Dr G Uma Gowri is presently working as the Principal at Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engineering, Chennai. With a key research area in Cloning Effects, he has several years of work experience as a Professor and academic administrator at various institutes across India. Also, he has conducted and participated in many national and international conferences worldwide.

Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engineering

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Passion for learning and leading”

My passion towards teaching and the urge of transferring my knowledge to students keeps me connected with the education sector. I like taking leads in prominent missions for achieving best results and outcomes. Also, eminent personalities in the education sector are a motivation to regularly update knowledge and take it forward for the benefit of students. 

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

“Hands-on training and latest knowledge with industry partners”

With the changing needs and market requirements, agencies like NAAC and AICTE, are emphasising on industrial training. Our institute is located near Oragadam which is the largest industrial belt of Chennai, so we take the students to nearby industries and show them how the system works. We try to bridge the gap between industries and students. We offer hands-on experience with help of internships and industrial training. Also, we have several sets of excellence like 3D printing labs and have tied up with companies like Godrej and Honda, who visit our campus to teach the students about working of various equipment and machinery. We also provide admissions to foreign students, each year around 25 seats are allocated to the foreign community. 

What do you think of your roles and responsibilities to the students?

“Maintaining good academic system and environment”

I play an intermediate role between faculty, industry people and students. I see to it that every access is going to students seamlessly, and the delivery of both industry and academic exposure is provided at the right time. We want all the students to be happy and simultaneously we prepare them industry ready. We are open to every student, and provide equal opportunity to any inbound student. 

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What do you think should be the college’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Establishing centres of excellence for practical knowledge”

We have ideas to build a few more Centres of Excellence (COE), currently we have 5 COEs. Our dream is to build at least 10 COE in various domains. We are also planning to set up labs funded by IBM, Oracle, Apple and other top MNCs. We have trending courses like AI, Data Science and Robotics. In order to provide enough exposure to the students in these courses, we aspire to build labs in our campus through which our students can gain hands-on experiences.

How do you tend to establish a healthy environment in your college?

“Regular communication and assistance to students and staff”

We take care of our faculties and students at the fullest. We interact with students and take feedback in case there is some issue. Our management is grateful and responsive. It also provides ODs and financial assistance if a faculty or student is attending any international conferences, seminars, etc.

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth?

“Handle the gadgets and resources wisely”

According to me, the current youth are more intelligent and ambitious. They must use their resources wisely and gather information from various sources. If they can make use of the available information correctly and reduce the distractions, then they could make wonders.