Chef.Tulja Ram has done Bachelors from IHM Hyderabad and has an overall working experience of 2 years and 5 months and Industry wise the experience is 2 years and teaching wise 5 months. He is a positive and resourceful individual who likes to study new things and is always proactive about seeking new opportunities to develop and grow in his role.
What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?
Primary duties of faculty towards student’s effective classroom teaching, academic advising and counselling of students, participation in college events. Continuous development of the curriculum through assessment etc.
How do you tend to establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?
Get to know about your students and fellow faculty and Greet them by Saying hello and goodbye, spend every day Laughing with your students and fellow faculty and maintain professional relationships with everyone.
How do you try to bring in practical approach towards subjects and make it industry oriented?
As a faculty, I teach the students by combining theory and practical work experience. For example, if a faculty aims to teach the concept called 'types of hotels, then they should give them practical examples like hotel names,property it will helps them in retaining the concepts for a longer period of time.
What are the best practices offered by the department to the students which help them gain necessary skills?
During their education, students should learn a variety of skills to succeed in their studies or in life. These skills involve soft skills and thinking strategies that students can use to solve complex problems. for this as faculty or dept will provide a stage to them,So that they can develop their skills.
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What are your views upon the placements and higher education about the students from your department or how does your department prepare students for Higher education?
Hotel management is a part of hospitality management. The hotel industry is increasing day by day, lots of job opportunities are there to make carriers bright. About the placements, it entirely depends on students. As a faculty or dept we provide a platform and required skills to the students.
How do you help your student to cope up with the competition being so high in the outside world?
Hospitality industry is facing many challenges which were identified as shortage of skilled employees, safety issues, quality workforce etc.. so if we train our students in these aspects so they can work anywhere even in difficult situations also.
Do you have any extracurricular activities/ programs to enhance the skills of the students or expose them to real-world challenges?
To boost the overall growth of students as a faculty or dept will organise sufficient extracurricular activities both indoor and outdoor.example Cultural programs, Personality development sessions, Competitions, Industrial visits, Outdoor catering services, Practical Competitions etc.
What are the challenges you faced/ are facing to uplift the quality of education of your department?
India is a country where change is required to uplift the quality of education for in this aspect our department will work continuously to resolve the challenges by following effective teaching methods, one to one learning,explaining theory class by using power point presentation.
How does the curriculum of your department/college ensure the best practice of the industry?
Our college or department will ensure that the curriculum will be as per the industry relevant. then only the students will get best from the curriculum and also they learn new things day to day in college.
What are the interventions and approaches you bring in apart from curriculum to train/teach the students?
We train students in different aspects and they will get exposure to different departments in hotels. Majorly the students will train in four major departments such as
1)Food Production
2)Food & Beverage service
3)Accommodation Operations
4)Front office and also Students participates in the events conducted by our college
What do you see as the department’s/ college’s greatest strengths and how it can be enhanced?
Well trained,experienced,dedicated and energetic teaching faculty,Will take care of students in all aspects.Excellent and well maintained infrastructure Good teaching and learning environment. So the student will gain maximum knowledge from the college.
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What valuable advice would you like to the students for them to have a prosperous career ahead?
To have a prosperous career ahead.first gain required knowledge & skills,work hard,set goals. work for you goals don't look back even if you fail. Just work for it until you achieve it. If you focus on your work you will succeed in your future.