If Point O is The Centre of The Circle in The Figure Above, What is The Radius of The Circle? GMAT Problem Solving

Question: If point O is the centre of the circle in the figure above, what is the radius of the circle?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 2.5
  4. π
  5. 4

Correct Answer:

Solution and Explanation
Approach Solution 1:
This problem has only one approach solution. 

In order to find out the radius of the circle from the centre point given in the above diagram, it is important to focus on finding the radius of the circle.

Accordingly,m let the radius of the circle be ‘r’

In order to find out the radius of the given circle, it is important to make use of the circumference of the circle focusing on the formula of \(2\Pi r\).

Accordingly, to find the radius, the given angle in the diagram has been given as 45° while the length of the arc is given as \(\frac{\Pi}{2} \)

Considering the given radius, r, and the angle being 45°, the length of the arc \(\frac{\Pi}{2} \)can be determined from the circumference. This implies

\(2\Pi\frac{45r}{360} =\frac{\Pi}{2} \)

\(\frac{\Pi r}{4}=\frac{\Pi}{2} \)

r = 2

Significantly, the radius of the circle can be deemed as 2 for which option B is the correct answer.

“If point O is the centre of the circle in the figure above, what is the radius of the circle?”- is a topic of the GMAT Quantitative reasoning section of GMAT. This question has been taken from the book "GMAT Official Guide 2018 Quantitative Review".To solve GMAT Problem Solving questions a student must have knowledge about a good amount of qualitative skills. GMAT Quant practice papers improve the mathematical knowledge of the candidates as it represents multiple sorts of quantitative problems.


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