MAH CET Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) 2023: Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Important Topics, Books, Preparation Tips

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MAH CET Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) is one of the toughest sections to prepare for. MAH CET Verbal Ability Syllabus consists of topics like para jumbles, phrases, error detection, and synonyms & antonyms.

  • As per past trends, around 15-20 questions can be expected from the Reading Comprehension passages alone. The pattern of this section closely resembles that of MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude section in terms of the number of questions i.e. 50 questions carrying 1 mark each.
  • Fortunately, there is no negative marking for the incorrect answers in MAH CET Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension section. Check MAH CET 2023 Exam Pattern
  • MAH CET is the state-level entrance exam for admissions into MBA/MMS courses offered by the top Universities/Colleges in the State of Maharashtra.
  • All in all MAH CET 2023 exam will have 4 sections including the Verbal Ability/ Reading Comprehension section, namely, Logical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude. Check MAH CET Syllabus

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MAH CET VARC Highlights

MAH CET Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension Highlights

Good command of the English Language is necessary to score good marks in MAH CET VARC section and for that one must be familiar with the pattern and syllabus of this section. Given below are the important highlights of MAH CET Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension section:

MAH CET Logical Reasoning Pattern
Particulars  Details
Mode of MAH CET Exam  Online 
Marks Allotted  50
Number of Questions 50
Type of Questions MCQs (WIth 5 Options for Each Answer)
Marks Awarded +1 for each correct answer
Negative Marking  No
Sectional Time Limit No
MAH CET 2023 Exam Duration 150 minutes
Medium of Instruction of the Section  English
Sectional Cutoff No

Must Read: MAH CET Logical Reasoning Pattern & Syllabus


MAH CET Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension Syllabus 2023

The syllabus is the first thing that a student must go through in order to get an idea of the subjects to be covered for the preparation of the section. MAH CET VA & RC syllabus is designed by the authorities to check the English Language proficiency of the candidates - choice of appropriate words, understanding of common words and other language skills as well as the Reading Comprehension Skills including data retention, data appropriation, reading Speed and other such skills

MAH CET Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension Syllabus
Para Completion  Para Jumble
Synonyms  Antonyms 
Pointing out the Grammatical Error Phrase Substitution
Subject- Predicate in Sentences Choose the Grammatically Correct Sentence
Reading Comprehension (RC) Passages Use of Tenses, Pronounces, Verbs, Conditions, and Nouns
Odd One out in a list Use of prepositions - in, out, at, over, etc.
Sentence Elimination Fact Inference and Choosing the correct option
Weightage of Important Topics in MAH CET Verbal Ability

Weightage of Important Topics in MAH CET Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension Section 

Para Completion, Para Jumble, and Reading Comprehension (RC) Passages are the most time-consuming elements of MAH CET Verbal Ability/ Reading Comprehension section. Depending upon the number of questions asked from these topics, the section can either be pretty simple and short or simple but lengthy. 

Topic  Number of Questions Level of Difficulty
Reading Comprehension Passage + Fact Inference  10-15 Easy- Difficult
Antonyms + Synonyms  4-5 Moderate - Difficult 
Para Jumble + Para Completion 7-12 Easy to Difficult 
Grammatical Error + Choose the Grammatically correct sentence  10 Moderate to Difficult 
Use of Tenses, Pronounces, Verbs, Conditions, and Nouns + Use of prepositions - in, out, at, over, etc. 5-7 Easy
Subject-Prejugate + Odd One out  3-5 Moderate to Difficult 

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MAH CET VARC Preparation Books

Best Books for MAH CET Verbal Ability/ Reading Comprehension 2023

Good books are absolutely essential for good preparation, hence a candidate must choose his books wisely for MAH CET 2023 exam. Given below are some good books to help one prepare for MAH Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension

Name of Book  Publisher/Author
A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning  RS Agarwal
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT  Arun Sharma
Mastering CAT Common Admission Test  Ajay Singh
Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis
Pearson Guide to Verbal Ability and Reading COmprehension Nishit Sinha
MH-CET (MBA/ MMS) Entrance Guide  Deepak Agarwal
50+ Solved Papers MBA Arihant Publications
Maharashtra MBA MH-CET 2023 Arihant Publications
MH-CET (MBA/ MMS) Entrance Guide Disha Publications

Check Best Books for MAH CET MBA Preparation

MAH CET VARC Previous Year Paper Analysis

MAH CET Verbal Ability/ Reading Comprehension Previous Year Analysis

Given below is the previous year analysis of MAH CET Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) Section:

Topic Number of Questions Difficulty Level
Reading Comprehension Passage + Fact Inference  15 Moderate 
Para jumble + Para Completion 10 Moderate 
Antonyms/ Synonyms  7 Difficult 
Grammatical Error + Choose the Grammatically correct sentence  8 Moderate to Difficult 
Use of Tenses, Pronounces, Verbs, Conditions, and Nouns + Use of prepositions - in, out, at, over, etc. 6 Easy
Odd One out  4 Difficult 

Check MAH CET Paper Analysis

MAH CET VARC Preparation

How to Prepare for MAH CET 2023 VARC?

In order to achieve better scores in VA/RC section, a student must keep in mind and follow some advice regarding MAH CET 2023 Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension: 

  • Read daily: Read a lot, preferably a candidate should read Newspapers, Magazines and News Articles on the internet to get acquainted with common topics and sentences in the English language.
  • Note down Difficult words: Such words encountered while reading should be noted down and tried to be used in one's own sentences.
  • Stick to one book: Stick to any book and complete it, switching to another book mid preparation from one book would refocus efforts and cause confusion.
  • Mock Tests: It is important to prepare by giving Mock tests as they are essential for learning time management and evaluating progress. 
  • Practice previous Years’ solved papers: A lot of Antonyms/Synonyms, the article uses, Fill in the blanks get repeated in MAH MBA CET, thus it is advisable to solve previous years questions which would also help to raise the confidence level of the candidate.

Check MAH CET Preparation Strategy, Tips & Tricks, and Study Plan

Points to Remember While Attempting MAH CET Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension section

  • Read the RC passages Attentively: Avoid rushing through the Reading Comprehension passages. Read attentively and make sure you understand the passage in one reading to avoid unnecessary wastage of time.
  • Read the Options Carefully: Going through all the options is mandatory as in MAH CET VARC section there are questions on topics like syllogisms and para completion, with very similar options and hence a thorough analysis of each option is very important to arrive at a definite answer.
  • Avoid Spending more than adequate time: Often MAH CET Verbal Ability questions can be lengthy and may end up consuming a lot of your valuable time. Hence, read each question carefully in one go and leave questions you are not sure about.
  • Interpret and Understand the tone of the RC passage: Candidates need to read the passages with the utmost attention and interpret the theme and tone of the passages for MAH CET 2023 exam. Given below are the most prominently asked tones of the passages:
Argumentative Cynical
Informative Satirical
Didactic Narrative
  • Read the highlighted terms and phrases: Certain words and phrases are given in bold or italics and they must be read and interpreted thoroughly as there are bound to be questions from these phrases.

MAH CET Sample Papers & Mock Tests Free Download

MAH CET Sample Paper Download Link
MAH CET Sample Paper-I Click Here
MAH CET Sample Paper-II Click Here
MAH CET Sample Paper-III Click Here

Check Previous Year MAH CET Papers


MAH CET Verbal Ability/ Reading Comprehension 2023 FAQs

Ques. How much weightage does Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension have in MAH CET 2023 exam?

Ans. It is one of the four Major sections of MAH CET 2023 Exam. Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension has about 25% weightage in MAH CET 2023 exam. Meaning that the section would comprise 50 marks in the 200 Marks MAH CET 2023 paper.

Ques. Is there a negative marking in the Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension Section in MAH CET 2023 exam?

Ans. No. the Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension Section in the MAH CET 2023 exam does not have any negative marking for the wrong answer. In Fact, none of the sections of the MAH CET 2023 exam - Logical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and Verbal Ability/ Reading Comprehension section have negative marking.

Ques. What are some good books to prepare for the Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension Section of MAH CET 2023 exam?

Ans. Some good books for preparing the Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension Section in the MAH CET 2023 exam, are -

  • A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Agarwal
  • How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT by Arun Sharma
  • Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
  • 50+ Solved Papers MBA by Arihant Publications

Ques. Is there any Sectional Cutoff for the Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension Section in MAH CET 2023 exam?

Ans. No. The Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension Section in MAH CET 2023 exam does not have any sectional cutoff. In Fact, none of the sections of MAH CET 2023 exam - Logical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and Verbal Ability/ Reading Comprehension section has any sectional cutoff. Only the overall score of the candidate in MAH CET 2023 paper would be taken for MAH CET Cutoff Requirements 

Ques. Is there any Sectional time limit for the Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension Section in MAH CET 2023 exam?

Ans. No. The Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension Section in MAH CET 2023 exam does not have any sectional time limit. In Fact, none of the sections of MAH CET 2023 exam - Logical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and Verbal Ability/ Reading Comprehension section has any sectional time limit. All the sections of MAH MBA CET 2023 exam have to be completed within 2 hours duration of the exam.

Ques. How many questions are asked from Reading Comprehension Passage and Fact Inference in the Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension Section of MAH CET 2023 exam?

Ans. On average Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension Section of the MAH CET exam consists of about 15-20 questions on Reading Comprehension Passage and Fact Inference. The difficulty level of the questions rank from easy to moderately difficult

Ques. How many questions are there in the Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension Section of MAH CET 2023 exam?

Ans.The Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension Section of MAH CET 2023 exam contains 50 Questions. Each question is of one mark each, taking the total marks in the section to 50 marks. The section has 25% weightage in the whole MAH CET paper.

Ques. In which sequence does the Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension Section appear in MAH CET 2023 exam?

Ans. The Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension Section appears as the last section in MAH CET 2023 exam. All the sections of the exam arranged in Sequential order are -Logical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and Verbal Ability/ Reading Comprehension.

Ques. Will MAH CET Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension Section be available in Marathi/Urdu?

Ans. No, the main purpose of the Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension Section is to check the English Language Proficiency of the candidates - choice of appropriate words, understanding of common words and other language skills as well as the Reading Comprehension Skills - Data Retention, Data Appropriation, Reading Speed and other Comprehension Skills. As such the Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension Section is available only in the English language.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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