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23 Reviews Found
Campus Life
There are a lot of facilities available and most of them are free of cost which includes a lot of sports. There is a library which is very huge and for our projects we go there. There is a student association for extracurricular actives in which there are a lot of events conducted.
I opt for on campus accommodation and this is very big. I share my accommodation with 8 people. The kitchen is also very good with a nice view. So, I really love the accommodation.
Average rents of accommodation is nearly $500 per month.
Centennial college is one of the best college in Ontario Canada. This college has most professional professors as well as their study is out of mark.
The college provides accommodation but it is quite expensive, so I used an app called Kijiji to search for room rentals close to my college. Initially, I shared a room with another girl and I used to pay $350. If you want a private room then the price can start from around $400 and can go up to $600 for a private room.
My college is really known for its hospitality program and the best faculty.
I have lived in 2 cities (London and Toronto) but I find London cheaper as I used to stay for 300 per month for sharing room whereas in Toronto I am paying 500 per month for sharing room.
Consultancy Advise.
Accommodation in GTA ( Greater Toronto Area) is usually very expensive. I live in a single basement bedroom that is 750 CAD a month with utilities which is very very expensive. That includes a common toilet and kitchen.
Centennial college is ranked number 1 in Ontario and offers a wide array of programs. They also offer co-op as an option for their diploma and advanced diploma programs. Popular among Indians too and proves to be a cost-effective option to enter the Canadian Job market and is based in Ontario near Toronto so students can easily move to downtown which is packed with all sorts of jobs.
I live in of campus not on campus. I rent a single room in which I alone live that place and I also given separate kitchen, washroom and laundry area. Rent is :530 per month .
Centennial is rated by the Ministry of Ontario no 1 college in terms of quality education and this college also has many campuses and many programmes are offered and I applied because college has a good reasonable rate and I know I'm going to get admission so I applied and got letter of offer
No, I stayed off campus. The cost of living can be somewhere around $700-900 per month.
I was always fascinated by the thought of studying abroad. When i got a chance i could not resist myself from not taking that opportunity. The thing i like is the diverse environment. I was able to connect with students from all over the world and i could share my ideas, thoughts, experience and a study environment. trust me the feeling is amazing when you sit with a bunch of students from all over the world. Lastly, financial planning is a dream career because Finance is one of the most emerging sectors in Canada. People there hardly save money for future. So financial planners and advisors come to rescue by teaching people the importance of saving money.
First I chose to live at campus but after a week I shifted to a shared apartment as the campus is expensive
Centennial have a very unique fusion of theory and practical that drove me to join this college
Yes, I lived on Centennial College Campus, It was really convenes, because I was close to everything.
I like it, because of the number of students also the size of the campus.
No, I live in basement, I am paying 375$ per month for rent and in rent everything is included utilities, wifi and laundry.
This is one of the best known college in Ontario. And 1st established college in Ontario. Even here faculties are good and well qualified.
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