MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude (QA) 2023: Syllabus, Important Topics, Books, Preparation Tips

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MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude (QA) section is one of the toughest sections in MAH CET exam in terms of time management and difficulty level. 

  • MAH CET QA 2023 section will consist of questions from topics like arithmetic, algebra, geometry, mensuration, data interpretation, and data sufficiency. 
  • A total of 50 questions carrying 1 mark each will be asked in the QA section of MAH CET 2023 exam. Check MAH CET Exam Pattern
  • Candidates must note that there will be no negative marking for incorrect answers.
  • Apart from MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude, MAH CET 2023 exam will include Abstract Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, and Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension sections. Check MAH CET Syllabus 2023

MAH CET QA Highlights

MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude 2023 Highlights

MAH CET Exam Pattern is the first thing every candidate should refer to while devising a preparation strategy for MAH CET 2023 exam. Here are all the important details regarding MAH CET 2023 Quantitative Aptitude Pattern, type of questions, duration, the time required to attempt MAH CET QA questions, etc. 

  • The duration of MAH CET 2023 exam will be 150 minutes, and candidates must ensure that MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude section is solved within 40 minutes. 
  • Candidates can expect 15-20 questions of easy to moderate level. The remaining questions will be of higher difficulty level and will consume more time.
  • MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude will have a total of 50 objective-type questions
  • There will be no negative marking for wrong answers. 
MAH CET  Quantitative Aptitude 2023
Particulars Details
MAH CET 2023 Exam Mode  Online
Duration 30-35 Minutes (approximately)
Nature of Questions MCQs
Number of Questions 50 Questions
 Total Marks 50 Marks
Marks Awarded +1 for every correct answer
Negative Marking No Negative marking
Medium English

Check MAH CET Exam Pattern 2023

MAH CET QA Syllabus 2023

MAH CET 2023 Quantitative Aptitude (QA) Syllabus

It is essential to go through the entire MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus 2023 before starting with preparations.

  • Every candidate must prepare a strategy based on the syllabus of Quantitative Aptitude section to ace MAH CET 2023 exam.
  • Each topic has a different level of priority, and candidates need to prepare accordingly for the examination.
  • You have to consider your strengths and weaknesses while preparing for MAH CET QA section. Here is the syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude for your reference:
Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus
Topic Sub-Topics Expected No. of Questions
Arithmetic Mixtures, Alligation, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simplification, Percentage, Average, Age, Time & Work, Speed, Number System, HCF, LCM, Ratio & Proportion 10-15 Questions
Data Interpretation 4-5 sets related to the interpretation of pie charts, bar graphs, line graphs, case studies, tabulated data. 20-25 Questions
Data Sufficiency Questions from any topic of arithmetic or geometry followed by 2-3 statements. Candidates have to decide if the given data is sufficient to answer the question. 5-8 Questions
Algebra Sequence & Series, Quadratic Equation, Permutation & Combination, Inequalities 4-5 Questions
Geometry Quadrilaterals, Polygons, Circles, Squares, Rectangles, Lines, Angles, Triangles 2-5 Questions
Mensuration Area & Volume of 2D and 3D figures – Rectangles, Squares, Triangles, Circles, Cubes, Cylinders, Cones, Spheres. 2-4 Questions
Miscellaneous Set Theory, Trigonometric Ratios, Heights and Distances, Maxima-Minima, Real Functions 2-5 Questions
Check detailed MAH CET 2023 Syllabus
MAH CET QA Important Topics

MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude (QA): Important Topics

The Quantitative Aptitude section is considered by aspirants to be a tough section to prepare and crack.

  • This is especially true for the students who find maths difficult, as the quant section tests the candidate’s Mathematical and Basic numeracy skills.
  • Hence, a lot of practice is required to ace MAH CET QA section, and understanding the most important topics for preparation for QA section is the first step in this direction. Given below is a list of important topics for MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude Section: 
MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude Important Topics
Topic Important Sub-Topics
  • Profit & Loss – Discount, MP, CP, SP, False Weights, Successive Discounts
  • Time, Speed & Distance – Boats & Streams, Trains, Average Speed, Relative Speed, Relation between Time and Speed, Race
  • Averages – Age-related, Missing figure, error in calculation
  • Time & Work – Pipes & Cisterns, Efficiency, Number of Days
  • Percentages – Price and consumption, Calculation of percentage, Population, Depreciation, Useful for every other topic in Arithmetic.
  • Ratio & Proportions – Continued proportion, Mixtures, Duplicate Ratios, Change in Ratio
  • Quadratic Equations
  • Linear Equations
  • Sequence and Series
  • Lines & Angles – Types of angles and their properties, Parallel lines, collinearity, important theorems
  • Triangles – Similar triangles, Congruent triangles, mid-point theorem, important theorems
  • Quadrilaterals – Parallelogram, Square, Rectangle, Rhombus, Trapezium, Kite
  • Circle – Sector, segment, chord, concentric circles, inscribed & circumscribed circle, and theorems related to these topics
Number System 
  • HCF & LCM
  • Unit’s Digit Theorem
  • Divisibility Rules
  • Remainder Theorem
  • Trigonometric Identities
  • Trigonometric Equations
  • Application of Trigonometry – Heights, and Distances
  • Probability
  • Permutation & Combination
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Set Theory ( Venn Diagrams)
Data Sufficiency & Data Interpretation (Graphs, Charts, Tables) -

Check MAH CET Preparation Tips, Strategy, and Study Plan

MAH CET Preparation Tips

How to Prepare for MAH CET 2023 Quantitative Aptitude?

Here are some of the things you need to keep in mind while preparing for MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude 2023:

  • Practise is the key to cracking the Quantitative Aptitude section for MAH CET 2023 exam.
  • Find good and reliable books which you can understand well and stick to the methods suggested in that book only. Find what works best for you. 
  • Firstly, clear all the basics of MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude before moving on to solving the questions. 
  • Find shortcuts and simpler ways to solve complex problems from topics like Profit & Loss, Geometry, Percentages, Averages, Time Speed & Distance, etc.
  • Learn tricks using mental maths and Vedic maths as they might significantly reduce the time taken to solve arithmetic and algebra questions in MAH CET 2023 exam. 
  • Read each question carefully. Practice active reading while preparing for the exam, and answer only after reading the question very carefully. 
  • Practice the method of deduction. If you cannot find the right answer, or if you are short on time, eliminate the obviously wrong answers and choose the answer based on logical conclusions while attempting MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude (QA) questions.
  • Use techniques of visualization to think of the answers while attempting the papers. 
  • Solve plenty of MAH CET Sample Papers, Mock Tests, and Practice Questions. 
  • Join a good study group for maintaining motivation during the exam. Studying with your friends is the easiest and the most efficient way to learn. 

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Mistakes to Avoid While Attempting MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude Section

  • Spending more than 60 seconds on a question: As you are required to attempt 50 questions in about 30-35 minutes in MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude section, you must not spend more than 60 seconds on any question. If you cannot solve the question, you should move on to the next one instead of wasting your time trying to solve that question.
  • Committing Silly Mistakes: Avoid committing silly mistakes as it leads to unnecessary loss of marks. Do your calculations accurately and read the questions carefully.
  • Ignoring basic concepts that ease calculation: Often candidates study all the complex topics and concepts but ignore the very basic rules and topics that are essential to increase calculation speed and hence save time. Some of the most important of these concepts which you should not miss are:
    • Divisibility Rules and Theorems
    • Tables till 25
    • Cubes till 20
    • Squares till 35
    • Cube and Square Root
    • Perfect Number
    • Percentage conversion ratios
    • Unitary method
  • Attempting Lengthy Questions: Avoid solving questions with lengthy calculations to maximize your attempts. Such questions take away a lot of valuable time which could have been better utilized for solving other questions and hence increasing the overall score.
  • Disregarding the Options: Certain questions in MAH CET QA section, especially those based on Number system and Algebra can be easily solved using the option elimination strategy. This saves time and effort and ensures accuracy.

Best Books for MAH CET QA

MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude section requires the most practice to get right. The Syllabus for MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude is vast and every topic in the syllabus requires a definite approach for optimum preparation.

  • Candidates are advised to pick 1-2 good books to start with to improve retention, clear concepts, and avoid confusion.
  • To start with MAH CET QA preparation, one needs to select the best books for preparation. Given Below is the list of the most recommended books for MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude section: 
Name of the Book Publisher/Author
Quantitative Aptitude Arun Sharma
Quantitative Aptitude Sarvesh. K.Sharma
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams R S Aggarwal
MAH CET (MBA/ MMS) Entrance Guide Disha Publications
TIME Study Material 2021-2023 For CAT And MBA Exam TIME
MH-CET (MBA/ MMS) Entrance Guide (must for NMAT & SNAP) Deepak Agarwal
50+ Solved Papers MBA Arihant Publications
Maharashtra MBA MH-CET 2023 Arihant Publications
MH-CET (MBA/ MMS) Entrance Guide Disha Publications
Check MAH CET Preparation Books

Previous Year MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude (QA) Paper Analysis 

Topic Number of questions Difficulty level
Arithmetic (Percentage, P&L, TSD, ratio etc) 10 Moderate
Geometry 2 Moderately difficult
Modern Maths 1 Moderate
Graph, Pie charts, Table, case lets (DI questions) 20 Moderately difficult
Data sufficiency 4 Moderate
Others including Algebra, odd man out 8 Moderately difficult
Approximation 5 Moderate

Check MAH CET Paper Analysis

MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude Sample Papers & Mock Tests Free Download

Sample Papers
MAH CET Sample Paper - I Click Here
MAH CET Sample Paper - II Click Here
MAH CET Sample Paper - III Click Here

Check more MAH CET Sample Papers

Frequently Asked Questions

MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude 2023 FAQs

Ques. My maths is very weak, can I do well in the quantitative aptitude section of MAH CET?

Ans. Even if your maths is very weak, you can crack MAH CET. You have to first work on your basics and once you have confidence in them, you should move on to the more difficult topics and prepare for the exam that way. 

Ques. How can I prepare for MAH CET in 30days to meet the cutoff of top b-schools?

Ans. Preparing for an examination requires hardcore practice stretching over months. However, if you are left with a time span of 30 days, you can still be a pioneer. All you need to do is go through the previous year's question papers, practice mock tests regularly, and clear your basics.

Ques. What is the medium of MAH CET 2023?

Ans. The medium for MAH CET 2023 will be in English only. As of now, the organizing committee has no plans of changing the medium of instructions for the MAH CET Exam. 

Ques. How important is the Quantitative Aptitude Section in MAH CET exam? 

Ans. The Quantitative Aptitude section of MAH CET is the second most important section of the paper. This section consists of 50 questions worth one mark each and accounts for nearly 25% of the total weightage of the paper. If a candidate scores well enough in this section of MAH CET, they can easily clear the cutoff. 

Ques. Is there a provision of negative marking in MAH CET exam?

Ans. One of the biggest advantages of MAH CET in comparison to other management entrance tests is that it has no provision of any negative marking.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Previous Year MAHCET Questions

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