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It is easy to crack the NLSIU with class 12th. What preparation should I do for cracking it?

Preeti Ghosal Posted On : July 7th, 2022
B.A.L.L.B.(hons.) from National Law University, Jodhpur

12th standard is a good time to start preparing for Law examinations. Rather than targeting NLSIU or CLAT, you should focus on learning all concepts tested for law examination selection. Adopt a well-structured learn-practice-test approach. 

Focus on clearing your concepts first. Once you are through, solve different Q types and take CLAT mocks. Analyze the mocks thoroughly. This will help you improve your score.

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What is the preparation strategy of AIIMS Delhi?

Vedant Mishra Posted On : July 30th, 2022
MBBS from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

Here are some tips that can help you prepare better AIIMS Delhi. 

  • Physics - Follow NCERT books for Physics. Solve previous years' questions. The questions are not too difficult. Most MCQs are lengthy and calculative. Learn the shortcuts to solve questions. Solving JEE Mains questions can help. Electrodynamics, Magnetism, Modern Physics, EM, and Optics should be your main target.
  • For Inorganic Chemistry, NCERT books are enough. Go through each and every detail thoroughly. For the Organic section, practice as much as you can. Physical section questions aren’t too difficult. If you have a good understanding of the basics, you can solve the questions easily. 
  • For Biology, go through the NCERT books and coaching modules. It should be enough.
  • The GK/logic section is easy. You don’t need to worry about it much.

Try to take a good number of mocks. 

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Can I get into NLSIU with just a month's preparation? I want it bad and I'm ready to do whatever it takes and work to the best of my abilities.

Virish Khanna Posted On : October 13th, 2021
Studied BA.LLB Law, National Law School of India University, Bangalore (2020)

NLSIU picks the crème-de la crème of the aspiring students and people put in a year or two just to prepare for CLAT to crack the top list. It is not possible for you to prepare just in a month and crack the top 75 in CLAT.

However, if you still do want to try, do the following things and add a little confidence in yourself and you might just win this one:

  • Sign up for the test series.
  • Take regular mock tests
  • Analyze your results and work on areas that you are weak in
  • DO NOT take up any crash course, they are not very helpful
  • Study for not less than 14 hours in a day
  • Focus on Logical and Legal questions
  • Read explanations to all the answers where you go wrong
  • Attempt more questions that are similar to the ones you get incorrect
  • Revise difficult concepts daily and not-so-difficult concepts once a week
  • Practice with a lot of mock tests and get guidance from someone who has recently appeared for the exam, get insights, and incorporate them in your prep strategy.

Work hard and you might just pull it off!

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How do I prepare for the NICMAR entrance exam if I'm planning to get a top 5 percentage scholarship?

Dev Dixit Posted On : September 29th, 2021
Studied Advanced Construction Management at the National Institute of Construction Management and Research (2019)

In the NICMAR admission process, maximum weightage is carried by NCAT Exam (150 Marks). It has three sections which are as follows:

Preparation Time: 3 Months 

  • Quant: R.S Aggarwal or equivalent aptitude books will be best for this section. Some questions are really easy that can be solved in less than a minute. If you want to maximize your score, practice moderate-level questions of other MBA entrance exams. Be thorough with percentages, allegations and mixtures, ratios, time speed, and distance, and like topics as questions are asked from these topics. 
  • Data Interpretations: There are multiple books available for Bank PO Exams in which such sets are available. You can just go through them. It is sort of a puzzle so you will have fun doing it.
  • Verbal and GK: Reading Comprehension is very easy. Just practice a few comprehension available in any competitive exam book. This section also tests your vocabulary as synonyms and antonyms questions will be based on your vocabulary. GK questions are really easy and you’d have read them somewhere even if you are not a news freak. To sum up, if you read the newspaper daily and practice a few comprehensions, synonym antonym, grammar questions, you are more than ready for this section.

In NCAT, speed matters the most. You should solve the easy questions first. Do not waste your time if you are finding any questions tough. Just move on. Most importantly, you should improve your grade in UG. Participate in competitions and earn certification. Nothing much can be done as what you have done earlier matters here.

During the personal interview, brush up on your basics of civil engineering (concrete and building material especially). The basic HR questions will be asked like why do you want to join NICMAR, what are your long-term goals etc. They also test your speaking skills by giving you a topic to speak on. So, you can also practice it as it will be good for you in the longer run. 

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Can anyone help me to give advice in preparing for ISI Kolkata Entrance exam for Mtech CSE?

Ankit Tiwari Posted On : September 10th, 2021
Studied at Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur

There are two examinations through which you can take admission at ISI Kolkata for M.Tech CSE.

  • GATE (CS) with a score greater than 720.
  • Written test conducted by ISI Kolkata.

The written test conducted is of two types, i.e. Objective type questions will have mathematics paper (11th, 12th, and engineering level mathematics) and Subjective paper will have questions from Mathematics and one domain of choice.

One of my friends got admission to ISI Kolkata a few years back. Here are the reference books that she used for her preparation.

  • Tomato - A book for B-stat and B-math by ISI
  • Previous papers provided by ISI
  • Solve the sample questions of JRF Computer science for more practice.
  • Books from Ctanujit classes ( It contains a lot of mock papers)

You don’t need to solve the book completely but make sure that you know which kind of questions are asked by referring to the previous papers and then solve them accordingly.

For the technical section, the questions are very basic and test the fundamental knowledge in the chosen domain. You will see the pattern and important topics from the previous year and prepare for it.

It is important to score as high as you can in the written test as it has a higher weightage.

In interviews, you will face a panel of 12-14 professors from every domain. They often ask questions based on your background and ask to prove the theorems from the technical domain. The interviews differ for each candidate. If your written test goes well, you will see your name on the final list.

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How and what should I prepare for CUSAT GDPI (law)?

Pragati Ghosh Posted On : July 28th, 2021
Studied at Cochin University of Science and Technology (2018)

GD-PI round is conducted to test your personality and communication skills. I also prepared for CUSAT during my college days, I might be able to help you with your question.

  • You can improve your communication skills by speaking in front of a mirror.
  • Reading newspapers, discussing current topics with your friends and families will keep you updated with the recent happenings and trends.
  • Your debating skills should be good.
  • If someone tries to suppress your point you should be able to express yourself and highlight the important points in the discussions. This will make you stand out.
  • Search various GD topics on the internet.
  • You should also prepare yourself with some academic questions like “why do you want to study law” and “why do you want to join CUSAT”, etc.
  • Whatever you say, you should be confident enough to express your points.
  • Your approach for presenting the point should be factual and creative.
  • Reading various kinds of news articles in the newspaper will help you a lot.

These are some of the things I did while preparing for my GD-PI session. Just be confident and express your points thoroughly.

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How do I prepare for XGMT (XIMB)?

Rupkatha Rao Posted On : April 22nd, 2021
MBA - HRM Human Resource Management, Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (2019)

As far as preparation for any exam is concerned, my advice to you would be to know the syllabus as well as the paper pattern. This would help you study better. Knowing the syllabus proves to be quite important as it will give a clear idea regarding what you have to prepare for the exam.

Paper Pattern:

The test consists of various multiple-choice questions which are based on five sections. These sections include:

  • Quantitative aptitude
  • Data Interpretation and Logical reasoning
  • Verbal ability
  • Emotional quotient
  • General awareness

There is a time limit for every section. A downside to this exam is the fact that you will be given negative marking for every wrong answer you mark.

The pattern and syllabus are similar to those observed in other exams like CAT and XAT. The total duration of the exam is about 120 minutes.

In my opinion, look at the syllabus you have to study and have effective time management as you have in any other exam. This should help you score better and you can look at the questions you are scoring less in to improve your overall grade.

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How do I prepare for the humanities and social science entrance examination conducted by IIT Madras?

Shruti Tiwari Posted On : March 29th, 2023
Studied at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (2019)

 The Humanities and Social Sciences Entrance Examination (HSEE) is conducted by IIT Madras for admission to their integrated Master of Arts (MA) program. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the exam:

  1. Understand the exam pattern: HSEE exam consists of two parts - Part I and Part II. Part I consists of objective-type questions from English and comprehension skills, analytical and quantitative abilities, and general knowledge and contemporary issues. Part II consists of essay writing on general topics.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the syllabus: It is important to have a good understanding of the HSEE syllabus to know what topics to focus on. The syllabus includes topics from English and comprehension skills, analytical and quantitative abilities, general knowledge and contemporary issues, the Indian economy, society, culture and politics, and environmental ecology and biodiversity.
  3. Improve your English language skills: As the exam is in English, it is important to have a good command of the language. You can improve your language skills by reading books, newspapers, and articles in English, watching English news and movies, and practicing writing in English.
  4. Focus on analytical and quantitative abilities: Practice solving mathematical problems, reasoning questions, and puzzles to improve your analytical and quantitative abilities. You can also take online practice tests to get a better understanding of the exam pattern.
  5. Stay updated with current affairs: Read newspapers and magazines regularly to stay updated with the latest news and events. Make notes of important events and topics and revise them regularly.
  6. Practice essay writing: Part II of the exam requires you to write an essay on a general topic. Practice writing essays on various topics to improve your writing skills and speed.
  7. Mock tests: Taking mock tests will help you get a better understanding of the exam pattern, manage time better, and improve your speed and accuracy.
  8. Revise regularly: It is important to revise regularly to retain what you have learned. Make a revision schedule and stick to it.

Remember to stay calm and focused during the exam, and do not panic if you come across difficult questions. With proper preparation and practice, you can crack the HSEE exam and secure admission to the integrated MA program at IIT Madras.

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How should I prepare for the GD & PI round for a PGDPM in NITIE?

Anusha Gupta Posted On : May 28th, 2022
MBA from National Institute of Industrial Engineering (2021)

For the NITIE GD round, you should prepare regular GD topics. Stay updated with the current happenings in Economics, Politics, and Technology. This will help you make good points during the group discussion round. 

In the PI round, most questions will be on your profile. Prepare your undergraduate engineering subjects thoroughly. You can expect questions on Supply Chain and how your engineering branch and work experience are linked to Supply Chain. 

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How do I crack into NLSIU Bangalore?

Tirtha Banerjee Posted On : October 25th, 2021
studied at Banaras Hindu University

A friend of mine recently got into NLSIU Bangalore. Here are some of the strategies that worked for him.

  • Take mock tests regularly.
  • Join at least two test series to know your flexibility on different modes of paper. 
  • Practice those areas regularly where you feel you are weak. Make sure you recheck your weak points after every mocks.
  • Figure out what works best for you and make your study plan accordingly.

Don’t think too much about getting into NLSIU, follow your plan, and take mocks regularly. With practice and strategized preparation you can get into NLSIU Bangalore.

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