Dr. S.K. Gupta is the Director at Shri Ram College of Engineering and Management. He holds M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees from the reputed indian institutes. He has an experience of 20 years working as a Principal in various PG colleges. He has published a total of 52 research papers and 8 books. He is also an active member of LMIAPT (India) MAS (USA) MMS (USA) MIOP (UK) etc. 


What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Education is the only field where you sharpen the child throughout and make him a civilized citizen”

Education is the sector where you have satisfaction to make a career of a person. Passion for teaching and playing an important role in the journey of one’s life, helping and motivating them towards their goal gives me immense pleasure. These things are possible only in a teaching career.

Being the Director, what is your philosophy of leadership and How would you describe your leadership style?

“Take out the best of a person and where somebody lacks, guide him to overcome his/her shortcomings”

I never ignore anyone and try to maintain a personal touch. For me everyone is important and plays an important role in the successful operation of the institute. I am always available to my students and staff for any help.

How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of SRCEM?

“Pass out students are the best ambassadors of marketing”

Give quality that is the only way for long term marketing. Sincerity and faithfulness show the path of success. We believe in imparting quality education and that is our investment for the marketing. As word of mouth is much more valuable than the hoardings and posters on the walls.

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According to you, what can an inbound student gain from studying in SRCEM?

“We try to bridge the gap between the theoretical and practical knowledge of the student”

In India we are mainly following the British System. The other system is American which is being followed by most European countries. But I feel that the basic knowledge system in India is perfect. The system followed in India is kind of encouraging theoretical knowledge and lacks practical knowledge. We have already started working in the direction of filling this gap in theoretical and practical knowledge. 

How does the curriculum of your institute ensure the best practice of industry?

“We follow the A.I.C.T.E and the university-specific curriculum”

We add our courses so as to make the student fit for the demand of the industry. We have signed MOUs with many industries and the Faridabad Industrial Association. Where we send our students for training during Summer and Semester break. Preparing them for future industry needs and to be able to apply their knowledge to the industry, we keep them connected to the industries through various training programmes.

Any insights into how SRCEM could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

"Our college promotes equality and diversity in the classroom"

We follow the Govt. of India directions. In addition, we offer almost free education to Girls/economically poor/meritorious and deserving students. S.C/B.C/S.T/Scholarships are given. We have students from all over India eg. North East, South/J&K/and all states of India and from Nepal and Bhutan. Promoting equality and diversity in education is essential for both teachers and students. 

What are your roles and responsibilities to the Institute and the students?

"I do not shirk my duties and am always on the forefront"

I feel my responsibilities to the students and the institute is not limited to any particular area but all over. I give my best and my institute does not feel lacking anywhere. I try to provide every possible help and guidance to my students and my staff. Providing a student-friendly environment in the institution and everyone is encouraged to give their suggestions. 

What do you think should be the SRCEM's top priority over the next 10 years?

"Not only for 10 years, but for all the time Shine India"

India is a growing country and we have to make it number one in all the fields in the world. Main Focus is to create a Research and Innovation environment in the students and peers. To keep on contributing to the nation’s progress by nurturing future generations in modern technology and management skills.

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What would you like people to know about SRCEM that they may not know?

"We focus on holistic development of a student"

When a student joins an institute, he/she and his/her parents have one dream that when his ward comes out of the institute, he/she should have a good degree with high percentage (%) marks and with an appointment letter or capable of managing his/her own enterprise. He/She should have a Skill/Good Communication/Good Personality and moreover Good Citizen and fit for any eventuality which we see that all these qualities are inculcated in our students.