TANCET Counselling 2023: Dates, Registration, Documents, Rank List, Seat Allotment

TANCET Counselling 2023: TANCET 2023 Counselling is going to start 2-3 weeks after the declaration of the results. The authorities have yet to release the detailed schedule for TANCET 2023. 

Direct Link for TANCET 2023 Counselling – Soon

TANCET Counselling 2023 includes online registration on tn-mbamca.com, online certificate submission and verification at GCT, declaration of TANCET Rank List 2023, choice filling and locking, and seat allotment. TANCET Rank List 2023 will be published by DTE Chennai at tn-mbamca.com. 

TANCET (now CEETA PG) counselling 2023 for M.E/ M.Tech/ M.Arch/ M.Plan will be conducted based on the rank lists prepared by the authority for GATE Category and TANCET Category. Candidates with a valid TANCET 2023 score and/or GATE 2021, 2022, or 2023 score can appear for TANCA counselling. Check TANCET 2023 College Predictor

Counselling Dates 2023

TANCET MBA Counselling 2023 Dates

Events Dates
Declaration of TANCET Result 2023 (Out) April 14, 2023
Counselling Registration Begins To be announced
Last Date of Registration and Uploading of Certificates To be announced
Release of Rank List  To be announced
Payment and Choice Filling To be announced
Publication of Tentative Allotment To be announced
Confirmation of Tentative Allotment To be announced
Publication of Provisional Allotment To be announced
Supplementary Counselling for MBA To be announced
Supplementary Counselling for MCA To be announced
SCA to SC Counselling To be announced

TANCET MCA Counselling 2023 Dates

Event Date
Release of Rank List  To be announced
Payment and Choice Filling To be announced
Publication of Tentative Allotment To be announced
Confirmation of Tentative Allotment To be announced
Publication of Provisional Allotment To be announced
Supplementary Counselling for MBA To be announced
Supplementary Counselling for MCA To be announced
SCA to SC Counselling To be announced

TANCET 2023 MBA Counselling Process

TANCET 2023 MBA counselling process is online. The steps involved in TANCET MBA counselling process are explained below:

Online Registration: DTE, Tamil Nadu releases the online registration forms on the oficial website- tn-mbamca.com. TANCET counselling fee is INR 600 for UR category and INR 300 for SC/ ST/ SCA category.

Uploading documents and certificates online: Candidates need to upload the required certificates and documents for verification purposes. The documents to be uploaded include class 10th certificate, class 12th certificate, TANCET hall ticket, TANCET scorecard, graduation marksheet, provisional certificate/ degree, nativity certificate (if applicable), District Medical Board Certificate (for PwD candidates)

Release of TANCET Rank Lists: After the verification of all the uploaded documents, the authority will release TANCET rank lists for MBA and MCA separately. Based on the rank lists, candidates will be able to participate in the further TANCET counselling rounds. Given below are TANCET Rank Lists 2023:

Course TANCET Rank List PDF
MBA To be announced
MBA- Differently Abled To be announced
MCA To be announced
MCA- Differently Abled To be announced

Choice Filling and Locking: Candidates with their names in the rank lists have to fill and lock in their choices of colleges for seat allotment.

Seat Allotment: Based on the ranks and the choices filled by the candidates, the counselling authority will allot seats in the respective colleges. The seat allotment result is released in the form of a PDF for MBA and MCA separately.

Check TANCET Score Accepting Colleges

Counselling Eligibility

TANCET 2023 Counselling for M.E/ M.Tech/ M.Arch/ M.Plan

TANCET (CEETA PG) Counselling for M.E/ M.Tech/ M.Arch/ M.Plan will be conducted as TANCA counselling by Anna University. The details of eligibility, process, fees, and more are provided below for your reference.

TANCA Counselling 2023 for GATE Category: Important Dates

Events Dates
TANCA Counselling Registration Begins To be announced
TANCA Counselling Registration Ends

To be announced

Release of TANCA Rank List

To be announced

Grievance Redressal To be announced
Payment of Initial Deposit To be announced
Choice Filling and Locking To be announced
Publication of Tentative Allotment To be announced
Confirmation of Tentative Allotment To be announced
Provisional Allotment To be announced
Date of Joining To be announced

TANCA Counselling 2023 for TANCET Category: Important Dates

Events Dates
Release of TANCA Rank List 

To be announced

Grievance Redressal To be announced
Payment of Initial Deposit To be announced
Choice Filling and Locking To be announced
Publication of Tentative Allotment To be announced
Confirmation of Tentative Allotment To be announced
Provisional Allotment for candidates who have opted for ‘Accept” To be announced
Date of Joining for candidates who have opted for “Accept” To be announced
Provisional Allotment for candidates who have opted for “Upward Movement” To be announced
Date of Joining for candidates who have opted for “Upward Movement” To be announced

TANCA Supplementary Counselling 2023 for TANCET Category: Important Dates

Events Dates
Registration To be announced
Release of TANCA Rank List  To be announced
Grievance Redressal To be announced
Payment of Initial Deposit To be announced
Choice Filling and Locking To be announced
Publication of Tentative Allotment To be announced
Confirmation of Tentative Allotment To be announced
Provisional Allotment  To be announced
Date of Joining  To be announced

SCA to SC TANCA Counselling 2023 for TANCET Category: Important Dates

Events Dates
Payment of Initial Deposit To be announced
Choice Filling and Locking To be announced
Publication of Tentative Allotment To be announced
Confirmation of Tentative Allotment To be announced
Provisional Allotment  To be announced
Date of Joining To be announced

Who is Eligible for TANCA Counselling?

Candidates who have passed all the subjects in the recognised Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent field and obtained at least 50 % (45 % in the case of candidates belonging to reserved categories) in the qualifying degree examination as per AICTE norms are eligible.

Further, the candidates shall possess any of the following: 

  • TANCET 2023 marks
  • GATE 2021 / 2022 / 2023 qualified score in the appropriate discipline of Engineering / Technology 
  • GATE 2021 / 2022 / 2023 qualified score in Engineering Science (XE) and Life Science (XL) papers along with TANCET 2023 marks.

Counselling Registration

How to Register for TANCA Counselling 2023?

Applications have to be registered separately for each category GATE – Engineering / Technology, GATE – Engineering Science (XE) and Life Science (XL) / TANCET / Sponsored. Candidates other than GATE (Engineering / Technology) category must have appeared for TANCET 2023. Candidates must have eligible qualification for admission. Candidates have to follow below-mentioned steps to register:

  • Candidates have to register through online mode only at the Web portal.
  • Candidates have to enter valid and active mobile number and email ID as all the communication to them will be sent only to this registered email id and mobile number.
  • Enter details such as Marks, Percentage of Marks, Year of Passing, Board / Institute details, Category and other relevant details.
  • Candidates are required to upload their photograph as per the specifications given in the guidelines.
  • After entering all the details, choose the save/submit button.
  • Preview the filled forms once and make any changes, if required, as any discrepancy can get the application rejected.
  • Finally, click submit and save button and move to online fee payment.

TANCA Registration Fees

  • Candidates have to pay the application fees of INR 500 for General category and INR 250 for SC/SCA/ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu.
  • A candidate applying for more than one category has to pay INR 500 (INR 250 for SC/SCA/ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu) for each additional category.

Documents Required for Counselling

Documents Required for TANCA Counselling 2023

  • Candidates have to upload scanned images of the following documents while registering for TANCA counselling: 
  • X Std. Mark Sheet
  • XII Std. Mark Sheet or Diploma (3 years) Certificate
  • Qualifying Degree certificate, provisional certificate and mark sheets of all semesters or Consolidated mark sheet.(Copy of both sides should be uploaded)
  • Transfer certificate from the institution last studied
  • Valid GATE 2021 / 2022 / 2023 scorecard for GATE (Engineering / Technology) category
  • Valid GATE 2021 / 2022 / 2023 scorecard and TANCET 2023 hall ticket for GATE (Engineering Science-XE / Life Science -XL) category
  • TANCET 2023 Hall Ticket for TANCET category and for Sponsored full-time category
  • ‘Permanent Community Certificate’ in card format or electronic form / digitally signed e-Certificate in the case of BC, BC Muslim, MBC / DNC & SC/SC(Arunthathiyars)/ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu.
  • Certificate of Disability for Differently Abled Person (if applicable)
  • Nativity Certificate only in electronic form / digitally signed e-Certificate. (if applicable)
  • Copy of identification certificate obtained from the HeadQuarters Tahsildar or Visa, Passport and letter registered in Police Station (For Srilankan Refugee candidates)
  • Experience Certificate (if applicable).

Registration for Sponsored Category

Sponsored Category gets Admission only in University Departments of Anna University, Chennai. 


A limited number of unfilled GATE seats (Full-Time mode) is available after GATE Counselling will be considered under sponsored Full-Time Category for the candidates employed and sponsored by the Government / Government Organisations / Government Aided Educational Institutions under sponsored category in the University Departments of Anna University, Chennai i.e. (College of Engineering Guindy, A.C. College of Technology, School of Architecture & Planning and Madras Institute of Technology Campuses).

Sponsored Registered Professional Architects with a minimum of five years of professional experience will be considered for admission to M.Arch. degree programme under Sponsored Category at University Department, School of Architecture & Planning, Anna University, Chennai - 25. 

All the candidates under sponsored category should have appeared in TANCET 2023. 


The candidates admitted under sponsored category in the University Departments of Anna University, Chennai shall satisfy the conditions given below:

Candidates shall

  • Be deputed with full pay and allowances during the period of study. 
  • Have obtained at least 50 % marks in aggregate in the qualifying degree examination. 
  • Have a minimum of two years of full-time experience in the relevant field of the programme to which admission is sought after passing the qualifying degree.

How to Apply in Sponsored Category?

The candidates who intend to apply for seats under the sponsored category should 

  • have appeared in TANCET 2023
  • apply through Online in the web portal.
  • take a print out of the filled-in online application.
  • send the filled – in application through proper channel with necessary documents enclosed to one of the following addresses based on the choice of college
Name of the College Send Application to
University Departments of Anna University, Chennai –600 025 The Director (Admissions), Anna University, Chennai – 600 025
Government Engineering Colleges The Principal, Government College of Technology, Thadagam Road, Coimbatore – 641 013
Government Aided Engineering College The Principals of Colleges Concerned

Counselling 2023

TANCET Counselling 2023

Seats will be allotted through counselling only. More number of candidates than the actual number of seats available will be called for counselling. Candidates are advised to check the seats available in the web portal.

  • Admission will be offered depending upon the seats available based on the merit of the candidates who attend counselling as per the reservation norms of Government of Tamil Nadu and others cannot claim any right for admission.
  • A candidate can get allotment for one programme only.  
  • Candidates should download the Call Letter, only from Anna University web portal by entering their TANCA application number, Name and Date of Birth.
  • Candidates should attend the counselling at their own cost with all the original certificates.
  • At the time of counselling, the candidates have to pay Rs. 5,300/- (Rs. 1,150/- for SC / SCA / ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu) in the form of a Demand Draft, which includes a non-refundable fee of Rs. 300/-towards counselling fee (Rs.150/- for SC/SCA/ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu) and attend the counselling with all the original certificates. The Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of “The Secretary, TANCA, Anna University” payable at Chennai.
  • Once a seat is allotted, the amount of Rs.5,000/- for general category or Rs.1,000/- for SC/SCA/ST candidates already paid at the time of counselling will be adjusted towards the tuition fee to be paid to the respective allotted college.

Merit List Preparation

TANCET Rank List 2023 Preparation

For admissions into courses viz. M.Tech/ M.E/ M.Arch/ M.Plan, TANCA creates 3 separate TANCET Rank Lists considering counselling in three categories:

GATE category

GATE (Engineering / Technology): The merit list will be prepared based on GATE score in the appropriate discipline of Engineering / Technology.

GATE (Engineering Sciences ( XE ) / Life Sciences ( XL ) category: The merit list will be prepared based on GATE score in Engineering Science (XE) and Life Science ( XL ) papers and TANCET 2021 MARK with a weightage of 70:30. A common merit list will be prepared for GATE (Engineering / Technology) and GATE (Engineering Sciences ( XE ) / Life Sciences ( XL ) category

TANCET category

The merit list will be prepared based on the marks obtained in TANCET 2023.

Sponsored category

  • The merit list will be prepared based on the marks obtained in TANCET exam 2023 (Admission only in University Departments of Anna University, Chennai-25).
  • Inter-se-merit: When more than one candidate has got the same marks in TANCET 2023, the candidate having a higher average percentage of marks obtained in the qualifying degree examination will be placed in a higher rank in the merit list.
  • The merit list will be published in Anna University web portal.

Seat Allotment 2023

TANCET 2023 Seat Allotment

  • During TANCET Counselling, candidates will be asked to choose colleges along with their appropriate branches from the list of all the colleges affiliated to TANCET 2023.
  • Candidates are advised to stay informed about the college they are choosing during counselling.
  • Allotted seats to the candidate are subject to vacant seats in the college and common merit list prepared.
  • Candidates with better rank in the common merit list will be given preference over other candidates during allotment of seats.
  • Candidates can attend the second and even third counselling if he/she is not satisfied with the allotted college.
  • Candidates absent in the first phase of counselling or second phase of counselling will not be allowed to attend next and there on phases of TANCET Counselling 2023.
  • Colleges allocated in the last round will be considered final.

Frequently Asked Questions

TANCET Counselling 2023 FAQs

Ques. Can I edit the date and time of TANCET counselling?

Ans: No, Candidates cannot edit the date and time of TANCET Counselling. TANCET Counselling is conducted as per the schedule provided by the authorities.

Ques. Is it mandatory to have a provisional certificate during TANCET Counselling?

Ans: Yes, you need to have provisional certificate or degree of graduation during counselling. Apart from the provisional certificate, candidates also need to upload other documents like class 10th certificate, class 12th certificate, TANCET hall ticket, TANCET scorecard.

Ques. When will TANCET 2023 Counselling begin?

Ans. TANCET Counselling schedule for MBA/ MCA is released on the official website tn-mbamca.com. 

Ques. What is the MBA counselling procedure of TANCET 2023?

Ans. TANCET MBA Counselling procedure 2023 includes the following steps: Online Registration, Online Document Upload and Verification, Publication of Rank List, Downloading of Call Letter, Choice Filling and Counselling, and Seat Allotment.

Ques. How many Institutes/Colleges participate in TANCET Counselling?

Ans. There are more than 250 colleges in Tamil Nadu participating in TANCET Counselling. It includes all govt-aided and self-financing institutes.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Previous Year TANCET Questions

In case of any inaccuracy, Notify Us! 

Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


In case of any inaccuracy, Notify Us! 


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