Mr. Debiprasad Sinha has been working as a Professor at Vidyasagar College of Optometry and Vision Science, Kolkata, West Bengal. He has done M. Tech in Optoelectronics as part of his academics and has a wonderful 13 years of teaching experience. His areas of specialization are Geometrical Optics, Physical Optics and Computer Fundamentals.

Vidyasagar College of Optometry and Vision Science

Being a Faculty at VCOVS, what are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

"I am responsible to teach students and inculcate best habits in them"

As a faculty, my prime responsibility is to teach students, encourage them to follow a disciplined and regulated life and imbibe good habits in them.

What valuable advice would you like to give to the students for a prosperous career ahead? 

"Stay disciplined, dedicated and focused towards your goals and objectives"

I would advise my dear students to be regular, persistent and punctual in college because consistency is a key to success. Also, live your life to the fullest and make best use of your time and resources available to you.

What do you see as your college’s greatest strengths and how it can be enhanced?

"Our management support and active participation in college events is our biggest source of strength"

The greatest strengths of our college is the active participation of our management in all activities of the college, because this encourages both staff members and students in their respective endeavors.

What approaches do you bring in apart from curriculum to teach the students?

"To teach them beyond curriculum, we involve them in college activities and events on a regular basis"

We assign more responsibilities to the students and also involve them in all college activities and events including college fairs, cultural programmes, talent shows and sports activities which are conducted by different teams of our institute.

How does your department enhance the faculties skills and prepare them as per industry standards?

"Faculties are trained through FDPs"

For the purpose of upskilling and training faculty members, our college oragnize Faculty Development Programs on a regular basis. 

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How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practices of industry?

"It is developed as per latest trends and developments of corporate world hence include best practices"

The curriculum of our college is designed and updated keeping in mind the development and expectations of the industrial world and society. And it is a perfect amalgamation of best case studies, placement specific training programs and internships.

When you joined VCOVS, what was your vision for the institute and how are you trying to achieve the same?

"My objective was to inculcate best skills in students and make them ethically and emotionally strong"

When I joined this amazing institute, my aim was to provide the best education to my students and enrich their learning experience by sharing my corporate experiences and knowledge. And to achieve my objectives, J regularly communicates with them during and after classes and also discusses with them the important developments which are happening in the real world. All this gives them a broad perspective about different things and also confidence to use their knowledge to solve real world issues.

What challenges are you facing in uplifting the education quality of your department?

"Due to hybrid mode of learning we rarely get time to interact with students and that's a real struggle"

The Covid Pandemic has worstly impacted the education sector and students are now used to online methods of learning. So the biggest issue in front of us is that we are unable to interact with them face to face and hence many issues arise in making them understand important concepts of subjects.

Which extracurricular activities are organized by your college to enhance the skills of students?

"Cultural fests, sports events, seminars and expert talks are regularly organized by us"

Our college believes that co-curricular activities are very important in addition to giving best theoretical knowledge to students for their complete personal and professional development. Therefore, we regularly organize various cultural fests and sports activities to teach important things like leadership and team building skills to students, strengthen their communication skills and lastly to give them a platform to showcase their talents. And on the educational front, events like seminars, expert talks and conclaves are organized by the institute to help students get more in-depth knowledge about the different topics covered in their syllabus.

How do you prepare your students to deal patiently with the outside competitive world?

"By keeping themselves updated about latest technologies and trends of industrial world"

For the purpose of making students ready for the outside competitive world, we regularly held discussion sessions to educate them about the latest trends, practices, processes, requirements and development of the corporate world. And apart from this, learning sessions are also arranged by us to make students aware about the latest technologies and industrial tools. 

How does your department prepare students for higher education?

"By effectively implementing the curriculum as it's already composed of best practices and standards"

Our present curriculum is already oriented towards fulfilling the requirements of students who want to pursue higher education. Hence, we are only responsible to implement it in the most effective way.

How do you strategize and update the curriculum to make it befitting for the students?

"We review the course syllabus on a regular basis to identify it's strength and shortcomings and do necessary changes in it"

As a faculty, my strategy is to provide the best theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to my students. And hence we review the course structure and their syllabus from time to time so that necessary changes could be made in it on time and once the analysis process is complete, mandatory subjects and courses are included in the course curriculum. 

Which best practices are offered by your department to the students to help them gain necessary skills?

"Our college offers internships opportunities to students and also organize industry interaction sessions"

Our faculty members of our department use case studies to educate students and inculcate necessary skills in them. And we also offer best internship opportunities to students in reputed companies and organize events like seminars and workshops where industry experts are invited to share their knowledge, difficulties and experiences of the corporate world with our students and educate them how exactly people and processes work together in an organization.

How do you bring in a practical and industry oriented approach towards subjects?

"By teaching students using case studies"

For the purpose of enforcing a practical and industry oriented approach towards subjects, I use real to me case studies and research papers to teach them and also educate them about the scenarios they can encounter post entering the corporate sector.

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How do you establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

"By regularly communicating with them and sharing my corporate experiences with them"

For establishing healthy relations with the students I regularly interact with my students through an open and respectful communication channel to share my corporate experiences with them and I also tell them about the advantages and disadvantages of different situations. I also encourage them to have an open discussion about their experiences while attending placement interviews. And when it comes to fellow faculties, we all work as a team and ensure each other's support whenever the other is in need. In addition to this, we regularly engage ourselves in open hearted interactive sessions and also discuss class situations with each other.