TANCET Exam Pattern 2023 varies based on the course that you choose to appear for. As per TANCET Exam Pattern for MBA, the paper comprises 100 questions from 5 sections- Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Aptitude, Business Analysis, Data Sufficiency, and English Usage. Check TANCET 2023 Syllabus.
- As per TANCET exam pattern 2023 for MCA, there will be 100 questions divided into 4 sections- Analytical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Quant, and Computer Awareness.
- TANCET 2023 Exam pattern for M.E/M.Tech/ M.Arch/M.Plan provides for 115 questions divided into 3 parts:
- Part I- Engineering Mathematics (20 questions)
- Part II- Basic Engg. and Sciences (35 questions)
- Part III- For different disciplines (60 questions)
TANCET 2023 exam duration is 2 hours. All questions are MCQs each having 4 options to choose from. As per TANCET marking scheme, every right answer will get you 1 mark and every wrong answer will cost you 1/3 mark. It is advised to start preparing early and must read TANCET exam preparation strategy and books.
Table of Contents |
TANCET Exam Pattern 2023 Highlights
The major highlights of TANCET Exam Pattern 2023 are provided below for easy reference:
- TANCET 2023 examination: February 26, 2023 for MBA, and February 25, 2023 MCA and M.E./ M.Tech/ M.Arch/ M.Plan
- Duration of exam: 120 minutes
- Number of questions: 100 in MBA and MCA; 115 in M.E./ M.Tech/ M.Arch/ M.Plan
- Exam Total Marks: 100
- Language of paper: English
- Number of answer choices : 4 (MCQ)
- Mode of examination: Offline or Pen-paper mode
- TANCET Marking scheme: +1 marks for correct answer, ⅓ mark for wrong answer
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TANCET Exam Pattern 2023 for MBA
TANCET 2023 Exam Pattern for MBA courses would be divided into five sections, which evaluates the candidates on the following skills:
- Candidate’s ability to identify data and apply the data to business decisions from given typical business situations.
- The skill of candidates in answering questions based on given passages.
- Candidate’s mathematical skills learned at the graduate level, plus two or equivalent level.
- Test on determining data sufficiency for answering certain questions using the given data.
- Knowledge of written English with questions on errors in usage, grammar, punctuation, etc.
- For details about the syllabus, please visit MBA TANCET Syllabus.
Below given are the sectional details of TANCET MBA Question Paper Pattern 2023:
Subject | No. of Questions |
Business Situation Analysis | 20 |
Data Sufficiency | 20 |
Reading Comprehension | 20 |
Quantitative Ability | 20 |
English Usage | 20 |
Total Number of Questions | 100 |
TANCET Exam Pattern 2023 for MCA
- This paper examines the aspirant’s capability regarding admission into the MCA course.
- TANCET 2023 Exam Pattern for MCA courses consists of four different sections namely Quantitative Aptitude, Analytical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, and General Computer Awareness.
- There are only multiple-choice questions that make up the maximum marks of 100.
- There can be some questions from English and Basic Sciences, though it is less probable
- For details about the syllabus, please visit MBA TANCET Syllabus for MCA 2023.
The table below shows the sectional details of TANCET Exam Pattern 2023 MCA paper:
Subject | No. of Questions |
Quantitative Ability | 25 |
Analytical Reasoning | 25 |
Logical Reasoning | 25 |
Computer Awareness | 25 |
Total Number of Questions | 100 |
TANCET Exam Pattern 2023 for M.Tech/M.E/M.Arch./M.Plan
TANCET 2023 exam pattern for M.Tech or M.Arch and other technical courses decides whether the candidate is eligible for admission to the state colleges of Tamil Nadu. The Question Paper comprises three parts.
- Part I and Part II are mandatory for the applicants while they have to choose the subject for Part III at the time of registration.
- Part III is chosen according to the course the candidate wants to pursue.
- For details about the syllabus, please visit TANCET Syllabus 2023.
The table below shows the sectional details of TANCET exam pattern 2023 for M.tech/M.E/M.Arch.:
Subject | No. of Questions | Total Marks |
Engineering Mathematics | 20 | 20 |
Basic Engineering and Sciences | 35 | 20 |
Part III (as per specialization) | 60 | 60 |
Total Number of Questions | 115 | 100 |
TANCET 2023 Marking Scheme
There are different papers for different courses in the state level exam but a similar marking scheme is followed in all tests. Let’s have a look into the marking scheme of this exam:
- TANCET 2023 question paper is for a total 100 marks.
- Each question carries 1 mark.
- Candidates lose 1/3 marks for every incorrect response.
- If a student marks more than one option in a single question in TANCET 2023, it is counted as wrong and negative marking is done.
- Questions left unanswered are ignored while checking the OMR. No marks are given/ deducted for such questions.
Check TANCET 2023 Passing Marks
TANCET 2023 Preparation Books
TANCET 2023 MBA Books
Book Name | Author/ Publisher |
TANCET MBA Exam Book | E.S. Ramasamy |
TANCET MBA (Anna University) | V V K Subburaj |
A Comprehensive Study of Data Interpretation Analysis and Sufficiency | Ashok Gupta |
TANCET 2023 MCA Books
Book Name | Author/ Publisher |
A Complete Package for MCA Entrance Guide | Amit M Agarwal |
Popular Master Guide MCA Entrance examination | R Gupta |
TANCET MCA Exam Book | V.V.K. Subburaj |
TANCET 2023 M.Tech/M.Arch/M.E/M.Plan. Books
Book Name | Author/ Publisher |
TANCET M.E/M.Tech Exam Book | C.S.Hariram Kumar, Janani, P.Vigneshwari |
TANCET M.E Entrance | M. Preshnave |
TANCET Question Papers | Sakshi Publications |
Check TANCET 2023 Preparation Books
Important Points to Remember for TANCET 2023
- Take your time and choose the correct/ most appropriate answer.
- Shading two boxes for one question will result in negative marking.
- Make sure to shade the box properly as the information is scanned and transferred by computer evaluation.
- TANCET Answer Sheets shaded in pencil or with any other ball pen other than black pen will not be evaluated.
- Make sure to keep your OMR sheet clean as even a small spot on the sheet may result in the wrong evaluation of TANCET Paper.
- Each question paper will have a unique serial number. Candidates must write and shade the serial number on the answer sheet in the appropriate box.
TANCET Exam Pattern 2023 FAQs
Ques. Is there any negative marking in TANCET 2023?
Ans. Anna University has defined the set marking scheme for the candidates to follow accordingly, as per the incorrect answer, ⅓ marks will be deducted from the candidates paper.
Ques. What are the important subjects we have to study for MBA Courses?
Ans. Each subject has equal weightage in TANCET exam, hence it is advised to devote equal time to prepare for all subjects included in TANCET 2023 syllabus for MBA:
Subject |
Business Situation Analysis |
Data Sufficiency |
Reading Comprehension |
Quantitative Ability |
English Usage |
Ques. What is the syllabus for MCA course in TANCET 2023?
Ans. The syllabus for MCA Course is given below in details:
Number Systems | LCM and HCF | Profit and Loss |
Interest (Simple and Compound) | Time and Work | Ratio and Proportion |
Linear Equations | Complex Numbers | Logarithm |
Number and Letter Series | Calendar Problems | Clock Problems |
Binary Logic | Logical Sequence | Logical Matching |
Syllogism | Blood Relations | Cubes |
Alphabet Series | Test of Direction | Coding-Decoding |
Number Ranking | Analogy | Decision Making |
Identical Grouping | Mirror Images | Relations |
Ques. I am not good in english. Can I give TANCET 2023 examination in my native language?
Ans. No, the university will conduct TANCET 2023 in the English language only.
Ques. How to use the OMR sheet in TANCET 2023?
Ans. The student should not cut the OMR sheet in TANCET 2023 or draw lines as it will lead to cancellation of the paper. The candidate is advised to use a pencil to mark the answers first then during the final hour fill it with a pen.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.