I wanted to go to Dalhousie since I was a child. My mother got her BSc there and it's local to where I live. I love Halifax as a whole. It has a beautiful waterfront and friendly people. Also, my dream hospital job is located in Halifax too so it only made sense to go to school here.
Course Curriculum
The course curriculum is practicum-strong. Dal nursing is known for its practicums more than it's classroom content. However, courses are laid out well across the semesters. Dalhousie has 2 program options for nursing. Direct Entry and Advanced standing. Direct Entry is for straight out of high school and is 3 years. The first 2 semesters are prerequisites. You go in the summer as well, for a total of 8 semesters from Fall year 1, to Winter year 3. The other program option is Advanced Standing which is 2 years, and it's for students who have already completed the prerequisites.
The Dalhousie Nursing faculty are wonderful. They are supportive and understanding and genuinely want you to do your best and do well in the program and your career. They are all very approachable via email and in person. Questions are encouraged during the lecture/lab and are answered thoroughly.
Clinical placements are wonderful and full of opportunities. Preceptors are fantastic as well. Placements range from Halifax to as far as Annapolis Valley and Bridgewater. Each semester offers a large variety of placements.
Tuition is usually about $4300 per semester plus other fees, totaling approximately $4800 without health and dental.
Examination Structure
Exams are mostly multiple choice. The majority of courses have 1 midterm (worth 20-30%) and 1 final (worth 30-40%). Exams are largely based on lecture/PowerPoint content rather than reading. You can pass with good grades without completing the readings.