IIT JAM Preparation 2023: Check Paper-wise Tips and Important Books

IIT JAM Preparation 2023: IIT JAM 2023 is scheduled to be held on February 12, 2023. With more than 6 months for the exam, IIT JAM aspirants can easily complete IIT JAM 2023 Syllabus and can also spare some time for the revisions. JAM exam preparation is not very hard if you are thorough with the subject that you are applying for. Candidates should focus on a preparation strategy that is most suitable for them. Candidates must definitely solve IIT JAM Question Papers of previous years to analyze their efficiency and understand the exam pattern, marking schemes, etc. 

IIT JAM Question paper will have 3 types of questions, namely, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Multiple Select Questions (MSQs), and Numerical Answer Type (NAT). Based on the experience of test-takers, the difficulty level of IIT JAM in the year 2022 was moderate. Some of the questions were direct and some were tricky. Candidates are advised not to leave any topic during the time of preparation. Check IIT JAM 2023 Exam Pattern

To help aid the process, here are some of the best IIT JAM 2023 Preparation Tips and Tricks, and Subject Wise Study Tips for IIT JAM. 

IIT JAM Preparation 2023: Subject Wise Study Tips 

IIT JAM 2023 will be conducted for 7 subjects- Biotechnology, Chemistry, Physics,Mathematics, Economics, Geology, and Mathematical Statistics. The question paper will be divided into 3 sections- A, B, and C. There will be negative marking only in Section A, which is the qualifying round. Here are some Subject Wise Preparation Tips for IIT JAM 2023.

Chemistry Preparation Tips

IIT JAM Preparation Tips for Chemistry

  • IIT JAM Chemistry preparation will rely heavily on Organic Chemistry as per previous exam analysis. 
  • Organic Chemistry carries the most weightage followed by Inorganic Chemistry and then Physical Chemistry. However, this does not mean that you will skip any topics; each question will have its own importance and we do not know what kind of questions will be asked in the exam. 
  • JAM Exam preparation for chemistry should consist of revising the old topics, being thorough with the new topics and solving plenty of mock tests and numericals for various books. 

IIT JAM Chemistry Preparation Books

Book Name Author/ Publisher
Chemistry Higher Level Catrin Brown and Mike Ford
Inorganic Chemistry R.L. Dutta and GS De.
Organic Chemistry Jonathan Clyden and Nick Greeves

Check IIT JAM 2023 Chemistry (CY) Syllabus 

Maths Preparation Tips

IIT JAM Preparation Tips for Mathematics

  • JAM Exam preparation for Mathematics should mostly consist of lots of practise. Make the pen and notebook your best friend. 
  • Make sure you are thorough with all the kinds of questions. 
  • One of the most important topics is that of Differential Calculus, as the current trend shows that it has had the highest weightage consistently for the past 5 years JAM Question Papers. 
  • Focus on your timing and make sure you can do questions within the time limit. 
  • Time yourself while practicing Mock Tests, as it will help you understand where you need more practice. 

IIT JAM Mathematics Preparation Books

Book Name Author/ Publisher
Solutions To IIT JAM For Mathematical Statistics (Paperback, Mohd. Arshad, Amit kumar Miishra) Mohd. Arshad, Amit kumar Miishra
Mathematical Statistics For Iit Jam Complete Study Matrial With Topic Wise Advance Analysis + Model Solved Papers (SPIRAL, SOURAV SIR'S CLASSES) SOURAV SIR'S CLASSES
Study Material for IIT JAM Mathematics Sourav Sir’s Classes

Check IIT JAM 2023 Mathematics (MA) Syllabus

Biotech Preparation Tips

IIT JAM Preparation Tips for Biotechnology

  • IIT JAM Biotechnology is a relatively new subject as it has only been added this year. 
  • The total number of seats are quite less for Biotechnology, so the competition is also higher than the other JAM Exams. 
  • IIT JAM Biotechnology exam is a mixed pot, as the questions will come from Biology with 44% weightage, 20% to Chemistry and 18% each to Maths and Physics. 
  • The Biology section is very important. 
  • Make sure that you are thorough with the theory from all the subjects as it will take relatively less time than the numericals and will be faster to solve. 

IIT JAM Biotechnology Preparation Books

Book Name Author/ Publisher
Essentials: Biology Standard Randy Mcgonegal & Alan Damon
Physiology and Biochemistry in Modern Medicine John James Rickard MacLeod
Molecular Biology of the Gene James D.Watson

Check IIT JAM 2023 Biotechnology (BT) Syllabus

PhysicsPreparation Tips

IIT JAM Preparation Tips for Physics

  • IIT JAM Physics exam is much like maths. 
  • You have to be very clear about all the concepts and have a very strong foundation. 
  • Make sure you do not have any confusion about any of the topics, as it will  lead to wastage of time in the exam. 
  • You have to clearly remember all the formulae and the background of them as well. 
  • This will all come from dedicated practice only, so practise without missing a day. 

IIT JAM Physics Preparation Books

Book Name Author/ Publisher
IIT JAM Physics Solved Papers & Practice Set Atique Hasan
IIT JAM Theory & Practice Book Sushil K Tomar
IIT JAM Theory & Practice A Comprehensive Book Sushil K Tomar

Check IIT JAM 2023 Physics (PH) Syllabus

Maths Statistics Preparation Tips

IIT JAM Preparation Tips for Mathematical Statistics

  • JAM Exam for Mathematical Statistics will consist of questions from both Statistics and Mathematics. 
  • The weightage for the same will be 60% for Statistics and 40% for Mathematics. 
  • To score well in statistics, you have to understand all the formulae, the breakdown of the formulae and alternatives to each of them as well. 
  • Just like IIT JAM Maths, practise is key here and you should not go any day without practising. 

IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Preparation Books

Book Name Author/ Publisher
Mathematical Analysis S.C. Malik
Integral Calculus Dr Gorakh Prasad
An Introduction to Probability and Statistics V.K. Rohatgi

Check IIT JAM 2023 Mathematical Statistics (MS) Syllabus 

Economics Preparation Tips

IIT JAM Preparation Tips for Economics

  • Economics subject for IIT JAM is also another subject that is in a lot of demand, hence higher competition.
  • You have to be thorough with all the theoretical aspects of the subjects, but if you manage to study all the relevant theory you will get through the exam with relative ease. 
  • The best strategy for IIT JAM is to make lots of notes and revise the notes properly. Make sure you have properly studied all the minute details as well, as the MCQ can be tricky. 

IIT JAM Economics Preparation Books

Book Name Author/ Publisher
Indian Economy Mishra & Puri
Macro Economics Analysis Edward Shapiro and H.L. Ahuja
 Mathematics For Economists B.C. Mehta and G.M.K. Madnani

Check IIT JAM 2023 Economics (EN) Syllabus

Chemistry Preparation Tips

IIT JAM Preparation Tips for Geology

  • IIT JAM Preparation for Geology will again consist of theory and some numericals. 
  • The best strategy is to complete the theory completely and be thorough with all the aspects of the subject. 
  • Focus on the topics that are relatively easier to score in, such as Applied Geology, Economic Geology, and so on. 
  • This will ensure you will have the best attempt in the IIT JAM exam. 
  • One of the most important topics in IIT JAM Geology is that of Petrology so make sure you give enough time for it. 

IIT JAM Geology Preparation Books

Book Name Author/ Publisher
IIT JAM: MSc Geology Previous Years Paper Ajhar Hussain
GATE Geology & Geophysics Amaresh Singh & Jitendra Mishra
An Introduction to Geology VS Joji

Check IIT JAM 2023 Geology (GG) Syllabus

IIT JAM Preparation 2023: General Study Tips

  • Get plenty of sleep. 
  • Have a balanced diet and plenty of water. 
  • Make lots of notes and revise them thoroughly. 
  • Practise, Practise and then Practise some more. 
  • Solve Mock tests
  • Time Yourself and focus on the questions you take more time in. 
  • Use Flash Cards to help in preparation. 
  • Be very thorough with IIT JAM Exam Pattern

IIT JAM Preparation 2023 FAQs

Ques. Can one complete IIT JAM Preparation 2023 without any coaching?

Ans. Yes, the candidates can definitely complete IIT JAM Preparation without taking assistance from any other institutes. However, they need to put consistent and honest efforts into their studies.

Ques. How useful are coaching institutes in IIT JAM Preparation 2023?

Ans. Coaching institutes are quite useful in IIT JAM Preparation 2023. They provide valuable notes to the students and remain available for assistance 24 X 7. Their years of experience and knowledge can not be easily surpassed. Hence, the students are encouraged to enroll in these if they face any difficulties.

Ques. Which books need to be studied for IIT JAM Preparation 2023?

Ans. For IIT JAM Preparation 2023, different books are recommended for different subjects. In the article above comprehensive details of the same are provided. In case the students want more further assistance in their preparation, they can visit IIT JAM Question Papers

Ques. Can IIT JAM Preparation 2023 be completed in 6 months?

Ans. The duration of IIT JAM Preparation 2023 depends entirely on the students. It can be completed in six months. However, it is advised to devote the maximum amount of time in preparation, so that the students secure the desired scores.

Ques. Which resources can one use for IIT JAM Preparation 2023?

Ans. The students can refer to various websites for IIT JAM Preparation 2023. They can even enroll themselves in online coaching classes which prepare the student for IIT JAM. However, the students can save a lot of time if they choose to prepare on their own. 

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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