PP Savani University

Dr. Parag Sanghani is ProVost of P P Savani University. Dr. Sanghani is an Endeavour Fellow from QUT, Australia and has a global exposure of education systems in Europe, Australia and UK. He has worked with a leading university in UAE as the Head of Academics. He has in the past handled 250 Million USD PPP mode projects in education and infrastructure sector in India.

He has trained several executives in different parts of the world. For several years he has taught subjects like Innovation & Creativity, Information Systems and Operation Management to students globally. He has published more than twenty research papers and articles in journals of great repute. He has worked with agencies like NAAC, India and QS, Singapore to enhance the quality of Higher education.

The inner motivation to bring out the best in students keeps me connected with the education sector

The curiosity of young minds and the sense of responsibility towards the society has kept me connected with the education sector. I believe the education sector plays a very vital role in shaping the future of our country. The inner motivation to bring out the best in students keeps me connected with the education sector. The sharing of knowledge and the ambition to be of value add to the students and the nation has been a driving force throughout my academic life.

I have an open mindset towards new opportunities and in creating a supportive environment

My philosophy of leadership is very simple. I believe in leading with an example. I would describe my leadership style as the democratic style as I am always open to new ideas of the professors, students and my team. I encourage them to give their inputs and involve my team to participate freely in the decision making. We work together during each decision making all the viewpoints are put across and discussed and then only a final decision is made. Also, I believe leaders don't create followers, they create more leaders and I am just doing that.

We work on creating a strong foundation and make an ecosystem which is world class

We have one strategy that is to keep doing the good work because actions speak louder than words. That is the ideology we have been following since inception of PP Savani University, and that is something that the founders have also followed which has helped us make us what PP Savani University is today. The aim is to build on our strong foundation and make PP Savani University a world class institution for academic excellence.

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Our courses are industry aligned which gives a cutting edge to our students for their progressive career

We have made sure that our courses are industry aligned and we try to give the best exposure to students by arranging expert sessions and industrial visits. The curriculum is designed in such a way that it is making students industry ready. We focus more on practical learning rather than theoretical approach. Time and again we have industry people coming to our campus and interacting with students giving them the practical exposure. The PP Savani University curriculum has been designed, planned and executed on scientific guidelines to provide each student physical robustness, emotional independence, intellectual simulation and leadership qualities to provide them a holistic development and make them ready for each challenge they might encounter in life.

The culture of our university is very vibrant and people at our university respect each other

We are always open to students from different races and cultures. Culture of our university is very vibrant and people at our university respect each other. We also have students from foreign countries. We make sure that they feel comfortable in our campus. Also, people from different economic backgrounds are welcomed at our university. We have various scholarships for students. We treat everyone equally and with respect, that's what makes our university a very warm and welcoming place for students.

Our aim is to nurture the potential of students in preparing them to become competent professionals

We never believe in compromising on the quality. Therefore quality education at our institute is of paramount importance. And we would like to abide by the Vision that we have set for PP Savani University. We want PP Savani University to emerge as a Centre of Excellence and Innovation, nurturing the potential of students in preparing them to become competent professionals having concern for social values.

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Create your own path while others follow the crowd

In this world, where there is constant bombardment and endless competition, I would like to tell my dear students that do not get into this trap and don’t follow the crowd. Just listen to your heart, you are unique and you can do wonders. Don’t lose hope in your dreams and have faith in yourself. Come what may, do not quit and keep going.