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392 Reviews Found

Campus Life

The sports facilities is my college is good I would say there are indoor as well as outdoor games in my college ...there is a big cricket ground and a football ground for students to play ..yes there is a gymnasium in my college sports complex..there is not a swimming pool in my college...the auditorium and library are good in my college The overall campus life is enjoyable.. most of the students hang out after the classes or play sports..or sit in the canteen..yes the cafeteria is open till night and I have seen people roaming around at night ...the fest season in my college is around oct till Feb like the usual winter time.there are different clubs and societies in my college one of them in which I'm is IEEE Jamia hamdard student branch.

Exam Structure

For the admission in my college you have to fill the form of the college online via the website of the college my case , as said I'm doing engineering so they preferred by JEE mains marks as a the point of admission varies from courses to courses how the admission process is held ..once you are selected then the councelling process starts and after that you get a admission in your course ...once the councelling process is done then the the classes starts after the orientation...yes there are different quota in my college for admission like NRI, sports and DONATION

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Students do fail in internals if they haven't study . The best aspect about MBA is that it's a professional course and the big disadvantage is for that student who didn't pay attention upon himself practically in these two course years. There are total 20-22 exams per year in two semester in which there are practical and theoretical subjects both. Total 6 classes takes place in a day and 30 - 50 min of lunch break in between. The faculty that I love the most is the ex coordinator of MBA that is Mr. Ashok sen Gupta sir , he helped me alot in every way . As I wasn't able to attend the classes as I was admitted in the hospital because of some health issues at that time he provided me the notes and everything so that I can revise all the chapters that were been taught in the classes. The attandance is mandatory 75% , if anyone's attendance is below 75% then the internal marks are not provided to that student.

Fees and Financial Aid

The fee was quite high honestly. Some students did get the scholarship to continue their studies. This was for the economically challenged students. My per semester fee was 50,000 and my Hostel fee per month was 7350. For total 6 months I paid almost 1 lakh and for the whole course around 6 lakhs including the hostel and course fee. Other miscellaneous expenses were there from my side. I would say there is a need for having an economically stable environment to opt for this course unless one has got through scholarship

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2.3 /5

Campus Life

- The college don't have gym facility. - The college has a medic room and sick room for the students who are I'll. - The sports events like abhivyakti . It's a huge event of sports that held every year in my college and in this event the students of other colleges do participate and complete and the winner gets the trophy and certificate. - My college doesn't have swimming pool or any such architect water falls. - my college allows to keep our private car and bike in the parking area. - apart from canteen there's a mother dairy in which we can have some snacks or coffee. My overall campus life till now is good ,fun loving. The hostlers are only allowed to roam in the campus garden at night . The locality is not safe I can say as my college is at the main Highway so there's high chances of accidents . there's no such international immersion in my college. The last cultural event was held in April in which the great singer Aditya Rikhari concert was there.

Fees and Financial Aid

My first year fees is near about 1.15 lakh and the other year is also the same. But there's 7500 rs that is taken as the examination fees per semester that means around 15k is taken per year for the examination. The total fees that I will be paying is around 2.60lakh and also I pay the bus fees that is 50 thousand for two years . So the total amount I'll be paying for my degree is 3.10lakh. The fees is average in my college neither too high nor too low. The fees do not vary category wise but the scholarship does. As I am OBC cast so I can fill the scholarship form but this scholarship applicability is not for the general category students. The amount that I recieved in my first year is 53500 ( as scholarship) .

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Yes, in the first and second semesters some or atleast half of the students are bound to fail in few of the subjects in the humanities department. Courses are not much tough. GU seems to prefer their own students over ours in providing marks. It gets difficult for students of masters degrees to clear these backlog papers later. This is a bad aspect of our college that answer sheets are not checked by our own college faculties and are sent to GU for checking. There is one sessional exam per semester and the semester end exams. In a day there are 4-5 classes a day. Timings - 9.30 am to 3.30 pm. Fridays are half days till 12.30 pm. There is one hour break and sometimes two in between the classes. Faculties mostly prefer oral explanation and simplifications of topics and some also prefer dictating notes. I liked Kalpa Jyoti sir and Padminee Gohain ma'am as they are very friendly and approachable. I personally did not like the head of Sociology department, her name is Rinku Borah, that is because she speaks very fast which makes it difficult for students to grab and she is not very regular for classes and does not complete her syllabus before exams. There is not mandatory attendance for Masters students.

Campus Life

Campus is very big and very beautiful lush green, and university infrastructure is also descent. Sports facilities are also provided by the university , very big cricket and football ground with flood lights equipped and basket ball court also there and there is indoor sports complex also which have gym, badminton court, table tennis also . About the university auditorium is also very big and university also has central library which has end number of books for all programs which are very easily accessible . hostel is 10-15 mins far from college, students usually prefer walking but they can also bring bike and car also in the university. There are many food stalls and canteen at every 5-10 mins walking distance. There is very big medical center , all the doctors and nurse are qualified. Overall campus life at Jamia hamdard University is good , night life is awesome peaple gathered in common room and in the street of university for fun activities , someone play guitar also , locality is also safe students travel in the night at restaurants . There are fests and cultural events also , there are various clubs and societies also like Hacked club , ignite society, epoch and so many

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1.4 /5

Campus Life

There is no sports facilities within the college campus but nearby fields of schools are taken up during Annual sports days. There is no gym, no swimming pool. There is a hall cum auditorium and a library. College campus is pretty good and big with greenery. Yes there is parking lot for bikes and cars. There are food cafes and outlets nearby. Yes there is a medical center in the pharmaceutical department for immediate care. After classes students head home or to the nearby food joints. The college is closed after 4 pm. The locality is safe. There are no manor clubs and committees. No there are no known international immersion and student exchange programs offered.

Exam Structure

We just have to visit the administration office and get out admissions from there, register ourselves with Gauhati University and apply there, also pay the fees via cash or online. There are not entrance exams for getting admission into our college but the student has to get a minimum of 60 percentile in their BA degree from their previous institute. After admission, after a gap for 10/15 days orientation day is kept on the first day of college and classes start from the next day onwards. No there is no other way to get admission.

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The course was not a difficult one nor an easy one, depends upon our hard work and seriousness towards our studies. We usually took 6 classes in 1 day. Classes start at 9:30a.m and get over at 2:30p.m. We got one Lunch Break which is 30 minutes only. The teachers usually use PowerPoint method, they use white boards as well. Sometimes, they show us videos or movies which are related to our studies. We often have presentation or group discussions too. I admire all our faculties, they were all nice and good at Political Science. The faculty I admire the most was Sir Tka. He teaches really well and is never arrogant to the students, he is very understanding and very good at his profession. We have to score 80% attendence every semester in each paper to be able to sit for examinations. If we are not able to fulfill the attendance criteria, they sometimes pardon those who have genuine reasons, but if not they are not able to sit for examinations.

Campus Life

There is a stadium, CCF , library , gym,Gandhi halls and many mini auditoriums in our university. The campus area is around 1200 acres. There are many food points in our campus and a university hospital for medical emergencies.My college experience is very amazing. There are many societies clubs for students to get involve in extra curricular activities. Engineering and technology society conducted a 3 day fest known as Colosseum which includes celebrity night , dj night and band warz followed by many fun and technical events . University level societies and oratory club are important in terms of value addition in CV . There is one month student exchange programme also .

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1.7 /5

Campus Life

There is Badminton Hall, Basketball court, Football ground, Volleyball ground and Table tennis court. The college has gym as well. There are number of gym equipments such as treadmill, weights and many others. There is no Swimming Pool in the campus. The auditorium is good, the library is big and consists of all the essentials books for studies and knowledge. The campus is really big, one of the biggest in NE. The distance from hostels to academic block is also far. Most students travel with their own vehicles. We are allowed to park our personal vehicles in the campus, there is a very wide parking lot allotted for the students. Relatives can visit the campus during daytime. There are other food outside of the campus only other than the canteens. The college do not have a medical centre. The overall campus life is great. Most of the students go back home or to hostel after classes, sometimes we go out with friends too. Cafeteria closes at 6p.m. The campus does not open at night. Students except the hostel lets do not roam around at the campus at night as it is closed. The locality is really safe and sound. There are Winter Fest, College Weeks, Cultural Day and many more. The vibes of the campus during the college life is really entertaining. The famous Mizo celebrities performed in such events such as Lilac, K. Hminga, H.O.M and many more. There are various clubs like NSS, Adventure Club, Cultural Club, Literature Club, Drama Club, Evangelical Union, Sports Club such as Football, Basketball, Badminton, and many more. The Student Union Council are the most important groups among the students. NSS is the most important for students in term of vallue addition and CV pointers. There are no such international student exchange, but student exchange between other colleges in Mizoram do happen.

Fees and Financial Aid

I was day scholar so I am not really familiar with fees regarding to hostel. The tuition fee was Rs. 3700 on Odd Semester and Rs. 4200 on Even Semester. We paid Exam Fee before every semester exams which is Rs. 2000. The amount I paid through the entire course was Rs. 35700. I have my own scooty so I don’t really spend money on transportation other than money for my petrol. There are college buses for students as well. There is no difference in fees among different categories. The college provide scholarships such as Tribal Scholarship and Ishan Uday Scholarship. One third of the students usually applied for the scholarship every year. For Tribal the scholarship amount ranges between 6000-20000 depending on the Stream and staying in Hostel or not. Ishan Uday scholarship is somewhat Merit Scholarship and they usually got 54000 every year.

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1.8 /5

Campus Life

There were indoor games in my college that we use to play almost 4 days in a week so that our mind don't get stressed . College a has small sick room , the girls having periods pain or other pain can take rest there. The necessary Medicines were available there . There was a huge canteen in my college and the prices of the available snacks are affordable by everyone. There's a library in my college. My college was very fun loving , I use to go to famous market of the Lucknow which is just aside by college . The students hangout in the canteen of the campus and also outside the campus ( usually in the market) .there was no immersion program offered by the college as it was not that much upgraded college.

Course Curriculum Overview

There were approx total 150 students overall in my course and there were three sections having 50 students each and as it was girls college so there was no boys girls ratio . It was all girls everywhere. And many cultural event took place like NCC , competitions like ( rangoli, mehndi , art and craft , spray painting, etc ) and at each festivals some activities definitely take place so that student do not feel bored in the college and stay motivated to attend the college. I do attend classes for learning only and when I don't want to study I do not prefer to attend the classes only for the attendance.

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EFLU offers a choice based credit system which requires you to fulfill a certain amount of credits in each semester. You are liable to choose core papers according to your course and even take up interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary papers. Courses are not hard as long as it interests you. SWAYAM courses are necessary which is an online multidisciplinary course. There’s a semster examination every semester and it can happen in any form according to the teacher’s preferences(sit-in exam/open-book exam/assignments) Internal assessments are done according to what the course demands and the power lies with the teacher yet again. A maximum of 4 classes can happen in a day but it all depends on how you build your routine as you are given some liberty to choose classes accordingly (unless in the case of Cafeteria students who have full liberty to build their own routines). You just have to make sure one class does not clash with the other on the same day. Thus it is completely reasonable to have entire an entire day in the week off if you build your routine accordingly. Classes happen within 9 AM to 7 PM. Each class lasts 2 hours. Classes can happen in any department building or generally in the New Academic Bloc. Teachers use blackboards, projectors and bulletin boards to aid their teaching. Professors in the Language sciences department are really admirable and are excellent teachers. They use the best teaching techniques and laboratories and other facilities are adequately utilised to make the learning experience enjoyable and more beneficial. Prof Shruti Sircar and Prof Meena Debashish are exceptional faculty members. All teachers are well versed in their fields but some might not have a good inclination to teach a group of young students in a classroom setup. Attendance is strictly looked upon and a mandatory 70% attendance is required for you to sit for your examination otherwise your admit card is withheld. This can be quickly sorted out by approaching the concerned faculty with a medical certificate.

Fees and Financial Aid

It will take 2 days for me to mention the complete category wise yearly fees. But I can give you a gist of my experience. I paid 18,000 as admission fees, caution deposit of 10,000(which will be returned after I complete my degree), tuition fees of 28,000 which makes a grand total of 56,000 for first semester. For second and third semester, I paid a total of 43,000. And for fourth semester I will pay 28,000. There is no mess fees since there is no mess. There are cafes and food court within the campus, where we go to eat food. Assam Don Bosco also provides scholarship on the basis of merit but I don't know the process. It is just fine, my parents can afford it. USTM and Royal Global University are more expensive. Fees is same for every category irrespective of general, SC,ST,etc. There are additional expenses like transportation costs but it's affordable because from campus to highway, it costs Rs.10. We can't cook food in hostel and violation of this rule will cost Rs.500-2000. The water quality is not good so students buy water as well. There's wifi hall cum study hall. The hostel fees is 14,000 for each semester and during first semester I paid 20,000 because 6,000 was caution deposit(which they will return after the completion of my degree). Semester toppers get some amount of money and students who improves their GPA by 3 or more points gets scholarship.

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Campus Life

The campus infrastructure is a mixture of old vintage building and newer more advanced ones. There are gyms for boys and girls and international students. A big, clean and beautiful joggers park for everyone. Beautiful lawns where students hang out in the evenings. A beautiful library. Cafeteria, grocery store, pharmacy, bank, ATM, Print shops are all present within the campus so everything is easily accessible. Food stalls and tea stalls are also available.There us a football ground, a huge sports complex for basketball, volleyball, table tennis and board games. All these are within easily walkable distances inside the campus. You don’t even need a bike to get around! Although there are several bicycles that students can make use of. Personal bikes and cars are also allowed. The university health centre is always helpful to the students. Doctors are posted there in the evenings and medications are provided for free to students. The open amphitheater is a favourite among the students. Festivals and events can be held there and it creates a lovely ambience in the evenings. There are guest houses in the campus where family members can reside and are charged according to the number of days they stayed for (around ₹65 per day)Campus life is chill and pleasant here. The area is on the outskirts of the main city area amd is more pf a residential place. There is not much noise and hustle bustle.Students are usually sitting around on the VC lawns, benches, playing football, around the canteen, at the sports complex or going out to clubs and parties. Canteen is open till midnight and the students here don’t even sleep at night i feel. There’s always people outside at any hour. The campus is fully gated and guards are posted in strategic areas 24x7 so it makes a very safe area for women. The festivals held by the foreign languages departments are the most celebrated ones here. We get to dive into foreign cultures and relish food, clothing and habits of new places. Onam amd diwali are loved by many. The closest thing to seeing a famous celebrity in campus was having the CM of Telangana over for an event. There are few clubs but it is not a madatory obligation to be in one. Poetry, music, film, debate are some of the few clubs I have heard of.

Exam Structure

Admission process: Admission to any BA, MA programme in the EFL University demands for an interested candidate to appear the CUET(Common universities entrance test) conducted by NEP in the same year of application to the university. After CUET scores are released, EFLU will promptly announce their admission dates during which you have to adequately apply to their application form provided online in their website within the estimated timeline. After the application portal closes, candidates eligible for admission will be temporarily shortlisted. The university announces the different dates of admission for various programmes and short listed candidates are expected to come to campus in person and sign against their names to show your interest in admission. Later during the same day of signing, a final list of candidates will be put up in the bulletin boards which you have to check. If your name falls above the maximum intake number, you may proceed with documents verification and payment of fees with the officials. You may try for a seat even if your name is way below the maximum intake rank as not everyone ahead of you will come for the interview and there are high chances to get in if you make it to the campus physically. After thr first round of admissions are completed, should there be any empty seats in a programme, a second round of online application is issued. New candidates may apply for this but if you have previously applied and did not get through the first round, you may wait to be shortlisted in the second round of admissions. The cutoff score for General category might be around 250+ but it depends on that year’s general performance score. Minorities may get through with a score within 80-200. After admission is completed classes begin on the estimated dates given in the website. My admission happened on the 20th and classes commenced from the 1st of september .

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2.0 /5


Academics IIM Indore offers multiple programs ranging from the undergraduate level to doctoral programs (Ph.D). The courses are mostly spread across three terms in a year, with a fixed number of credits and sessions for each course and term. The curriculum is rigorous and there is a system of DCPs if a student fails in a course. Academic dishonesty is prohibited and an F is awarded for such cases. All the courses have relative grading and academic performance is a key component in the overall scenario. Time table is structured such that professors can take classes in any slot from 9 am till 9 pm everyday as all the programs are residential. Faculty A Ph.D. is necessary for all the core subject professors, for electives it depends on the department of the subject. There are professors who have their degrees from ISI, IITs, IIMs and other top universities of respective domains. After classroom interactions and research projects with professors is a common phenomenon. There are teaching associates with subject-specific specializations to help the students and faculty in academic tasks and evaluation purposes.

Fees and Financial Aid

Okay starting from the fees 1st semester it is 66,150 then 2nd to 4th sem it is 64,900 so in a year 1 lakh 31 thousand is the fee structure..which means in 2years to complete masters 2lakhs andhalf we have to pay. For now i have already paid 20 ,000 for the admission the rest we have to pay 40,150 Compared to my colleages who have studied abroad the fees here in Shillong is more expensive..for them 1 lakh will be enough for 2years masters degree because thete fees comes somewhere betweeen 20 to 25 thousand per semester but there are other colleges too which are more expensive for example Assam don bosco university is more expensive than Edmunds Apart from the fees the students have to pay from their own pockets for their fieldworks expenditure which we always go twice a week so if we get placements in agencies which are far almost 500 to 700 it will cost us for thr taxi fare ,food etc. We also have to pay for our rural camp and study tour..which they take us abroad. Yes the college do provide scholardhips nad i've recieved the scholarship thrice. No the college fee is the same for everyone .

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2.4 /5

Exam Structure

Age eligibility: here I have taken example of IPMAT 25 aspirant General Category: Must be born on or after August 1, 2005. SC/ST/PwD Category: Must be born on or after August 1, 2000. Qualifying Exam: Must have passed Standard XII/HSC or equivalent examination in 2023, 2024, or appearing in 2025. Standard X/SSC or Equivalent: Must have passed Standard X/SSC. Some seats are for international candidates and their SAT scores are considered No other quotas as such, only reservation according to Indian constituition prevails. Valid SAT Score: Minimum score of 1300 out of 1600 in SAT (SAT score obtained from November, 2023, to May, 2025, will only be considered as valid score) [Only applicable to international candidates] IPMAT Indore Selection Process 2025 (Domestic Applicants) The IPMAT selection process for IIM Indore differs for domestic and international applicants. We will discuss each below: Selection Process (Domestic Applicants) Seat Intake- 150 The selection process for IPMAT 2025 (Domestic Applicants) involves five stages, as explained below: Note that the final scores will be calculated based on an aptitude test and Personal Interview (PI). Step 1: Registration You must keep a scanned copy of the documents that will be required when filling out the form. You can apply for the exam only if you fulfil the IPMAT eligibility criteria 2025 set by the exam conducting body. The entire application process is done online only. The application fee is Rs. 4130 for the general category and Rs. 2605 for the SC/ST/PwD category. Step 2: IPM AT 2025 Exam You will be called to appear for the Aptitude Test, the second stage of the IPMAT selection process. IIM IPM Aptitude Test is conducted across 36 cities in India. Step 3: Selection of Eligible Candidates for Personal Interview The Admissions Committee will decide the minimum cut-off marks in each section. The minimum cut-off marks in each section will be based on your category. Step 4: Personal Interview (Online/Offline) You will qualify for the personal interview (PI) in the fourth stage of the IPMAT selection process after you have cleared all three sectional cutoffs. The Admissions Committee will decide the minimum cut-off marks in each section. The IPMAT minimum cut-off marks in each section will be based on your category. You will only be called for a personal interview if you qualify for all the sectional cutoffs; missing even one will not fetch you a call. Step 5: Merit List Generation & Final Selection The final Merit List will be generated based on the composite score of the Aptitude Test Score (ATS) and Personal Interview (PI) scores. The Composite Score (CS) is calculated by summing the Aptitude Test Score (ATS), which constitutes 65%, and the Personal Interview (PI) score, which constitutes 35%. Provisional admission offers will be made accordingly, adhering to the Government of India reservation norms.

Campus Life

There are a lot of trees and grass on campus, but getting some exercise every day is easy because the classroom building is not close to the dorms. There is enough infrastructure, and there are even food stands, so you don't have to leave to get what you need. They can use either of the two auditoriums. This one has more experience and is used for introductions and special talks. This one has less experience and is used for student events. For the comfort of the students, the academic building has classrooms with air conditioning, food services, and people who can help with technology. Since the school is not in the middle of Indore, it is easy for students to take free shuttle buses that go into the city. The school is easy to find because the front door has two big golden arches. Sports fans can use the chess board, the gym, the soccer tables, the basketball and tennis fields, the Olympic-sized pool, and other sports facilities. The campus is always busy with various activities that ensure an enjoyable experience for everyone. It hosts cultural, sports, and management fests such as Iris, Atharv Rannbhoomi, and Utsaha. Students also organize their own events including movie nights in the auditorium and management-focused activities. The student activity council for different programs is highly active, offering numerous opportunities for learning and practical experience. Interest groups are there, and the college environment is consistently engaged in various activities, providing an energetic atmosphere that encourages active participation.

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Fees and Financial Aid

The total fees in our btech department is near 1.2 lakh rupees per year for each category. The Sc and st can avail the scheme of zero admission fee if they have income certifiacte of less than 1 lakh rupees. The tuition itself is 1.1 lakh rupees per year int I have totaly paid fees of 60900 for the 1st semester and will be paying around 57000 for the next semester this year.The price is somewhat high in comparison with other central universities offering btech course . Other the college fees , the student bears the expenses of grocery and eating out which can be fulfilled within only 2 to 3 thousand rupees only. The hostels are within the campus and the PG , rooms are nearby so , you don't have to spend on the travelling expenses. The university is located in the uttar pradesh ,hence students can avail the schoolarship provided by the up government that is upscholarship , the general and obc students get scholarship of around 57000 rupees. While the Sc, St students get the complete fee scholarship of 1.2 lakhs rupees per year. Almost all student get the scholarship until you yourself make error in scholarship form Hence , the scholarship makes the courses affordable.

Exam Structure

The admission process is not complicated . Once the admission form comes around the july month , you just have to fill up the application form from the the official website of bbau and upload relevant documents as asked. Then after that you will be allocated the seat after few days and a the portal for fee submission will be given to you. After you pay the fees, somedays later they will ask you to submit the documents and verification of it in offline mode in campus itself. The most preffered exam for the admission is cuet conducted by nta ,most of the student come thorugh this only.But ,for btech you can also get admission through jee mains also. For safe percentile for the college admission , it would be around 84 for general and obc , 63 for sc and st . There is no seperate reservation for obc , it is combined with gen as UR category. After the spot counselling , if seats remains vacant, the admission is taken through management quota , so one can take admission through this also.

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Campus Life

1. Sports clubs are available. The facilities are decent. 2. It does have a separate Gym for men and women. It has almost all the facilities. 3. No, a swimming pool is in construction. 4. They are pretty decently managed. Access to third party resources is available. 5. The campus of college is fairly big standing at about 220 acres. The distance is roughly 700 metres. Students generally walk or use a cycle for commuting. 6. Keeping personal motorised vehicles is not allowed in the campus. 7. They can visit the campus and stay in the college guesthouse. 8. There are lot of food joints. Various famous canteens like Cafe 96, Yashnath canteen, Tirath canteens are present. 9. It does have a medical centre. A general physician is always available. Specialised doctors come in shifts.1. The overall campus life was very good. Most students study or roam around the campus. 2. The nightlife is decent. Boys meet and group in canteens where sometimes cricket matches can be presented. 3. Students regularly visit outside the campus. The go to places to visit are Civil lines, Sangam, or they can visit the old side of city like Katra etc. 4. The locality is generally safe. However, it was recommended to come back to campus by 10 PM in the night. 5. The major cultural fest was the Culrav which was a 3 day event including various performances, music and dance events. Many celebrities have also visited during this event. Some famous ones include Farhan Akhtar, Mohit Chauhan etc. Apart from it, various technical fests like Avishkar and Hack36 used to take place encouraging technical expertise. 6. Major clubs and committees are dance committees like western, marathi etc, the music club Nishaad and various dramatics clubs. Also, other clubs like robotics, coding etc were present. 7. Coding club and other important clubs were needed for technical growth. The cultural clubs were also needed for the overall growth in personality. 8. Not a lot of student exchange was observed during my tenure. It used to happen sometime back maybe.


The teaching is good and all faculties are so supportive and teach very well the college has school like environment and if anyone fell difficult to pass the exam or fail in exam the teacher will help them with good concern and care. The good aspect about my course is the subject are so interesting and effective but the bad aspect is that the duration of the course that my university provide only 3 months for 6 months semester and that semester will end in 4 months it will become very difficult to study and prepare for exams. Usually average students will have 6 classes per day and that will be from 9 to 3.45 every day. usually one free class will be provided to each class Teaching Methodology of faculties is they will try to cover all the portions before the exam but sometimes some topics left out then they will tell us to do presentation on it. I like many faculties and one special teacher is dr.saroja this teacher will be little strict but the way she teaches will be just like spoon feeding and very understanding. some teachers are there but i cant take names. when its comes to attendance if the teacher is strict the attendance is mandatory , if not it is okay with vailed reasons.

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2.3 /5


Here are some aspects of the attendance policy at Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University (DSEU): Attendance recording Students are responsible for ensuring their attendance is recorded. Attendance is recorded in each class and forwarded to the Academic Office at the end of the course. Leave of absence Students must get prior permission or intimation for any absence. Students can't be exempt from classes for reasons other than personal physical disability, grave personal tragedy, or university work. Students who are absent for medical reasons must submit a medical certificate to the Academic section of their campus. Proxy attendance Proxy attendance is considered serious misconduct and can result in a student losing more than 50% of their attendance. Research scholars Research scholars must attend their research work on all working days and mark attendance, except when they are on sanctioned leave. They are entitled to 30 days of leave per academic year, including medical leave. Promotion Students who are absent in all components of a course evaluation will receive an F grade. Students can appeal for a repeat year to improve their grade AT LAST I MUST SAY EVERYTHING IS CHILL IN UNIVERSITY, THERE IS NO PRESSURE ON STUDENTS AND YOU GET TOO MUCH TIME FOR OTHER WORKS

Fees and Financial Aid

1. blue books and record=1000 career guidance service fund=100 e-consortium=1000 equipment maintenance=8000 Indian red cross membership=50 library development=4000 instituitional A/c=3400 NFTW=25 parents student association=1800 sports=200 sports and development=3000 teachers development=25 university development=750 campus main=10000 cultural activities=100 e-learning=1000 ERP=1000 ISRF=1000 internet=2200 magazine ,calendar=500 NSS=40 renewal of registration=1000 student development=25 Tuition fee=58806 women cell =20 for total around 1 lakh 10 thousand for a govt seat holder for management seat the fee will be vary up to 2 lakh 50 thousand. 2.I paid 1lakh 3 thousand for my third year of BE course 3. Fee according to my point of view it will be same in other BE college in the town. 4.With consideration per year it will be 30 to 40 thousand apart from fees. 5.For General ,OBC and other categories the fee will almost same if you get in by any entrance exams the fee will be less than management seat holder fees. 6.No scholarship will be provided from college.

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Fees and Financial Aid

The fees for some B.Tech programs at Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University (DSEU): B.Tech (MAE): The fees for this program are: First year: Rs 1,50,000 Second year: Rs 1,65,000 Third year: Rs 1,81,500 Fourth year: Rs 1,99,650 B.Tech (ECE): The fees for this program are the same as the B.Tech (MAE) program B.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering): The fees for this program are around Rs 5.85 L DSEU offers four B.Tech programs: Electronics and Communication, CSE, Mechanical Engineering, and Mechatronics Engineering. The Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University (DSEU) offers several scholarships to eligible students, including: Merit-cum-Means Linked Financial Assistance Scheme Stepping-Stone Scholarship (SSS) Topper's Scholarship Raman Kant Munjal Scholarship Mahindra All India Talent Scholarship Surya Kiran Scholarship Data Analytics Scholarship Vidya sarathi Scholarship Jai Krishna Scholarship Students can also apply for scholarships through Buddy 4 Study, India's largest scholarship listing portal. Buddy 4 Study connects students with relevant scholarships and provides details about the application process. DSEU also has a Kind Circle program, where students can nominate deserving students for scholarships from individual donors.

Campus Life

Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University has various campuses present in Delhi. The campuses are built in such a way that they offer easy accessibility to students and the various campuses are well-linked to the Delhi Metro as well. DSEU Dwarka Campus also provides last-mile connectivity through electric rickshaws and several other modes of transportation. DSEU Dwarka Campus also has computer labs, a canteen, conference halls, and provides various other facilities for students. The quality of facilities in the hostel are good including a canteen which is shut since the past one year. (144 Reviews) The infrastructure of our college is good, and we can see large classrooms and good labs and a big library with lots of books. The campus is located at a prime location, within close vicinity of futuristic places like the Aerocity or the cyber-city of Gurugram, as well as providing convenient access to various amenities and facilities, such as big hotels, world-class malls that are home to some huge brands, banks, hospitals, food joints, etc

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For Physics department, the Btech course is quite challenging. And students do fail in exams. Good aspects- Engineering Physics is purely research based branch so if you are interested in research this branch is heaven for you. Bad Aspects- There are very less jobs in core. For good opportunities you need to have masters or PHD. If you want good job after bachelor's then you have to learn other skills like coding, ML, analytics etc. In majority of the courses for a particular semester, there are 2 quizzes, 1 mid sem, 1 endsem exam, 1-2 assignment or term paper depending on the prof. Usually there are 3-4 classes of 1 hr each and if there is a lab then add 3 hrs more for that. 3rd year classes are mostly in afternoon session from 2-5 or 2-6 PM. 4th year classes are in morning session form 9-12 or 8-12 PM in my department. Other department schedule classes according to them. Most professors follow Teacher Centred Methodology with Inquiry based learning. Discussion are highly encouraged. Some profs give group projects and assignments for collaborative learning. I don't want to name the faculties without their permission but I would definitely tell you about their qualities which I admire the most. One of my profs who thought us Quantum Mechanics is one of the best professor of our department. He didn't bothers students at all with unnecessary assignments. At the start of semester he even asked us" How you would like to be evaluated?" Means we were given the chane to choose the no of exam or quizzes we want to take. He also has no attendance policy and encourages learning irrespective of where you learn from. Another one is my Thesis Supervisor who is one of the most chill and coolest profs I have ever met in my college. I wanted to work on his research and explore the field. When I approached him regarding the same he happily accepted my request. A really great guy, he not only made me understand his work but also helped me whenever I faced problems. Some not so admired faculties just don't give a damn about the students. They just teach what they are supposed to teach, clear doubts and leave doesn't matter whether the students are learning or not. Some even hold personal grudges against students for not attending their classes. Attendance depends on prof to prof. Some take it seriously some don't. Those who take it seriously 75% attendance is mandatory. If you don't fulfil it you could be debarred from taking end semester exams. Yes one of my friends got debarred from registering in endsems and eventually had to drop 1 year because he didn't attended one of profs classes and he took it personally.

Campus Life

There's a basketball court in the campus near the hostel and there's a big garden where we can play any of the outdoor game . All the necessary gaming tools are provided by the college. College doesn't have the gym . College do have the swimming pool but due to unknown reasons the pool is empty with no water. Students are allowed to put there car and scooty in the parking area and have to take a token of rs. 50 once and after showing the token then can take out their vehicles otherwise they again have to pay some amount as parking fee. My college covers a huge area as it was established in 1870. The college have the cafeteria and canteen along with at the same place but cover a huge area. College has a some sick room in which girls having minor issues can take rest pr either go back home . There are no doctors or nurses. My campus life was neither good morning bad. It was average as I am an introvert so there are limited friends whom I was around overall within mt complete course years. Most of the students of my batch are pursuing post graduation degrees and some of them are posted in corporates and few of them are preparing for government jobs. College is closed at 5 pm anyhow so there's no nightlife . Only on events the nightlife is being enjoyed such as at dandiya night we were at campus till 9:00 pm and enjoyed alot . cafeteria closed as the college is closed. Students are not allowed to stay in campus so there's no chance of students to roam around the college except the hostellers. In the campus there's only cafeteria where students can hung out and outside there's pizza dine , Arjun momos, Domino's, hazelnuts factory, ramkrishna math , lord of drinks and many more places where students love to go . The locality is also safe at day and even at night also. The main event of my college is the aura and Christmas, the vibes of the college is so soothing at the time of fests and events . Many concerts are been organised and many events like dandiya night, Holi fest , etc .these also events do occur occassionally. I am part of every event and fest that held in the college . foreign universities students mostly prefer lucknow university over the IT college so there's no such importance of international student to be a part of my college , but many famous stars of India like the sound blaze , is studying in my college and her mother is also pursuing pg from my college .

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Campus Life

IITG offers a wide range of sports activities to chose from. For outdoor activities various grounds are available which includes Athletics, Hockey, Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Cricket, Tennis. Indoor sports include Table Tennis, Badminton(international level court), Squash and various board games. For indoor sports you are required to have your own shoes, rackets etc and for outdoor sports most of the things are provided by the Institute. IITG has a central gym equipped with almost all types of modern equipments and most of the hostels have a small gym. The campus also has an Olympic size swimming pool. Separate pools are not present for boys and girls. Swimming pool is usually operated from 8AM-8PM during normal days. IITG Auditorium has a capacity of around 1600 people. IITG Central Library is one of the largest libraries in North East India containing thousands of books related to various topics. On normal days students can access library till 2AM and on exam days it is accessible 24hrs. We can access various databases and research papers using our college id for research and projects. IITG Campus covers an area of about 700 Acres. From my hostel to academic block, the distance was around 2.5 km. All the students travel through bicycles only. Students are not allowed to keep any motor vehicle inside the campus. Relatives can visit the students for overnight stay. For this we just need to book a room in guest house for their stay and they need to carry a valid ID proof to enter the campus. There are food joints available in the campus but are mostly local brands. Only 1-2 national brands are present. IITG also has a hospital and provides first aid medication and treatment. It is sufficient for the campus residents and there is also a multispeciality hospital present just outside the main gate in case of emergency. The doctors and nurses are well qualified. The Campus life is vibrant and energetic. After classes most of the students work in clubs, plays different sports or hang out with friends at the local market. Nightlife is mostly confined around the campus activities. Only 1-2 cafeteria open till 2-3AM in the morning. A large number of students roam or walk around the campus late at night. There are daily bus trips from campus to city. Most students hang out at the food court, tea stall near the lake and at the khokha market near the gate. Outside the campus most students visit Guwahati city during weekends for movies, clubs, parties etc. Students are not allowed to leave the campus after 10PM. If they want to leave they have to take permission from the authorities. Alcheringa is the cultural festival of IITG and one of the largest cultural festivals in North East India. Arman Malik, Amaal Malik, Vishal &Shekhar, Jubin Nautiyal, Zakir Hussain and many more have performed at Alcheringa. Techniche is the annual Technical festival. Nikhil Dsouza, Ases Kaur, Amit Mishra, Samay Raina, Madhur Varli have performed at Techniche recently. There are variety of technical, cultural and sports clubs present in IITG. This include coding club, Finance and economics, consulting, Robotics, Aeromodelling, Astronomy, Electronics, music, drama, Fine arts, Filmmaking, and various sports clubs. I was a part of the Aeromodelling, Astronomy and Quiz club of IITG. In terms of value addition Coding, Electronics, Robotics, Finance, AI are some of the best clubs one can join. There are student exchange programs available with the partner universities in Japan and South Korean. JIFU University offers one such student exchange programs. There is no extra fees for that and if you get selected most of your expenses are beared by the partner university.


The curriculum designed by UGCF is interesting as well as easy to moderate, providing overall development in an individual. The course content is not so length which makes it enjoyable and improves thinking level of an individual . Actually, I am from Maths hons and The reason for choosing this course is basically the interest which I have developed during my school days. So the good aspects of this course is that it improves Analytical thinking, Mental Ability, thinking power etc. Also it is foundation for many modelling techniques. If we talk about bad aspects; Specialization in Mathematics can limit exposure to other discipline because of its curriculum, Also its Abstract nature may make student struggle in coping with its concept. Also this math is totally pure which is totally different from maths in school The final University exams are conducted twice a year for the respective two semesters of a year. Also the internals were conducted once in both the semester of a year. Usually we have 3-4 classes regularly each having 1 hour duration. The timing vary mostly everyday. On an average class are conducted from 9:45 to 2:05. After classes we have enough free time from 2:05 to 5:00 for sports and other extra curricular activities or visiting Library. The teaching is done usually in general classrooms with chalk and blackboard for basic theory and for some critical concepts we have classes on smart board which is present in every room. Also we have lab classes every week for coding practicals. The Mathematics facility is truly wonderful. They are very much supportive as well as caring. The always wants you to learn something new everyday and be productive in life. They are just too much hardworking, friendly and caring professor. There are only one professor out of 15 mathematics professor which I don't like. The reason is he doesn't want to teach , it seems he thinks teaching as just a government job but not as a Nobel work. I Can't disclose his name because of Privacy reasons Yes there is a attendance criteria in the college which is of about minimum 66.6%. No there is not any penalty for that but if you have short attendance in one semester the next semester you must have to acquire min attendance to compensate previous shortage.

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Campus Life

Every sports facility is available in college in sports wing. We have badminton court, tennis court, basketball court, Table tennis, Cricket net etc. No we do not have gym in our college. No we don't have swimming pool. The auditorium and library is very nice and is accessible to all. Library timings are from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. No I don't have ideas about third party database. The size of campus is around 15 acres. The hostel is around 300m from main building. All travel on foot only. No it is not allowed to have a car and bike. Yes parents can visit the hostels. But they are not allowed to stay there. No other food joints Ye we have Medical Center in our college for medical facilities. Yes it is sufficient for everyone. Ye obviously they are qualified. The overall college life is very good. It has developed new skills in me as well as takes away bad habits of me. I have learnt to be productive. We mostly play cricket after our classes. Most students do the same. Till 9 hostlers can roam in garden and playground but they are not allowed inside campus. The major spots of hanging out are Maggie point, Romeo Juliet lane, canteen inside and campus and for outside we have satya Nike tan which is filled with lot of cafes. We have several cultural fest in our college from time time but our Annual first Nexus is the best one which takes place in February or March. Recently Mohit Chauhan has camr to perform during our annual fest The major clubs are faa, NSS, Exordium. I was part of Exordium. Different branch students have different societies which could be beneficial for all. But for all the students Debating society is needful. No Foreign students exchange program

Fees and Financial Aid

# The Yearly fees of our college include various component like : Tuition fees- Rs 300 University fees- Rs 2940 College Student Welfare Fund Fees- Rs 4300 College Development Fund Fees - Rs 1800 College Facilities And Service Charges Fees- Rs 11045 Weaker Student Support Fund Fees- Rs 700 Now we Will look at Hostel fees Structure: Admission fees- 500 Furniture Fees- 750 Medical and Counselling Fee- 1000 Garden Fee- 150 Development Fees- 2800 Hostel Sports And Cultural Fees- 1500 Mess Charges- 3350/month Maintenance Charge - 4950/ month Room Rent- 750/ month Electricity and Water charges- 1050/month # I am in third year of Bsc hons Mathematics And I have paid around Rs 21085 for the whole year. And For the Entire Course I have paid around 15625 + 17252 + 21085 = 53962 # The fess structure of college is almost similar as in most of the college of Delhi University And even less than some colleges like St Stephens , Hindu , Hansraj etc. However the hostel is fees is little high comparatively to other colleges of Delhi University making hostel less economical for some Students. # The other Expenses for non- hostlers include Groceries (around 600/month) , Transportation ( 2400/month for metro and 110/month Bus Pass) etc # No, Fee is same for all categories. However concession is provided to SVC Staff (around 75%) and to PwBD ( negligible fee of 500-700) Categories # Also the college provides freeship to deserving students, after a verification process The freeship is provided purely on the basis of Economical status . On an Average 300-400 are getting it and the amount provided in freeship is of around 6000/year and you have to renew it every year.

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Campus Life

The campus infrastructure at Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology is strictly suited to various kinds of academic as well as co-curricular activities. The college provides numerous sporting facilities, including basketball, volleyball, and badminton courts and grounds for cricket and football. The college furnishes most of the basic equipment to be in place for these games; however, it advises the students to bring personal gear for them to take the best of them. Included in the campus facility is a gym with assorted apparatus for the sports and fitness enthusiast students who desire to remain healthy. The campus does not harbor a swimming pool; hence it deprives the students the opportunity of using this facility. The auditorium is massive and conducts seminars and cultural programs besides college events, while the library is well-stocked with several books and resources so that students can easily find what they need for study. The library hours are from early morning to evening, and students have access to multiple third-party databases which facilitate research and work on projects. There is quite a vast area of the college campus that prompts the students to venture out and enjoy some fresh outdoors, which in turn develops a very vibrant community. Since hostel accommodations are not available, the students generally travel from nearby hostels to the academic block. This is usually done by public transport or personal vehicles. The students are allowed to keep their private bikes or cars within the premises. It makes traveling pretty easy for them. While the relatives are allowed to meet the students at the campus, the overnight stay arrangement is primarily informal and depends on the students referring to the college policies for guest accommodation arrangements. Besides the central cafeteria, there are other food outlets available in the campus that offer a variety of meals to cater to as many tastes as possible. The campus also has a medical centre attended by qualified professionals with essential health services although it may be small in capacity and resources to the amount of demand available.Campus life at Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology is vibrant, engaging, while keeping a great balance of academics with extracurricular activities. After classes, there are various study groups or sports going on that really appeal to the strong sense of community of the students. The favorite hotspots for the students include local cafes, parks, and shopping areas. The locality is not usually unsafe, so it is safe for the students to roam around in the night without any sort of trouble. Fest and cultural activities organized on the campus throughout the year create a campus life, as all the students participate enthusiastically in activities and performances. Recent events have attracted a few celebrities, which usually adds the excitable atmosphere to the event. The college environment fosters teamwork and fraternity among the students, encouraging the development of friendships and bonding beyond the college campus. Overall, the campus life at Sreyas promotes and develops personal growth as well as academics, hence a satisfactory experience for the student.

Fees and Financial Aid

At Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology, the fee structure is categorized into various heads that comprise several categories, that is, tuition fees and other charges. Fee Structure for Each Category of Yearly Fees: 1. Tuition Fees: The tuition fees for general category students would be around INR 1,00,000 per year. However, it could be slightly different as per the chosen branch. 2. Development Fees: These start from an amount of INR 10,000 to INR 15,000 per annum, comprising development fees or maintenance fees. 3. Other Charges: The student would also be needing to pay miscellaneous charges such as activities, library, or exam fees, which may vary between INR 5,000 to INR 10,000 per annum. Total charges for the entire duration of the Course: The total charges for a 4-year B.Tech program at Sreyas amount to around INR 4.4 lakhs up to INR 5.0 lakhs, depending upon the extra charges that are incurred in the process. Comparison with Other Colleges: The fees at Sreyas are reasonably priced relative to other engineering colleges in Hyderabad. The fees stand significantly lower when compared to that of instituitions such as Vasavi College of Engineering and CVR College of Engineering. Nevertheless, it has a higher scale of fees when compared to some of the government-funded instituitions and low-tier private instituitions in the region. Other Monthly Expenses Other than the term charged, annually, students normally pay monthly for: Dining Out: Students tend to spend an average of INR 2,000 to INR 3,000 at diners every month. Groceries: Incidental expenses will range approximately between INR 1,000 to INR 1,500 in case of off-campus students for groceries among other things. Transport: In case they take up public transport or use a personal vehicle, the cost will range approximately between INR 500 to INR 1,500 a month. - Entertainment/Other: Miscellaneous expenditures on outings, shopping, and social events would be in the range of INR 2,000 to INR 3,000 a month. Category-Wise Fee Differences: Tuition fees hardly vary across categories, except for SC/ST and EWS students who would also be eligible for scholarships by government or fee reimbursement schemes, thereby the cost almost gets reduced significantly. Scholarships and Financial Assistance: Sreyas Institute provides several scholarships for deserving students. Scholarships are mainly merit-based, and merit holders in entrance exams or with outstanding academic track records are provided with full/ partial fee waivers. Besides, students belonging to the weaker sections of the economy can seek government-sponsored scholarships or fee reimbursement schemes. On average, 10-15 percent of the students get scholarships, and it varies according to the category and the scholarship scheme, which can be between INR 25,000 to INR 50,000 per year. These financial aids make education more affordable for students from underprivileged backgrounds, or those students who excel academically.

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