Dr. Tripti Barthwal is the Director of Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management & Development Studies. She is a pragmatic leader who progresses by completing the task in hand and designing the strategy based on their outcomes. She believes in continuous development of the institute which impacts the growth of individuals as well. Read here what she has to say in her interview.
What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?
“My team would be the best judge of my leadership style”
When I joined LBS in 1998, I had the good fortune of working under Prof. Sunil Kumar, Founder, LBS Group of Institutions & observing his style from closed quarters. He had a very democratic approach to working & could charge the most stressed or dull employee. He was very accessible & open to discussions even on ideas proposed by him. Like him, I also believe in the power of teamwork, positive motivation, transparency & hierarchy of images rather that of people.
In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?
“We focus on experiential learning for students to acquire maximum potential”
The pattern of education may be quite different, but the basic concepts, principles & theories remain the same, whether here or overseas. An inbound student, like any other student of ours, will get an environment which emphasises not only on classroom teaching but a significant portion of which is about experiential learning in the form of workshops, internships, site visits, role plays, case discussions, etc. He/She gets an opportunity to customise his/her skills according to the sector of his/her choice because we have strong liaison with the industry & we have professionals who mentor our students.
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Any insights into how your institute could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?
“We are always unbiased when it comes to treating each student studying at our institution”
We have always been unbiased & open to all students irrespective of their caste, religion, ethnicity & economic background. We treat all of them as equal by creating a sense of identity & belongingness concerning LBSIMDS. We generate in them a sense of pride because of the rich legacy & strong alumni base of their institution & thus, their personal differences tend to fade away. I always tell my students that I give prime importance to their sincerity & hard work & not their family or economic background & for that matter even intelligence because these are things they were born with & have not earned them.
What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the Institute and the students are?
“It is my responsibility to live up to the expectations of the students”
I have a very competent & experienced team & that makes my role very easy. As I see it, my responsibility towards the institute is to ensure that we do not drift away from our vision & guiding principles of honesty, quality & excellence, irrespective of how good or bad the scenario is. For the students, it is my responsibility to continue the bond that we have established. I have to live up to the expectations with which they have joined LBSIMDS.
What do you think should be the Institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?
“We want to be the premier institute which offers the best guidance to the students”
The priority will continue to become the better version of yesterday. We always strive to improve the students' expectations in terms of studies and exposure and helping them with placements. We help groom their personality and intellect until they graduate from the institute. Our continuous drive to look for more opportunities and help our students carve their path for success is one aspect we want to keep improving.
“We want people, who take up academics as a choice & not as a compulsion, to join us & we give them all the encouragement, empowerment & opportunities for their academic growth.”
What do you see as Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management & Development Studies College’s greatest strengths?
“Our greatest strength lies in our ability to continuously improve the learning and teaching style”
- 38 years of experience in professional education, the foundation of the Group was based on honesty, integrity, humility, discipline & determination, the principles which Late Lal Bahadur Shastri ji espoused throughout his life.
- Highly qualified & experienced intellectual resource.
- Groomed more than 21000 professionals till date & a very strong alumni base, thus the results of our efforts are there before everyone.
- Return on Investment 200% in terms of the fees paid by the student & the benefits he/she receives in terms of academic input, practical exposure, placements & growth.
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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?
“Make wise decisions to not repent in later part of your life”
I want to advise them to make decisions regarding the choice of course & the institution very carefully. It is because they are standing at the threshold of their career & what they choose is not going to determine their next 4-5 years, but their entire life. They should select an institute based on its credibility, placements, exposure & the difference it can make in their life. In the long term, only these would matter rather than the location, building or infrastructure.