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How do I prepare for IIT-JAM?

Arindam Chakraborty Posted On : March 18th, 2021
Studied at Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur

The process is straightforward, as my sister cleared it in 2014 and got an AIR 557. In the following, some techniques are listed to get well prepared for IIT-JAM.

  • Go through the entire syllabus thoroughly. Download or purchase the previous year’s question papers. Questions in the test usually come from a fixed set of topics, especially for Organic Chemistry. This will help you pinpoint the pattern. First, don’t solve the question papers rather mark the chapters, from which questions came frequently in previous years. 
  • After getting the idea, focus on the chapters and simultaneously solve the question papers to cover every question on each topic on that particular chapter. Try not to waste much time on a single chapter.
  • After finishing these chapters, the student should be focused on the chapters, which are higher weightage. It generally comes frequently in JAM, but if not, then the student must complete the chapters first.
  • Concentrate on the easy chapters that contain fewer theories and numerical problems. These chapters are quite scoring. Cover the chapters containing theories side by side. 
  • Most of the students generally leave that theoretical chapter. Thereby focusing on this chapter will be beneficial if chemistry is your main subject. If you are from a different subject, solve the previous year’s questions. 
  • The most important thing to crack IIT-JAM is to solve the previous year’s questions, as this works as a magic box for the students. Start solving these papers in the month of December and January after completing the entire syllabus.
  • Taking coaching is not mandatory. You can do self-study too. 
  • Practice as much as you can. Solving more and more questions helps to understand the chapters and to speed up the solving process.
  • Buy good reference books. You can find these books easily by Googling. 
  • Do doubt clearing sessions with your friends and professors. You can also join crash courses to give the mock test and clear topic-related doubts.

Practice and stay motivated. Try to score in the top 100, that way you are likely to get admission to top IITs.

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