MAH CET (MBA) Books 2023: Check Section-wise Best Books for Preparation, Other Study Materials

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MAH CET Books are an essential part of exam preparation. MAH CET Books are important for candidates to keep themselves updated with the latest syllabus, complex concepts, tips & tricks, and the varying difficulty levels of questions.

  • Candidates are suggested to choose only those books for MAH CET 2023 preparation that are as per the latest exam pattern and syllabus. Check MAH CET Syllabus 2023
  • MAH CET 2023 question paper will comprise 200 questions carrying 1 mark each. Check MAH CET 2023 Exam Pattern
  • MAH CET 2023 exam is expected to be held in August 2023. Candidates should follow MAH CET Books by renowned authors like Arun Sharma, N K Sinha, Norman Lewis, etc. to prepare well for MAH CET 2023 exam. Check MAH CET Preparation Tips

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How to Choose the Best Books?

How to Choose Best Books for MAH CET (MBA) 2023?

While choosing MAH CET Books for Preparation 2023, candidates must keep the below-mentioned points in mind.

  • Simple Language: The basic feature to look for is that the language used in the books should be simple and understandable. This will ease your MAH CET exam preparation.
  • Syllabus Oriented: Pick books that cover all the topics which are part of MAH CET MBA 2023 Syllabus. This will help not wander around for different books.
  • Renowned Authors: Candidates must also shortlist MAH CET books based on the choice of authors. Candidates are advised to go for MAH CET books written by renowned authors. 
  • Books of Latest edition: Candidates must select the latest edition of books for MAH CET preparation in order to get updated content for MAH CET 2023 exam. 

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Section-wise MAH CET MBA Books for Preparation 2023

In order to score well in MAH CET 2023, candidates must shortlist MAH CET books that cover all the topics prescribed in the Syllabus. Not only books, but mock tests, and previous years’ papers also help a lot in exam preparation. Given below are the best books for preparation for each section of MAH CET 2023 exam.

MAH CET Books for Logical & Abstract Reasoning Preparation

Name of the Book Author
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT Arun Sharma
A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning R S Aggarwal
A New Approach to Reasoning B S Sijwali & S Sijwali Arihant
Analytical Reasoning M K Pandey
Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning for the CAT N K Sinha
Book on Reasoning for Competitive Exams Pearson

 Check  MAH CET Logical Reasoning Pattern & Syllabus

MAH CET Books for Quantitative Aptitude Preparation

Name of the Book Author
Quantum CAT S K Verma
How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT Arun Sharma
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations R S Aggarwal
Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT Nishit K Sinha
How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT Arun Sharma
Quantitative Aptitude  Abhijit Guha

Check MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude Pattern & Syllabus

MAH CET Books for Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension Preparation

Name of the Book Author
How to Prepare for VARC for CAT Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT Nishit K Sinha
Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis
High School English Grammar Wren and Martin
30 Days to a more Powerful Vocabulary Wilfred Funk and Norman Lewis
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension Ajay Singh
Other Reference Books

Other Important Books for MAH CET MBA Preparation 2023

Name of the Book Author
50+ Solved Papers MBA Arihant Publications
Maharashtra MBA MH-CET 2021 Arihant Publications
MH-CET (MBA/MMS) Entrance Guide Disha Publications
Target MHCET (MBA/MMS) - Past Papers + 6 Mock Tests Disha Publications
The Pearson Guide to CET: MBA Maharashtra Vandana Thorpe
Maharashtra MBA CET Guide by RPH Editorial Priyanka Prakashan
Study Material on all sections of CET MBA Chandresh Agarwal

Check MAH CET MBA Sample Papers

Online Resources for Preparation

Online Resources for MAH CET Preparation 2023

Online preparation for MAH CET provides numerous benefits:

  • Saves time
  • Reduces expenditures due to minimal traveling
  • Convenience of studying from home. 

Candidates must refer to youtube videos and study groups on social media platforms for preparation apart from MAH CET books for preparation. Candidates looking to join any course must refer to the list of top online sources for MAH CET preparation tabulated below:

Top Online Coaching Institutes for MAH CET 2023 Preparation
IMS India Gradeup
mba.hitbullseye Career Launcher
Catking T.I.M.E 4 Education
Endeavor Careers MBAguru
Frequently Asked Questions

MAH CET Books 2023 FAQs

Question: Which books are best for MAH CET MBA Preparation?

Ans. Books by authors like Arun Sharma, R S Aggarwal, and N K Sinha are best for Logical Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude preparation. For MAH CET Verbal Ability section, books by Norman Lewis, Meenakshi Upadhyay are considered good.

Question: How many books do I need to refer to for MAH CET Preparation?

Ans. Candidates should refer to at least 1-2 books for each section to clear all concepts and prepare well.

Question: Are MAH CET preparation books the same as those for other competitive exams like CAT, MAT, and XAT?

Ans. Yes, you can refer to the same books for similar sections of other management exams as the syllabus is almost identical.

Question: Is it possible to crack MAH CET 2023 exam through self study from MAH CET Books?

Ans. Yes, it is possible to crack MAH CET MBA 2023 exam through self-study if you follow these 3 advices:

  • Refer to 2-3 good books for MAH CET Preparation
  • Prepare a daily timetable and follow it without fail.
  • Practice as many sample papers and mock tests as possible.

Question: What are the best books for Logical Reasoning?

Ans. Best Books for MAH CET Logical Reasoning preparation are:

  • How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT by Arun Sharma
  • A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by R S Aggarwal
  • Analytical Reasoning by M K Pandey

Question: Is it essential to practice Mock Tests to clear MAH CET 2023 exam?

Ans. Yes, candidates are advised to solve as many MAH CET mock tests and sample papers as possible to prepare well for the exam and get higher marks.

Question: Which are the best books for MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude section?

Ans. Best Books for QA section preparation are:

  • Quantum CAT by Sarvesh K Verma
  • How to Prepare for QA for CAT by Arun Sharma
  • Quantitative Aptitude by R S Aggarwal

Question: What is the difficulty level of questions in MAH CET (MBA/MMS) exam?

Ans. The overall difficulty level of MAH CET exam is moderate to high. Logical Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude are comparatively more difficult than the VARC section.

Question: What is the weightage of the Logical Reasoning section in MAH CET exam?

Ans. MAH CET Logical Reasoning has the highest weightage of 75 marks followed by 50 marks each for QA and VARC. Abstract Reasoning has been awarded a weightage of only 25 marks.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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