How do I study to get into IIT Delhi in 3 months through the JEE Advanced rank of some 100s?

1 Answer

Riya Radhera Posted On - Apr 1, 2023
Works at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Well, getting into IIT with just 3 months of preparation does sound impossible but honestly, everything is possible if you have the right set of motivation and determination. Here are some basic tips that might help you achieve your goal.

  • Stop thinking about what people will think of you and focus on yourself completely for once. Sometimes we fail to take risks just because of the fear of losing and facing society. Don’t let that stop you from achieving the impossible.
  • Utilize the 3 months to the fullest. Be ready for challenges that ask you to do and sacrifice much more than you are capable of. Your limits will be tested relentlessly, and be ready to face such challenges.
  • While preparing, don’t think of the aftermath and let that discourage you. Have tons of hope and trust me you will see yourself succeeding.

These may sound like philosophical teachings but these will work like magic if you pay heed to them.



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