Ravi Kumar Singh is an Assistant Professor of the ISM PatnaBihar. He has done MBA in Marketing, UGC-NET and Ph.D. He has a total of 18 years of experience (10 years in academics and 8 years in corporate).

ISM Patna

What are your roles and responsibilities?

“Provide support to students in learning and create a friendly environment”

One of my responsibilities is to encourage students in every matter and solve their queries. We provide a friendly environment for them to interact freely. Our campus gives support to the learning of pupils and helps them to explore every field.

What are the greatest strengths of ISM Patna?

“Highly qualified faculties and focus on the development of students”

We focus on the students' development in our campus. One of the strengths is that highly qualified faculties take sessions for students. They mentor the pupils to know about their potential.

What approaches do you bring apart from the curriculum to train the students?

“Encourage students to connect with classroom discussion and think differently”

I support the students to be expressive and creative. They should think differently to achieve in the competitive scenario. I guide them to connect with discussions in the classroom. We provide an environment to share their experiences and they get a chance to interact with consumers.

How does the department raise the skills of the faculty as per industry standards?

“Provide case studies, research articles, FDP and industry interaction for faculties”

We give interact with industry people for faculties. They get the chance to write case studies, research articles and FDP participation. Our campus provides short-term courses as a part of training to faculties.

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How does the curriculum of ISM Patna ensure industrial Practice?

“Update the syllabus every year for students”

Our syllabus inside the campus develops based on the opinion of the subject and industry experts. The syllabus is updated every year for the students. Previous alumni participate along with existing ones in the PGDM programs.

What is your vision for ISM Patna?

“To become a valuable resource for students on campus”

My vision is to become a valuable resource for students, employers and society. I always strengthen myself with research and various courses. It is my duty to transfer these methods to my pupils and help them to achieve success.

What challenges do you face to uplift the education quality of campus?

 “Insecurity of students from rural areas with low income”

The campus faces several challenges. One of these is the insecurity of students from a low background. Most of the pupils are from rural areas seeking admission. We try our best to bring these students to education. 

What extracurricular programs raise students' skills to face real-world challenges?

“Cultural events and sports increase the skills of pupils”

Our campus conducts sports, and cultural events for students and they manage these activities. My suggestion for them is to do social works that benefit society and develop their characters. By solving the issues, they can interact with the environment in a smooth manner and begin their startups.

How do you help students to cope with outside competition?

“Work hard and achieve success by overcoming difficult situations”

Students should work hard and it helps them to deal with tough situations. We provide industry training to increase the skill sets of students. It assists them to face any difficult situation with technical skills for their career.

How does ISM Patna prepare students for Higher education?

“Free preparatory classes, Mock-interview and Group Discussion available to students”

We provide free preparatory classes for UG Course students to get good marks in entrance exams. Our campus organizes placements every year and students get training such as mock interviews, group discussion/talks from industry experts. It improves the soft skills and personality of final-year candidates. 

How do you strategize the curriculum for students?

“Update curriculum each year and give industry-related syllabus”

We update the curriculum every year for pupils. Our syllabus is designed as per industry requirements. All the syllabus is reviewed by Board members in the academics.

What practices are offered by ISM Patna to the students to attain the necessary skills?

“Assignments, Projects and Group tasks are available to students”

Every student gets the opportunity to speak about a particular topic. We provide Assignments, Projects and Group tasks for them. They understand the matters easily through peer learning and collaboration.

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Any advice do you give for students to have a prosperous career? 

“Be positive, create confidence and engage yourself to learn skills”

It is essential to find an interesting area and check your skillset for a specific field. Make a correct plan and value the time. Students should create confidence and be positive. Take care of your mind, body and engage yourself in various activities.