During the First Nine Months of 1979, Textbook Publishers Incurred GMAT Sentence Correction

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bySayantani Barman Experta en el extranjero

Question: During the first nine months of 1979, textbook publishers incurred substantial costs for creating products that, due to a decline in public funding for instructional material, never were sold.

(A) funding for instructional material, never were
(B) funding for instructional material, never was
(C) funding, the instructional material, was never
(D) funding for instructional material, the products were never
(E) funding, they were never

Correct Answer: A
Solution with Explanation:

This line of thought could support the proposed change to the language:

  • Parallelism
  • Considering two separate truths
  • Modifiers

Given that,

Due to a decrease in government support for educational materials during the first nine months of 1979, textbook publishers suffered significant costs for producing goods that were never purchased.

Checking the given choices,

A: Correct

This choice is the correct one. The word "never" is an adverb, which means it can function either as a pre-or post-modifier in a sentence. There is no error in using the phrase "never were" in writing.

B: Incorrect

B is an incorrect choice. "Products" are plural. Therefore, "were" should be used rather than "was" in the very. This is not the case.

C: Incorrect

This is an incorrect choice. "Products" are plural. Therefore, "were" should be used rather than "was" in the very. This is not the case.

D: Incorrect

It is an incorrect choice. The word "products" is already implied by the word "that." As a consequence, we do not need "the products." This is not the case.

E: Incorrect

It is an incorrect choice. There is no obvious referent for "them." This is not the case.

“During the first nine months of 1979, textbook publishers incurred sub” - is a GMAT sentence correction question. The text that is underlined in these questions has grammatical mistakes, and we must select the right response from the list of possibilities. The GMAT verbal section includes GMAT sentence correction.

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