Dr Shabana Memon is a professor, teaching MBA/ BBA program from past 17 years at Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Institute of Management, Kolhapur. She has been Awarded ‘The Entrepreneurship Educator’ By Stanford University’s Technology Program (STVP).USA in collaboration with National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN). She is a Guest Faculty on the panel of Maharashtra Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (MCED). A Guest Faculty on the panel of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) for MCS and Orientation batch. Mentor on the panel of Bharatiya Yuva Shakti Trust (BYST) which supports Entrepreneurship Development and also a life member of Business Ethics foundation, Pune.

Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University of Management Kolhapur

You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

Yes, I am lucky to be associated and connected with the education sector. Education is all about taking forward the development and progress of future generations, whom I always say are responsible citizens of India. It is my passion to teach and contribute my learning to the students, this makes teaching a rewarding field to work in. These young minds always keep us young and abreast with the latest trends, they infuse energy in us. My zeal to enhance their learning and motivate them to achieve success is what makes me stand out in the education sector.

Being the Chairman/ President/VC/Professor of XYZ College/University, what is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

"I believe that leadership is a privilege and it comes with the responsibility to inspire others, empower them and motivate them to attain their objective"

Be it in the workplace or their life. So my style of leadership is to direct and collaborate with my team by delegating tasks, leading by example and making sure they know I am concerned about them. Ultimately I would say one's own personal leadership philosophy is determined by his/her character and beliefs.

How does the curriculum of XYZ College/University ensure the best practice of industry?

We at Bharati Vidyapeeth have a grounding mix of theory and practical/ experiential learning for students. Regular update of syllabus is done to benchmark the globally acceptable qualification standards. Industry academia connect is in practice wherein industry people are on the panel for curriculum designing. The students join internships in industry and are absorbed there for their final placements.

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What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

"I think perhaps the biggest change we can expect to see in future, is that we need to be more student centric"

Each student is allowed to take charge of his own career by choosing his own modules and mode of learning, whether it is on campus or online. Choice based education I mean to say, which our university is already following. Secondly we need to stress more on vocational and entrepreneurial education, as the need for India today is job creators and not job seekers. Industry academia needs to be strengthened more to expose students to the practical world.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

"You are unique in the way you are"

Yes a few suggestions-like Be Self-Disciplined, determined towards studies or any work assigned to them, Punctual, Team player, Confident, Responsible, work on problem-solving, share ideas and build on learning experiences together. 

You are luckier than you think, just believe in yourself and everything will come to you at the right time. Don't lose hope, believe that nothing can stop you from what you wish to achieve.

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How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your institute/ university?

Every student deserves a healthy and safe place to learn, grow and develop. Healthy environment nurtures healthy children. I would as always provide students an opportunity to learn, evolve and flourish as responsible citizens/ individuals. I aim at Building Positive Relationships Through Communication, Peer Interaction, Foster Group Learning, Learning to understand and appreciate the views of others, Establishing and maintaining positive relationships, Making responsible decisions and staying Connected with Students.