Dr. Priyamvada Yaduvanshi has been working as the Head of English Department at Alankar Mahila P.G. Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur, Rajasthan. She has done B. Sc. in Science, B. Ed., Post Graduation in English Literature and PhD as part of her academics. She has an amazing 10+ years of experience in the education sector. She has also presented 1 research paper in a national seminar and 1 in an international conference. She is also of a very friendly nature, believes in teamwork, is an enthusiastic person to learn new things and has knowledge of computers and its programs.

Alankar PG Girls College

Being the HOD, what are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

"I am responsible to supervise and monitor department activities and students performance"

Being the Head of the Department, I look forward to enhancing the subject knowledge of my students by providing them with the finest education, training and internships. And I am also responsible to prepare them for their bright future by guiding them from time to time whenever they get stuck somewhere be it in planning for placement or for higher education. Lastly, ensuring that department activities are compliance and in line with today's time industry demands also comes under the ambiance of my responsibilities. 

How do you establish health relations with the students and fellow faculty?

"By being a good listener, communicator and trustworthy person and friend for them"

To maintain a healthy relationship with my students and colleagues, I interact with them on a regular basis and have provided them with a transparent and trustworthy communication environment so that they can discuss their issues and queries with me without any hesitation. 

How do you introduce a practical and industry oriented approach towards subjects?

"By conducting activities to help them showcase their talents and skills"

We keep organising various activities to give a suitable platform to our students through which they can utilize their knowledge and skills and polish their communication skills while interacting with us and faculty from outside colleges. And my main objective remains to promote the learning beyond conventional lecture, hence I regularly assign assignments and presentations to my students.

How do you strategize and update the curriculum to make it befitting for the students?

"Our curriculum is designed by University of Rajasthan but updates are made in it regularly"

We follow the curriculum designed by the University of Rajasthan which we are affiliated to as well. And we regularly keep us updated about the latest industrial and academic trends and developments to deliver the best quality education to students. In addition to this, after taking suggestions from industry experts and approval from University people, we do the necessary changes of including new subjects in the curriculum or removing the old one from time to time.

What are your views on the placements of students from your department?

"English as a subject offers tremendous working opportunities in outside world"

I firmly believe that English is totally a job oriented subject and students have ample scopes in the outside world and they can not only work as academicians but can also become Translators, Editor or go for Journalism and many front and back office jobs. 

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How do you prepare your students to deal with the outside competitive world?

"By encouraging them to believe in their capabilities and supporting them to upskill themselves"

For the purpose of preparing our students for the competitive corporate world, I motivate them regularly not to compare their individuality with anyone as they are amazing and unique in their own way. And I have also created such an environment of empathy and respect in classrooms which can foster participative learning and where students help each other to grow, so that everyone can work dedicatedly to achieve their goals. 

Which extracurricular activities are organized by college to enhance the skills of students?

"Activities and events like quizzes, writing competition, debates and GD are organized in college"

We truly appreciate and understand the importance of co-curricular activities in students' lives because these activities make them physically and mentally strong. Hence, group discussions, literary quiz, vocabulary exercises, creative writing competition, debates, extempore and guest lectures are regularly organized by us. And we also take students for yearly visits to literature fests.

What challenges are you facing to uplift the education quality of your department?

"Lack of students interest towards their studies and personality development is a major issue"

Currently, one of the major roadblock in front of us is the discontinued involvement and lack of interest towards their studies and overall personality development. Also, they didn't understand that good communication skills are a must to present themselves in the outside world. In addition to this, their random excuses for not involving themselves in college extracurricular activities and lack of team are other issues we need to tackle immediately. 

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What approaches do you bring in apart from the curriculum to teach the students?

"Their performance is monitored regularly and extra classes are conducted whenever required"

I continually monitor the progress of my students through various extracurricular activities. In addition to this, extra academic sessions and training programs are organized by us to supplement their knowledge and enhance their skills.