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What should be the study plan to get into JBIMS?

Tanuj Chandra Posted On : February 28th, 2023
Student Mentor at Catking

To gain admission into JBIMS, it is essential to possess more than just a study plan. A positive mindset, consistency, and speed are key to success.

JBIMS admission procedure is managed through DTE. For Maharashtra-based candidates, CET scores are accepted. There is a reservation for All India Seats, where one may apply through CAT, ATMA, or MAT. It is important to keep in mind that focusing on the JBIMS cutoff for CET or any other exam is not recommended, as the school is highly sought after and the intake for General Candidates is approximately 50. Therefore, aim to rank first in CET or any other exams accepted by JBIMS, as only the top 50 students are enrolled.

As for the study plan, it is imperative to have a strong grasp of basics and Vedic maths. The CET exam consists of 200 questions and has a duration of 150 minutes, equating to roughly 30-40 seconds per question. Therefore, it is crucial to be quick with calculations. A mentor should focus on speed and accuracy while preparing students for the exam.

  • Start by learning tables, squares, cubes, and formulas, and ensure to revise them weekly.
  • Take one mock CET exam, and analyze both your strong and weak sections.
  • Utilize the option to toggle between sections by attempting the section where you score better first, as this will boost confidence during the weaker sections.
  • Since there is no negative marking in CET, try to attempt as many questions as possible. Analyze your weaker areas and make a list of them.
  • Ensure a clear understanding of concepts for topics causing difficulties by solving 5-10 questions daily. This will increase comfort and scores.
  • Practice solving at least 10 abstract reasoning questions daily. This is the easiest and quickest section to clear, with 25 questions in CET based on abstract reasoning. With regular practice, this section can be cleared in 15 minutes with 95% accuracy.
  • In the Verbal section, focus on being clear with grammar and vocabulary, with the main emphasis on speed. Practice one RC daily and aim to solve it in under 5 minutes.
  • To improve speed in Quants and DI, learn Vedic Maths and shortcut tricks. Regularly revise formulas.
  • For LR, practice 5-10 questions daily and one question of Seating Arrangement and Puzzles each.
  • Continuously give sectional mocks to increase accuracy and once concepts have been completed, start taking full-length mocks. Analyze the first three mocks, set a strategy, and then focus on implementing it while solving all other available mocks. This will help improve speed, and accuracy, and build confidence.

By following these steps, one can effectively prepare for CET and gain admission into JBIMS.

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How do I self-study for the IPMAT IIM Indore including books topics etc.?

Daksha Garg Posted On : January 12th, 2023
A Student

The paper for the IPMAT IIM Indore is divided into three sections; 2 on Quantitative Aptitude and 1 on VARC. There are 40 questions in each section that must be answered within 40 minutes. There is a time limit for each section, so you can't tamper with them.

These are the few books you'll need for English (VARC). Norman Lewis Word Power Made Easy and a Grammar Book by Wren and Martin. Practice sentence correction and phrasal verbs. Because there are also five to six comprehension questions, increase your reading speed to at least 300 words per minute. Read a lot of books or watch English-language videos on any general topic. This is merely to sharpen your sentence-building abilities, which will assist you in situations where you must rearrange words into meaningful sentences.

Practice Algebra, Trigonometry, Matrices, Determinants, Relations, and Measuring for the QA (Math section). Calculus and vectors are not prevalent. R.D. Sharma's book, Objective Mathematics is suggested for you. Get an NCERT questions book if you want more math books. You must keep in mind that you only have a limited amount of time, so you must complete just 25, or 30 if possible, of the total 40 questions.

If you're smart enough and have a comprehensive understanding of elementary grammar and high school mathematics, the exam is simple.

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How much money will it take to study for an MBA at FMS Delhi?

Sagardeep Posted On : January 3rd, 2023
Studied at Faculty of Management Studies, the University of Delhi

The MBA programme at FMS Delhi is inexpensive, but the placements at FMS are on par with or even exceed the packages received by students at the top three IIMs during campus placements. , at the risk of being forced to do so. As a result, many candidates who are offered admission to IIMs select the FMS Delhi MBA programme as their top choice. 

The two-year MBA programme at FMS Delhi costs Rs.1.92 lakhs. The FMS Delhi MBA fees have risen significantly. FMS Delhi MBA fees for its two-year full-time course have now increased to Rs.48,000/- per semester (Rs.1.92 lakhs for two years) from Rs.25,000/- two years ago. The fee is due at the start of the academic year. PWD students will be exempt from paying all fees except the Admission fee and the Identity Card fee.

In addition to this fee, the students have established a registered body, the Management Science Association (MSA), which consists of various societies and charges a membership fee for carrying out student activities. The fee is set by the students on an ongoing basis.

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I can’t sleep less than 7 hours a day. How can I cope with my studies at IIM Ahmedabad?

Yash Arora Posted On : December 21st, 2022
Marketing Manager at Market Simplified (2018–present)

If you aren't already a master of time management, there are two ways to get through the first year.

  • You teach yourself time management, your productivity increases significantly, and you'll have more time to sleep.
  • You disregard time management while forgetting what sleep entails. You spend the mornings keeping yourself awake in class, and the nights are spent getting ready for those classes and trying to finish up any unfinished work.

Many people end up taking the second option. Every day, they find it difficult to keep the numerous activities that they either are obligated to perform or take on voluntarily, and they quickly run out of time and patience. The more intelligent or unconcerned individuals significantly reduce their participation in voluntary activities. Thus, their days here are spent studying, sleeping, and occasionally relaxing with friends. You only need to be aware that you will either have to forgo your usual sleep or learn the skills and techniques.

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What procedure should be followed to study in IIM Calcutta

Adil Mirza Posted On : December 15th, 2022
MBA from Indian Institute of Management Calcutta

The following instructions will help you make the most of the academics at IIM Calcutta:

  1. Prepare for the CFA level 1 during the initial few months itself

  2. Procure the study material and PPTs from your professors prior to the class. Going through them beforehand will enhance the learning experience.

  3. Studying and working in groups will enable you to socialize as well as meet people from diverse backgrounds.

  4. Prepare a good 3-page CV as soon as you join IIM Calcutta.

  5. There are many clubs that promote versatile interests. Being a part of them will be a good experience as extracurricular activities are also taken into consideration during the placements.

  6. Join sports or other games held within the campus.

Apart from these points don’t forget to enjoy your college days. Study hard but don’t miss out on the amazing experience.

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Are IGNOU materials really beneficial for UPSC preparation? Where can I download them for free?

Abhishek Upadhyay Posted On : October 20th, 2022
MA in Political Science, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

IGNOU course material is useful for preparation, but it is not of the highest quality in some subject areas. IGNOU Literature, Social Science, and Science stream books are excellent for preparing for the UPSC civil services examination, but Mathematics stream books are not.

You can get the books from IGNOU's official book archive, eGyankosh. Here, you must first create a login ID and password combination, and then click the "enter your search query" option in the website's search option for the desired search process.

However, there is a disadvantage in that on the eGyankosh website, chapter-by-chapter downloading options are available rather than whole-book downloading, which requires significantly more effort than usual.

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Is foolscap size paper necessary for IGNOU assignments?

Manya Bhasin Posted On : October 20th, 2022
Studied at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

If your study centre does not have a specific paper size, you can use A4-size paper or assignment pages with lines marked on them. Mark the page number on your assignment and the total pages in front of your assignment, and if you submit any tables or images, mark them on your table of content.

When submitting your assignment, remember to include a copy of your assignment question as well as your name, enrollment number, submission date, course name and code, term, study centre address, as well as your address and contact number, so that study centre staff can contact you if anything goes wrong.

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What are some guidelines to keep in mind while writing IGNOU assignments?

Ishmeet Kaur Posted On : October 20th, 2022
M.A political science from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

IGNOU assignments are the most important part of your studies. 

It is recommended that you use double-sided ruled thick paper for your assignments. Leave some space on both sides of the paper so that your writing is not hidden when you stick it in a file. It is best to begin with question 1 and work your way through the questions in order. Avoid putting too much space between two answers. It is also advisable to properly write the questions and their answers. You must keep a separate file for each subject.

It is beneficial to review your classmates' assignments. It gives you a clear picture and a better idea. The Viva-Person usually asks the question based on the answer you wrote, so make sure you have revised all of your answers before the viva session.

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Which publications reference books are best for the IGNOU BA programme, GPH Straight Forward or Neeraj?

Nabaneeta Sinha Posted On : October 20th, 2022
M.A. in History, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

It is strongly advised that you only purchase Neeraj Publication books and not the GPH. If you want to pass the exam, GPH is sufficient. However, if you want to learn something and get good grades, you should definitely buy Neeraj Publication books. Neeraj Publication books are a mix of direct questions answered and concepts covered briefly. This is a better introduction to the subject than the GPH.

Neither Neeraj publication books nor GPH can replace the IGNOU study material. Studying these IGNOU books will not only increase your knowledge but will also boost your confidence. You need to determine your reason for studying first and then study the book accordingly.

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I am pursuing MA economics from IGNOU. What are the books which we should follow?

Harish Kumar Posted On : October 19th, 2022
Studies at University of Petroleum and Energy Studies UPES Dehradun

The study material provided by IGNOU is elaborate and more than enough. You don't really need books except for these 3 subjects:

MEC 001 Microeconomic Analysis: For the subject, you might need some extra notes. The best way is to google the topics. You can make notes on the numerical part especially. Usually, the numerical questions are the same as the previous years. Still, it is recommended that you don't skip the study material.

MEC 003 Quantitative Methods in Economics: For this subject, you can make the best use of YouTube videos. Also practising from the previous year's papers will prove to be very helpful.

MEC 105 Indian Economic Policy: The study material provided for this particular subject needs to be updated with the latest data and figures. So it's highly recommended that you prepare topic-wise notes after thorough study.

Ultimately focus on the syllabus whichever source you are referring to.

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