Mukesh Kumar is working as an Assistant Professor at the International School of Management. His educational qualifications include MCA (SE), M.Sc (Applied Mathematics), M.Sc (MACS), PGDAC (C-DAC). Mr. Kumar has 10 years of teaching experience. 

ISM Patna

What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

“To assist them academically for their growth and development”

My basic responsibilities towards my students are to schedule, organize, coordinate and monitor lectures and practicals for them. I also need to ensure that the syllabus gets completed on time. Along with all these, I need to prepare a lecture plan and course materials and share them with students. From time to time, I keep encouraging students to participate in co-curricular activities. After exams, I evaluate their performance, advise and assist them in their project works.

What do you see as your college’s greatest strengths?

“Our perspective to achieve our goal makes us strong”

Our strength is our vision and mission to impart the best education and make our students responsible citizens. Along with this, we also enforce curiosity, creativity, imagination, critical thinking, time management, delayed gratification and impulse control. 

What are the approaches you bring in apart from curriculum to teach students?

“I use audio-visual methods to strengthen their concepts”

I allow cooperative learning during classroom teaching and also outside the classroom. I ensure that they are utilizing technology. And along with this, I use PowerPoint presentations and with the help of graphs, charts, 3D diagrams to make them understand the concepts in a better and more practical manner. 

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How does the department enhance the skills of the faculty as per industry standards?

“FDP offers various kinds of training and courses to enhance their skills”

Faculty Development Program is the most vital tool that we use to enhance the skills of our faculty. e-Course book is made of modules relating to Outcome-Based Education which monitors faculties' performance through regular assessment. These Modules let faculty keep track of the program outcomes (PO) and course outcomes(CO) with their mappings with Program Educational Objectives(PEO).

What models do you use during classroom teaching?

“I use numerous mathematical models”

As far as mathematics is concerned, there are several mathematical model to solve the industry problem. Some are as follows:

  1. Model and solution problem 
  2. Industrial design problem 
  3. Industrial planning problem 
  4. Industrial scheduling problem 

When you joined this Institute, what was your vision?

“To help in the growth of institute through my contribution”

While joining this college, my vision was to bring the best business value for college through my hard work and skills. I continuously strive to be the world leader in management by collaboration and research as well as dissemination through the participative academic process.

What are the challenges you are facing to uplift the quality of education of your department?

“High college fee and rat race behind unnecessary courses are few challenges”

Some of the major issues which we are facing to uplift the education quality of our department are the huge increase in the costs of universities due to which our reach is getting reduced with students and our stakeholders. Second, the vast increase in federal student financial aid and intrusive federal regulation has caused the inflation in tuition price and has reduced a distinctive advantage of American universities. Third, much cheaper approaches to certify vocational competence are on the horizon that offers an existential threat to the lower end of the higher education market.

What extracurricular activities are organized in college to enhance the skills of the students?

“Apprenticeships, scholastic and physical games are conducted”

Our college does offer various extracurricular activities such as internships, various indoor and outdoor sports activities, academic activities to enhance the student's knowledge of subjects.

How do you help your student to cope with this competitive era?

“By ensuring their participation in competitions and celebrating their achievements”

I enforce the environment of positive competition, create varied lesson plans, offer rewards when they achieve their goals and make us proud. Because I believe that knowing your students help you to guide them in a better way and knowing their strength and weakness allows me to bring suitable opportunities for them. I give them tasks and assignments to make them learn the importance of teamwork.

How does your department prepare students for higher education?

“We conduct special classes which are assisted by industry experts”

To prepare our students, we organize various activities such as debates, discussions and presentations, to improve their analytical skills for analyzing academic progress. We also conduct guest lectures and arrange sessions for them to prepare for exams to get enrolled in post-graduation courses.

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How do you strategize and update the curriculum to make it befitting for the students?

“We include teachers, industry professionals and students while preparing it”

While drafting and updating our curriculum, we especially take into consideration our vision which is focused on preparing our students industry-ready in the best possible way by providing them all the basic amenities and best opportunities to learn and grow. We take suggestions of industry experts, our faculty members and students as well to get an overview of what exactly the industry is expecting from us and where we need to upgrade ourselves. 

How do you bring in practical and industry-oriented subjects?

“With the help of case studies and practical exercises”

Mathematics is a subject characterized with abstraction. A theoretical approach to teaching and assessment is often adopted with the lecture method in most cases resulting in poor learning outcomes. Hence to bring in a practical and Industry oriented approach, I take the help of the latest industry developments and various mathematical models to make them understand things in a deeper way. 

Any advice would you like to give to students for a prosperous career ahead? 

“Keep learning and upgrading yourself”

I would like to suggest my students that do internships and make the best use of your skills. Grow your skills and knowledge, keep yourself up-to-date, stay focused and always pursue your passion.