Mr. Rajesh Kumar Srivastava is presently working with GL Bajaj Institute of Management and Research, PGDM Institute as Head - Training & Placement. He has experience of more than 25 years and considers his occupation, not as a means of livelihood rather as a medium for shaping the future of our society. He firmly believes that youth when employed to their full capacity, contribute to their self-satisfaction, thus laying the strong foundation of growing India.


How would you describe your leadership style?

“To not be a commanding leader but to be a motivational and inspirational one”

I firmly believe that a leader is as successful as the team. He/she commands for I don't act like a leader and rather try to lead not via verbal inspirations rather through my actions. For actions imprint a deeper image in the minds of people than mere words. So my leadership style is the one that inspires the people from behind.

How has been your experience as a mentor for your students and colleagues?

“Have helped my students overcome the academic hurdles by enabling their communication skills”

I feel the best mentorship I have given to the students of my institution is guiding them to excel in their communication skills. For in the world of artificial intelligence and machine learning the act of efficiently communicating a thought holds great significance. Business administration or in general all the subjects based on substantive learnings rely heavily on presentation rather than execution. Hence with a good presentation, half of the battle is already won. I have found that the students I personally mentor can crack the most pressure-driven interviews with ease. There is no fear of miscommunication between my student and the interviewer.

How does the curriculum of the college ensure the best practice of the industry?

“By facilitating Industry-Institutional collaboration as it is the most essential feature in today’s curriculum”

As far as GLBIMR is concerned, various efforts are taken by all, in general, to coordinate as much as possible to the present trends of industries. We do this by ensuring a regular exchange with industries and inviting dignitaries from various industries. These include active recruiters as well. behind the success of any institution the neglect of which is catastrophic.

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What is the key to success while communicating with people?

Communication is all about the transfer of ideas and is not restricted to a language”

I through my varied experience, have come to realize that the most crucial aspect in communication is that what one tries to convey is being understood as it is by the listener. To achieve this speaker doesn’t need to be a great orator or exceptional in English. People who wish to improve their communication should do try to listen to themselves via their own recorded videos to understand the fallacies in their speech.

Tell me how you organize plan and priorities your work?

Organizing depends on prioritizing the work based on its impact on the number of people”

I feel that the jobs having the greatest impact on the greatest number of people should be looked into as soon as possible. I believe hampering such crucial work is going to impede the workflow of the largest number of people. I generally look into such works at the beginning of the day when I am at my best both physically and mentally.

What would you like the people to know about your institution that they may not already know?

We are guided by the sole purpose of fulfilling the academic & careers expectations of our students”

GLBIMR, not most people know, is a value-driven institution where the future of the student holds the highest priority. All the staff members have been given strict instructions by our founder to try to understand the needs and aspirations of the students. We, at GLBIMR, aim to fulfill the aspirations of the students. 

What do you see as college’s greatest strength?

“Excellent faculty, infrastructure, strong placement cell coupled with the talented group of students”

I feel that the strength of our college lies in a highly qualified teaching faculty, a well-informed and hardworking placement team. Our noble and good-willed founder has helped us provide an excellent infrastructure that allows freedom of thought. Last but not least, we boast of a great peer atmosphere.

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What are some of the biggest challenges you see for higher education?

Trying to incorporate the latest technology to support the aspirations of the new generations”

The new focus on specialization, which departs from the idea of generality and centers on specificity is a complicated domain. For instance, focused courses have come up in advance machine learning and logistics management departing from the generalist ideas of traditional MBAs.

The educational Institutions also suffer from similar issues wherein they find it difficult to bring in professionals, who have onsite practical experience in these emerging fields of studies. Educational Institutions need to be in a constantly evolving state.