TANCET Cut off 2023: Check Expected and Previous Year Cut off for Top MBA/ MCA Colleges

TANCET MBA Cut off marks for LIT Chennai were 85.016 for the open category and 35.339 for the SC category in the previous year. TANCET MCA Cut off marks for Madras Christian College, Chennai were 95.902 for the open category and 75.312 for SC category. You can check the college-wise previous year TANCET MBA/ MCA Cut off 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, and more in this article.

  • Candidates with names mentioned in the rank list are eligible to participate in TANCET 2023 counselling process conducted by DTE Chennai. Check TANCET 2023 Rank List
  • TANCET MBA/ MCA Cut off closing ranks are released by the authority after the counselling. Check TANCET 2023 counselling

Based on the scores obtained in TANCET 2023 exam, candidates can use TANCET 2023 College Predictor to predict their chances of admission to top colleges accepting TANCET 2023 scores.

TANCET Exapceted Cutoff 2023

TANCET MBA Cut off Marks 2023 (Expected)

TANCET Cut off 2023 will be based on various factors like the number of candidates who appeared for the exam, difficulty level of the paper, and the number of seats available.

TANCET Cut off Ranks 2023 (Expected)

The expected TANCET cut off ranks for MBA and the equivalent score range is tabulated below for your reference:

Score Obtained Expected TANCET Rank List
95-80 1-10
79-55 11-30
54-47 31-60
46-43 61-100
42-34 101-500
33-30 501-1000
30-27 1001-1500
27-25 1501-2000
25-23 2001-2500
23-22 2501-3000

TANCET MBA Cut off Marks 2021 for Top Colleges

Name of College General OBC SC/ST
Anna University, Chennai 99.412 98.703 96.608
PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore 99.312 98.225 88.292/71.597
University of Madras, Chennai 97874 96.608 93.563
Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Chennai 96.871 95.569 80.821
Thiagarajar School of Management, Madurai 95.763 93.563 58.718/21.022
Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore 94.955 91.516 50.365/63.952
D.D Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, Chennai 93.285 30.972 51.368
MOP Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai 92.592 85.924 79.309
Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore 90.429 86.329 74.279
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore 90.429 85.924 71.597
Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore 88.817 85924 14.228
Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Kanyakumari 87.384 - -
St. Joseph's College, Thiruchirappalli 87.384 75.665 25.106
Loyola Institute of Technology, Kanyakumari 85.016 79.309 35.339
Velammal Engineering College, Chennai 83.215 72.279 52.202

College-wise TANCET MBA Cut off Marks 2021

To check TANCET Cut off 2021 for all the MBA colleges, check the links in the table below:

Particulars College-wise Cut off List
TANCET MBA Cut off Marks 2021 Check Here
TANCET MBA Cut off Ranks 2021 Check Here

College-wise TANCET MBA Cut off Ranks 2021

TANCET MBA Cut off 2020 for Top Colleges

Name of College General OBC SC / ST
Anna University, Chennai 99.49 98.52 97874
PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore 99.011 97.758 86.676/82.134
University of Madras, Chennai 98.068 96.743 95.955/04.65
Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Chennai 95.742 92.453 79.207/29.659
Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore 94.889 80.648
MOP Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai 93.939 82.76 66.665
Thiagarajar School of Management, Madurai 93.758 80.267 70.399
Indira Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chennai 91.826 - -
D.D Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, Chennai 90.973 84932 73.385
Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode 90.973 - -
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore 87.678 76.667 51.79
Sri Krishna College of Enginering and Technology, Coimbatore 84.932 7404 38.044
St. Joseph's College, Thiruchirappalli 83.264 64.002 59.563,
‘The Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai 82.134 69.592 62.387
‘Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Kanyakumari 80 - -

College-wise TANCET MBA Cut off Marks 2020

To check TANCET Cut off 2020 for all the MBA colleges, check the links in the table below:

Particulars College-wise Cut off List
TANCET MBA Cut off Marks 2020 Check Here
TANCET MBA Cut off Ranks 2020 Check Here

College-wise TANCET MBA Cut off Ranks 2020

TANCET 2023 MCA Cut Off Marks and Ranks (Expected)

TANCET 2023 MCA Cut off will depend on the number of candidates appearing for the examination and the minimum score consideration by various institutions. TANCET MBA Cut off 2023 for top colleges will be released soon by the authorities. The scores obtained by candidates in TANCET 2023 decides the rank of the candidate. The table provided below mentions the expected ranks corresponding to the normalized scores obtained by them in TANCET MCA:

Scores Obtained Expected Ranks
73-55 1-10
55-50 11-30
50-47 31-60
47-44 61-100
44-36 101-500
36-32 501-1000
32-30 1001-1500
29-27 1501-2000
27-26 2001-2500
26-25 2501-3000

TANCET MCA Cut off 2021 for Top Colleges

Name of College General OBC SC/ST
Anna University, Chennai 99.19 98.056 86.751
PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore 99.271 98.024 80,004
Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai 97.83 96.161 30.488
Coimbatore Institute ofTechnology, Coimbatore 96.599 94.655 47214
Madras Christian College, Chennai 95.902 94.655 78312
University of Madras, Chennai 95.368 92.177 79.009
Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore 93.068 91.853 78312
D.D Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, Chennai 91.853 88.695 46.161
The American College, Madurai 80.585 79.009 -
Presidency College, Chennai 80.018 85.73 60.739
The Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai 87.123 80.807 43.456
SRM Arts and Science College, Kanchipuram 83.803 81.422 37.723
St. Joseph's College, Thiruchirappalli 83.803 68.141 22.704
Gurunanak College, Chennai 82.993 78312 6916
Sarah Tucker College for Women, Tirunelveli 81.422 - -

College-wise TANCET MCA Cut off Marks 2021

To check TANCET Cut off 2021 for all the MCA colleges, check the links in the table below:

Particulars College-wise Cut off List
TANCET MCA Cut off Marks 2021 Check Here
TANCET MCA Cut off Ranks 2021 Check Here

College-wise TANCET MCA Cut off Ranks 2021

TANCET MCA Cut off 2020

Name of College General OBC SC / ST
Anna University, Chennai 97.151 95.252 85.218
PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore 97.95 95.857 31.83
V.V.Vanniaperumal College for Women, Virudhunagar 91.929 - -
Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai 90.375 85.218 4359
Madras Christian College, Chennai 88.628 84.484 79.089
Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore 88.628 81.398 47.583 / 57.747
University of Madras, Chennai 87.074 80.621 34.42
Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore 81.765 77.169 -
D.D Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, Chennai 79.089 72.227 -
Presidency College, Chennai 74.04 59.625 18.537
The American College, Madurai 72.227 60.315 -
The Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai 69.465 46.073 -
PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigu! 69.465 49.461 60.315
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore 68.623 57.747 -
Sacred Heart College, Vellore 63.897 - -

College-wise TANCET MCA Cut off Marks 2020

To check TANCET Cut off 2020 for all the MCA colleges, check the links in the table below:

Particulars College-wise Cut off List
TANCET MCA Cut off Marks 2020 Check Here
TANCET MCA Cut off Ranks 2020 Check Here

College-wise TANCET MCA Cut off Ranks 2020

TANCET Cut off 2018 for Top MBA Colleges in Tamil Nadu

PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore 61.333 56.667 56.667 50 47.333 39 35.667
University Departments of Anna University - CEG, Chennai 64.667 58.333 57.333 53.333 51 56.667 40
University of Madras, Chepauk 54 51 48.333 47 43.333 42 35.333
Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Kancheepuram 55 51 48.667 43.667 42.667 37.667 35.333
University of Madras, Chepauk, 59 55.333 55.667 50.667 46.333 42.667 -
Thiagarajar School of Management(Co-Ed), Madurai 53.333 49 47.667 40.333 36.667 33.333 27.667
Kumaraguru College of Technology, Chinnavedampatti Post, Coimbatore 50.333 47.333 32.333 39.667 38.333 22 29.667
St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, OMR, Chennai 46 43.667 43 35.333 32 31.667 -
Easwari Engineering College, Ramapuram, Chennai 45.333 42.667 43.667 35.333 32.667 35.667 -
R M K Engineering College, Gummidipoondi, Thiruvallur 34.000 31.600 - 30.200 27.600 27.400 -

TANCET MCA Cutoff 2018

Given below is TANCET MCA Cut off 2018 (opening and closing ranks) for your reference:

Colleges Participating Cut-Off Marks for General Cut-Off Marks SC Cut-Off Marks ST
Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore Opening -106 95 92
Closing-89 56 44
SVS Educational Institutions, Coimbatore Opening-103 99 91
Closing-90 76 71
Asan Memorial College of Arts & Science, Chennai Opening-101- 78 -
Closing-89 67 61
Maharaja Prithvi Engineering College Opening-101 89 71
Closing-71 65 54
Sri Sarada Niketan College of Science for Women, Chennai Opening-100 91 86
Closing-81 51 49
Fatima College, Madurai Opening-99 89 82
Closing-78 61 57
Government Arts College, Tiruchirappalli Opening-108 95 92
Closing-89 67 61
Government Arts College for women, Pudukkottai Opening-107 99 95
Closing-92 69 62
Government College of Engineering Opening-105 92 89
Closing-79 67 61
Center for Distance Education – Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli Opening-104 91 189
Closing-81 65 63
University of Madras, Chennai Opening-101 89 85
Closing-78 59 51
Government Arts College for women, Pudukkottai Opening-102 88 84
Closing-71 65 51
Government Arts College, Tiruchirappalli Opening -99 85 82
Closing-67 56 50
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore Opening-88 79 67
Closing-67 58 48
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Affiliated to Deemed University Opening-99 88 76
Closing-67 59 52
V.S.B. Engineering College, Karur, affiliated to Anna University Opening-95 88 85
Closing-64 51 49
Avinashillingam University for Women, Coimbatore Opening-93 76 71
Closing-68 58 46
Rathnavel Subramaniam College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore Opening-90 80 78
Closing-66 54 51

How to Check TANCET Cut Off?

TANCET 2023 Cut Off for MBA/ MCA: How to Check?

The Cut Off for the TANCET Exam will be released on the official website of DTE Chennai- tn-mbamca.com. You can download the cut off by following these steps: 

  • Step 1: Visit the Official website of TANCET Counselling- tn-mbamca.com.
  • Step 2: Click on the link for ‘Cut off Links’.
  • Step 3: The college-wise and category-wise TANCET Cut off will be available in PDF File.
  • Step 4: Candidates can download and print the cut – off list.

TANCET Qualifying Marks through GATE

TANCET Qualifying Marks through GATE

For M.E/ M.Tech/ M.Plan admissions, TANCET has been replaced by CEETA PG this year. Candidates qualifying GATE with scores equal or more than the mentioned scores are eligible for stipend funded by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The table below mentions the minimum qualifying marks in GATE for each category to be eligible for the stipend funding:

Paper Code SC/SCA/ST (Candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu only) Tamil Nadu BC / BCM / MBC & DNC Others (OC) (irrespective of communities)
AE 17.68 23.87 26.52
AG 16.67 22.5 25
AR 30.11 40.65 45.17
BT 17.39 23.47 26.08
CE 16.67 22.5 25
CH 18.34 24.77 27.52
CS 16.67 22.5 25
CY 20.15 27.2 30.23
EC 16.67 22.5 25
EE 16.67 22.5 25
EY 25.72 34.73 38.59
GG 23.36 31.54 35.04
IN 16.96 22.9 25.45
MA 17.06 23.03 25.59
ME 21.82 29.46 32.73
MN 25 33.75 37.5
MT 39.65 53.53 59.47
PH 18.1 24.44 27.15
PI 17.88 24.14 26.82
TF 21.25 28.69 31.88
XE 19.66 26.54 29.49
XL 18.99 25.63 28.48

TANCET Cutoff for GATE 2017

Paper SC/SCA/ST (Tamil Nadu Candidates only) BC / BCM / MBC & DNC (Tamil Nadu Candidates only) Others (OC) (All communities)
AE 19.5 26.3 29.3
AG 16.6 22.5 25
AR 25.9 35 38.9
BT 18 24.3 27
CE 16.6 22.5 25
CH 22 29.7 33.1
CS 16.6 22.5 25
CY 19.4 26.1 29.1
EC 16.6 22.5 25
EE 16.7 22.5 25.1
EY 30.4 41.1 45.7
GG 21.8 29.4 32.7
IN 21 28.4 31.6
MA 16.6 22.5 25
ME 19.7 26.6 29.6
MN 21.8 29.5 32.8
MT 27.7 37.4 41.6
PE 26.6 36 40
PH 24.1 32.5 36.2
PI 17.5 23.7 26.4
TF 17.5 23.6 26.3
XE 17.9 24.2 26.9
XL 17.2 23.2 25.8

TANCET Cutoff for GATE 2016

Paper SC/SCA/ST (Tamil Nadu Candidates only) BC / BCM / MBC & DNC (Tamil Nadu Candidates only) Others (OC)
AE 17.68 23.87 26.52
AG 16.67 22.5 25
AR 30.11 40.65 45.17
BT 17.39 23.47 26.08
CE 16.67 22.5 25
CH 18.34 24.77 27.52
CS 16.67 22.5 25
CY 20.15 27.2 30.23
EC 16.67 22.5 25
EE 16.67 22.5 25
EY 25.72 34.73 38.59
GG 23.36 31.54 35.04
IN 16.96 22.9 25.45
MA 17.06 23.03 25.59
ME 21.82 29.46 32.73
MN 25 33.75 37.5
MT 39.65 53.53 59.47
PE - - -
PH 18.1 24.44 27.15
PI 17.88 24.14 26.82
TF 21.25 28.69 31.88
XE 19.66 26.54 29.49
XL 18.99 25.63 28.48

Factors Affecting TANCET 2023 Cut Off

Every year around 30000-40000 candidates appear for TANCET exam. Since the number of students attempting the exam is so high, it also becomes quite competitive and the cut offs are very high. However, there are a number of factors that affect the TANCET Cut Offs: 

  • Number of Students attempting TANCET 2023
  • Difficulty of TANCET 
  • Total vacancies in colleges affiliated to Anna University
  • Previous year cutoffs for the various branches

TANCET Alternatives

TANCET MBA Alternatives

Candidates appearing for TANCET exam can also check other top MBA exams listed below:

Name of Exam Link
CAT Check Here
XAT Check Here
MAT Check Here
SNAP Check Here
NMAT Check Here
GMAT Check Here


TANCET 2023 Cut off FAQs

Ques. What is the expected qualifying TANCET 2023 Cut off?

Ans. Based on the analysis of TANCET cut off trends of the last few years, candidates can expect TANCET 2023 qualifying cut off to be above 60 for OC, 40-45 for BC, 30+ for SC, and 20-25 for ST.

Ques. Does Loyola Institute of Technology, Chennai accept TANCET scores?

Ans. Yes, Loyola Institute of Technology accepts TANCET scores for admission to its MBA program. TANCET 2021 Cut off for Loyola Institute of Technology (LIT) was 85.016 for the open category, 79.309 for BC, and 35.339 for the SC category.

Ques. What are the factors that determine TANCET 2023 Cut off?

Ans. The factors that help in determining the cut off are mentioned below:

  • Number of candidates appeared for TANCET
  • Number of seats available
  • Total number of registered candidates
  • Difficulty level of the exam

Ques. How to check TANCET Cut off list?

Ans. TANCET Cut off is released on the official website of DTE Chennai. So to download TANCET cut off pdf, candidates need to visit the official website- tn-mbamca.com.

Ques. Is TANCET Cut off similar for all the categories?

Ans. No, the cut off marks of TANCET are different for all the categories. TANCET Cut off is higher for the open category and lower for the SC and SC categories. TANCET Cut off marks range between 50-55 for open category, 40-45 for OBC and 25-35 for SC and ST categories.

Ques. Will I be eligible to take admission in the concerned institute if I meet the desired TANCET cut-off marks?

Ans. Yes, a candidate will be eligible for admission if you score the required TANCET Cut off marks. However, your selection will be subject to the fulfilment of all the other eligibility requirements within the prescribed timeline.

Ques. How is TANCET score normalized? 

Ans. The scores used in the above tables represent the normalized score generated from raw scores (marks obtained in TANCET ME) by using the following formula:

Normalized Score: 40 + (10/S) (R– M)

Where S is Standard Deviation, R is Raw Marks (Total marks obtained from all the 3 sections) and M stands for Mean Marks (Total marks from all the sections divided by 3)

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Previous Year TANCET Questions

In case of any inaccuracy, Notify Us! 

Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


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