Ms. Runa Mazumdar has been working as a Faculty at Vidyasagar College of Optometry and Vision Science, Kolkata, West Bengal. She has been teaching at Vidyasagar College since 2007. Also, she graduated from VCOVS in 2006 and finished her master's degree in Optometry. 

VCOVS Kolkata

Which key factors keep you connected with the education sector?

"My passion of educating youths and aspiring students is the biggest factor behind my association with this sector"

When I graduated, I had a lot of opportunities to explore and now the scope of those opportunities have increased even more. And I was very passionate about teaching students, spreading my knowledge and experiences with them and I also loved interacting with young minds. So all these factors together I believe have helped me to stay connected with the education sector.

How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practices in the industry?

"Our curriculum is a perfect amalgamation of different teaching pedagogies, programs and learning events"

Our Vidyasagar College of Optometry and Vision Science is the first institute in Eastern India which is delivering the best education through an excellently developed curriculum. And earlier we used to offer only the Diploma course in Optometry, but from 2001, we have started offering a Bachelor's and Master's Degree courses and that too in Optometry because for now producing capable and confident Optometrists is our main aim. In addition to all this, we have an amazing team of optimistic faculties, who are well trained and have expertise in their respective areas. Lastly, to ensure all around growth and development of students and make them ready for the outside world, we supplement the bookish knowledge through a lot of events, hands-on training sessions and industry interaction sessions etc. 

Check Vidyasagar College of Optometry and Vision Science Courses & Fees

What are your roles and responsibility for the college and students? 

"I am responsible to deliver lectures, address and resolve students doubts and ensure they get best practical knowledge"

Being a Faculty, the scope of my responsibilities is very vast and I am primarily responsible for teaching students, motivating them to do their best and learn new skills, taking care of their academic as well as non-academic issues and queries and resolving them on time students and helping them to identify their passion and strengths. 

Also, I emphasize more on practical learning and developing the required confidence, skills and competencies in students which are highly in demand in the outside world. Because being an Optometrist and a healthcare professional, you directly interact with the patients and you are the first line of defense for them, so you need to be expert in your work as a little carelessness can lead to severe issues not only for you but for your patients as well.

When you joined VCOVS as a Faculty, what was your vision for this college and how has it evolved over time? 

"My vision at that time was to impart best technical skills and knowledge to students"

I always had an emotional bonding with VCOVS, as I did my graduation from here and hence I am one of the proud Alumni of this amazing college. And once I finished my graduation, I opted to join this institute as a faculty primarily because of its latest infrastructure and amazing facilities and also with the aim of delivering finest quality education and industrial exposure to students using my own knowledge and experiences. And it gives me immense happiness to tell you that we have developed the Myopia Clinic in our campus and now we are planning to establish a research center over here to make sure no stone is left unturned for our young minds when it comes to getting practical knowledge. Also, to be honest, I couldn't find a better place than this Institution to live my dream of imparting the best skills to students because this place has everything a student might need to achieve their goals. 

What are some of the greatest strengths of your college?

"Our highly educated faculties, college amazing infrastructure and students makes us strong"

In my opinion, the major sources of our college's greatest strengths are our modernized infrastructure, huge libraries, quality of education we offer to students using latest technologies, tools and teaching methodologies and our highly qualified and experienced faculty members who are recognised not only on national level but on global platforms as well. Also, many of our teachers have represented Optometry on a global level so that also adds to the strength of our institution. Apart from this, our faculty members have appeared in various training programs and events to up-skill themselves and have also developed amazing modes of learning for students through best practices they have learnt over there. Last but not the least, our students due to whom this institution was established in the first place are the most important assets and source of strength for us. 

What would you like people to know about your college that makes it different from others?

"We offer finest quality education and industrial and practical exposure to students"

Our college is one such in Eastern India, which has its own Philips running on the campus and our opening department runs throughout the week from Monday to Saturday. Also, because our main aim is to ensure best practical exposure and experiences for students, hence our students once their regular classes are over are posted in our opening to give them an overview of ground level realities and hands-on experience as they also are asked to interact and take care of patients. 

Click Vidyasagar College of Optometry and Vision Science Placements

Any suggestions which you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students? 

"Always respect your profession and try to excel in things that excites you"

I would suggest to my dear students and aspiring students of our society who all are preparing for one or the other kind of medical exam to stay strong. Because failures are an inseparable part of life, so don't stick to one place and take lessons your failures are trying to teach you. Also, identify your passion and strengths and do such things which can give you individual recognition in society, because no matter which field you are associated with, people will always identify you only when you will achieve extraordinary milestones. And feel grateful if you are associated with the medical profession and especially with the Optometry field, as this is not a regular job but a noble profession that will give you recognition, respect and lots of love from people along with a decent package. Apart from this, you can work as an independent ITR Practitioner and nothing could be more satisfying and rewarding than serving directly to your society and nation using your skills and experience.