represents the fact that only when this process of ornamentation is underway, do the artisans attempt some sort of ornamentation. Moreover the expression “painting on…”, “allowing it …” and “smooth it …” does not maintain a parallel structure. Hence there is a parallelism issue in this answer choice. Therefore, option C is incorrect as it does not satisfy the rules of grammar and thereby it gets eliminated.
Option D
“Fine lacquering is an ornamentation process in…, painting natural …, allow it to dry, and then smooth it with a whetstone before they apply…”- Incorrect. The author in the statement intends to express the “process of ornamentation” instead of the “ornamentation process”. Therefore, it is incorrectly used in this answer choice. Moreover, there lies an error of pronoun ambiguity at the end of the sentence. The use of the pronoun “they” do not hold a precise referent in the statement. Furthermore, the expression “painting natural…”, “allow it…” and “smooth it…” does not maintain a parallel structure. Hence there is a parallelism issue in this answer choice. Therefore, option D is the incorrect answer since it does not satisfy the rules of grammar. Hence option D gets eliminated.
Option E
“The ornamentation process of fine lacquering is one in which artisans paint natural lacquer…, allow them to dry, then smoothing it with a …”- Incorrect. The meaning of the sentence is illogical. The statement indicates that the author is ornamenting fine lacquering that does not make any sense. The author intends to say that fine lacquering is the process of ornamentation. Moreover, there lies an ambiguity of pronoun in this answer choice. The pronoun “it” used in the sentence “smoothing it …” is irrelevant. It needs to be “them” as per the context of the sentence. Furthermore, the expression “ paint natural…”, “allow them…” and “smoothing it…” is not structurally parallel. Hence there is a parallelism issue in this answer choice. Therefore, option E is the incorrect answer since it does not meet the rules of grammar. Hence option E gets eliminated.
“In fine lacquering, which is an ornamentation process”- is a GMAT sentence correction question of the GMAT exam. These sorts of questions consist of grammatical errors in the underlined part of the sentence. The candidates need to verify the pronoun and subject-verb errors in the sentence. The candidates must analyse whether the options is justifying the meaning depicted in the original sentence. The candidates must verify the parallel construction of the sentence. The candidates should analyse whether the statement cited in the options are structurally parallel or not. The candidates need to choose the correct statement given in the options by giving proper logic and concepts. The GMAT sentence correction section demands better grammar skills since the candidate has to identify common grammatical errors. GMAT sentence correction is a part of GMAT verbal.
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