Ideally, the Professional Career Diplomat should help in the Ongoing GMAT Sentence Correction

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bySayantani Barman Experta en el extranjero

Question: Ideally, the professional career diplomat should help in the ongoing maintenance of an effective American foreign policy despite changes in administration.

(A) in the ongoing maintenance of
(B) in the maintaining of
(C) maintain
(D) to maintain and continue
(E) the maintenance of

Correct Answer: A
Solution with Explanation:

The GMAT sentence Corrections questions identify the basic grammar of the candidates and also the appropriate use of phrases and words. While preparing for the GMAT SC questions, the candidates need to concentrate on two aspects- the meaning of the sentence and the sentence structure.

This line of reasoning can be in favor of the suggested linguistic change:

  • Parallelism
  • Considering two separate truths
  • Modifiers
  • Redundancy

Given that, Idealistically, a career diplomat should assist in sustaining a successful American foreign policy throughout changes in leadership.

C: Correct

This is the correct choice. An infinitive without to or a to-infinitive can come after "help": She assisted me in finding my life's purpose. By using public transportation, everyone can contribute to lowering carbon emissions. The response is C.

A: Incorrect

This choice is an incorrect one. Here the use of the phrase “in the ongoing” seems incorrect. It is not always the only maintenance going on, hence, “the” cannot be used. “The” is only used when indicating something that is the only object.

B: Incorrect

B is an incorrect choice. The use of the word “maintaining” is present continuous. It should be in the simple present tense. It can be seen that the given statement is in the simple present tense, so every verb should be in simple present. This is the reason why B is eliminated.

D: Incorrect

It is an incorrect choice. “Continue” is an irrelevant statement in the given sentence. It is redundant. “Maintain” means the same thing as “continue” as things are maintained over time and not immediately. So it should not be written twice. Hence, D is eliminated.

E: Incorrect

It is an incorrect choice. “The” cannot come just after the word "help." “In the” would have been a good fit. “The maintenance” implies that there can be only one maintenance, which is not correct. Therefore, E is eliminated.

Hence it can be concluded that C is the only choice which fits in the above sentence. Rest all options have grammatical mistakes.

“Ideally, the professional career diplomat should help in the ongoing” - is a GMAT sentence correction question. The text that is underlined in these questions has grammatical mistakes, and we must select the right response from the list of possibilities. The GMAT verbal section includes GMAT sentence correction. GMAT Sentence Correction helps in the process of detecting the possible errors in the sentence and then choose the exact option to solve the error. The students need to mention sentence correction examples in their groundwork to promote their GMAT scores. The sentence correction questions are based on our language proficiency which includes effective expression, proper diction, and correct expression. To solve GMAT sentence correction questions, candidates should go through the GMAT verbal practice papers to ace this section.

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