Question: In 1933 the rubber, clothing, and shipbuilding industries put into effect a six-hour workday, believing it a seeming permanent accommodation rather than a temporary expedient for what many observers thought was an economy made overproductive by advances in technology.
(A) believing it a seeming permanent accommodation rather than a temporary expedient for what many observers thought was
(B) believing it a seeming permanent accommodation instead of a temporary expedient for what many observers thought was
(C) believing that it was not a temporary expedient but a seeming permanent accommodation to what many observers thought of as a
(D) not as a temporary expedient but as a seemingly permanent accommodation to what many observers thought was
(E) not as a temporary expedient but believing it a seemingly permanent accommodation for what many observers thought
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: “In 1933 the rubber,...., not as a temporary expedient but as a seemingly permanent accommodation to what many observers thought was…”- Correct. Here this answer choice has correctly used the correlative conjunctions such as “not… but”. The expression “not as a temporary expedient but as a…” is idiomatic. There lies no parallelism issue in the sentence. Moreover, the adverb “seemingly” correctly modifies the adjective “permanent”. Hence, the answer choice does not hold any modifier issue in the sentence. Therefore, option D is the correct answer since it satisfies the rules of grammar. Let’s take a look at the other options.
Option A
“In 1933 the rubber,...believing it a seeming permanent accommodation rather than a temporary expedient for what many observers thought was…”- Incorrect. The adjective “seeming” modifies the noun “accommodation” in an incorrect way. As per the construction of the sentence, it should modify the adjective “permanent”. Therefore, the adverb “seemingly” should be used to modify the adjective “permanent” in the correct way. Moreover, the expression “believing it a seeming…” is not correctly used in this answer choice. The correct idiom is either “believe something to be” or “Believe that”. Therefore, option A is not the correct answer as it does not satisfy the rules of grammar. Hence, option A gets eliminated.
Option B
“In 1933 the rubber,...believing it a seeming permanent accommodation instead of a temporary expedient for what many observers thought was…”- Incorrect. The adjective “seeming” can modify the noun “accommodation”. However, as per the construction of the sentence, it should modify the adjective “permanent”. Therefore, there is a modifier error in the sentence. Hence, the adverb “seemingly” should be used to modify the adjective “permanent” in the correct way. Moreover, the expression “believing it a seeming…” is not correctly used in this answer choice. The correct idiom is either “believe something to be” or “Believe that”. Therefore, option B is not the correct answer as it does not satisfy the rules of grammar. Hence, option B gets eliminated.
Option C
“In 1933...believing that it was not a temporary expedient but a seeming permanent accommodation to what many observers thought of as a…”- Incorrect. As per the rules of grammar the adjective “seeming” can modify the noun “accommodation”. However, according to the construction of the sentence, it should modify the adjective “permanent”. Therefore, there is a modifier error in the sentence. Moreover, the expression “thought of as a…” suggests a redundancy and awkwardness in the sentence. The phrase “thought was” is concise and correct. Therefore, option C is not the correct answer as it does not satisfy the rules of grammar. Hence, option C gets eliminated.
Option E
“In 1933 the rubber,...not as a temporary expedient but believing it a seemingly permanent accommodation for what many observers thought…”- Incorrect. The expression “not as a temporary expedient but believing it …” is not structurally parallel. It is unidiomatic. The answer choice should use “not as… but as…” to make the sentence correct. Hence, option E is not the correct answer since it does not satisfy the rules of grammar. Therefore, option E gets eliminated.
“In 1933 the rubber, clothing, and shipbuilding industries put into effect”- is a GMAT sentence correction question of the GMAT exam. These sorts of questions consist of grammatical errors in the underlined part of the sentence. The candidates need to verify whether the sentence is structurally parallel or not. The candidates need to examine the modifier and idiom used in the sentence whether in an accurate way or not. The candidates must verify the awkwardness and redundancy in the sentence to determine the correct answer by using logical concepts or opinions. The candidates need to choose the correct statement given in the options. The GMAT sentence correction section requires fine grammar skills since the candidate has to determine common grammatical errors. GMAT sentence correction is a part of GMAT verbal.
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