Mangalmay Group of Institutions

Mr.Atul Mangal is the Chairman of Mangalmay Group of Institutions, Greater Noida. He is a devoted individual who has been fond of the education system and its development. He focuses on inspiring the people around him to keep up with the changing dynamics of the Education sector. 

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector? 

“Sense of satisfaction in the service”

There is only one single factor which keeps me going in this sector - to give back to society. Whatever I am today is because of society and therefore I am duty-bound to pay back. Our ancestral morals and values preach that every person who has been born on earth is duty-bound to pay back to society. This sector has helped me reach the greatest height where I can feel the maximum satisfaction. It presents you with opportunities to or changes the lives of thousands of youths. 

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“Keeping the spirits high”

My philosophy of leadership is rooted in the principle of giving back. A leadership philosophy is also essentially a belief system where your core principles, perspectives, and values remain intact. My leadership style is very simple as I try to lead with optimism because leading with optimism always improves the chances of success. To add to this your team also stays motivated and optimistic.

Check Mangalmay Group of Institutions Courses & Fees

How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

“Keeping the goals and strategies aligned”

Marketing plans are considered to be the roadmap to the success of any business. It keeps you on track with your initiatives throughout the year rather than for the next several years. My strategy is based on five key areas: 

  • Identifying the goals
  • Assessing the needs and available resources
  • Prioritizing the goals based on the assessment and resources availability
  • Brainstorming and fine-tuning, and finally building a strategy
  • Implementing the strategy and receiving feedback

In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

“Designing the plans and strategies that helps the students in the best possible ways”

Since the last 5-6 years, India has undergone a paradigm shift owing to its competitive stand in the world, in all spheres of life including education. Education in India has many benefits. Some of them are:

  • Low Cost: The cost of education in India is quite low as compared to many other countries of the world 
  • Quality Education: In the last few years India’s focus is drifting from quantity to quality education beside IITs, IIMs, and some private education Institutions/universities are also focusing on quality education.
  • Financial Assistance: Various scholarships, education loans, and other financial aids are available for studying in India today and in Mangalmay our focus is also to move on the same lines and create a niche for ourselves.

Any insights into how your College could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“Financial aid for any student that needs assistance”

Since there are many meritorious students in India, especially SC, ST, OBC, and economically backward class (EBC) class students who have the potential to do well provided they are given financial support. At Mangalmay, we encourage such students to join us through various scholarship schemes available at the Institute level. We help other students to apply to various Govt sponsored scholarship schemes and for that, we have established a fully functional scholarship cell in our organization. 

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What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the College and the students are?

“Taking criticism and bettering myself for the betterment of the institution”

We as management do not interfere in the day to day academic activities of the institute. Our major role and responsibilities include:

  • Formulate the academic aims & objectives of the Institute and guide the Institute towards achieving the same.
  • Prepare strategic plans for financial, infrastructure, admission, marketing, and staffing areas 
  • Facilitate and encourage the promotion of research culture in the college among faculties & students.
  • To act upon any communication related to policy matters received from regulating bodies.
  • Facilitate and encourage college authorities to apply for Accreditations.

What do you think should be the College’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Optimum utilization of available resources”

Generally, all the policy or strategy matters are being the subject matter of Board of Governors meetings but the broad focus areas may be:

  • To bring necessary changes and alterations and facilitating the recently announced New Education policy by Govt of India
  • To make the Institute as one of the best Institute in R&D activities
  • To put more focus be on incubation, live projects & start-ups activities
  • To have more and more strategic partnership with all those who will help us to achieve our long term goals

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for MANGALMAY GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS College specifically?

“Increasing quantity of the institutes not quality”

As far as challenges are concerned in general almost, all the Institutes of Higher Education are facing the same challenges and Mangalmay is no exception. The major challenges we are facing includes: 

  • Year by year shrinking Enrolments,
  • Lack of jobs and Lack of employable skills, 
  • Low-quality students intake, 
  • Mushrooming of Low-Quality Institutes

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Make use of the luxury of opportunities”

My advice to the youth is - You are part of the world's largest youth population. India is fortunate to have you. The youth is a great source of Inner Wealth and a wonderful resource for this great nation. You have an abundant source of energy, which will be essential for you to become responsible citizens. My simple suggestion to you is to stay curious. Think bigger than material wealth alone. 

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How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your institute/ College?

“Keeping myself and everyone around me updated and included”

We are a 20 years old Institute with glorious history. With God's grace for the last 20 years, we have not faced any major challenge concerning relations between management & staff or students. As I have already mentioned above, we are a dynamic organization and evolve ourselves from time to time to adopt the changes in society and act accordingly.