Humans chanting: “Go Corona Go!”
CoronaVirus (with a wicked smile): “Thank you for cheering me, I am not going anywhere soon”

What a cruel sense of sarcasm.Who would have thought in a million years that the indomitable human race, who were building Weapons of Mass Destruction and Tsar Bombs (the most powerful atomic bomb today), would be humbled by a teeny tiny microorganism.Perhaps we were wrong all along. We used to look above and think that space was the final frontier, but alas, it was something entirely different that brought us to our knees, which we have failed to conquer (yet).

The uncertainty that prevailed at the beginning, when the entire world was forced into lockdown, unfortunately, still prevails. We have seen so many phases, haven’t we? Lockdown 1.0, Lockdown 5.0, Unlock 1.0, Semi-lockdown 2.1.1, have all become part of our everyday vocabulary. The uncertainty is more evident in the daily see-sawing of the stock indices.

The uncertainty has affected every industry. While businesses are gradually opening up and getting acclimatized to the ‘new normal’, there is one sector that is still doldrums. That is the education sector. While many schools and colleges have resumed classes through video calling software, a recent report indicated that up to 9.7 million students may never return to school. The reason – hunger and poverty. It truly is heart wrenching to realize how this pandemic has set us back by decades.

While governments and education institutes try to work out this problem, students of higher education have a dilemma of their own. “Should I pursue a higher education?”. “Is an MBA feasible at this point of time?”; “Is this the right time to invest in education?”.The ultimate question that reamains is, “Should you quarantine your MBA aspirations?”All these questions are justifiable. Let’s see. The internship programmes have been kept on hold by almost every institute, students cannot expect mentorships, placements are being deferred, convocations delayed, and student exchange programmes seems a distant dream.

Regenesys Institute of Management

This is where the perseverance of human spirit comes into play. Like a superhero told an invading alien overlord, “We’re all kinds of stubborn”.The current batch of students will be slightly affected due to the uncertainty of this pandemic. Before you jump the gun and say that there is an ongoing global recession that is affecting the job market, remember that MBA graduates with technology and soft skills have no problem landing a job. For instance, the MBA programme at Regenesys, includes technology and soft skills in its curriculum. Courses in data science, AI, and advanced Digital Marketing give students an edge when it comes to recruitment. Students need to be up to date in this technology driven world and the curriculum at Regenesys is appended with new technologies. This helps the student stay abreast with the changing business landscape.

Now, those who enroll for a MBA course this year will graduate in a world that would be growing by leaps and bounds, trying to make up for the lost time. In fact, they will graduate in a world that needs more MBAs to drive forth this growth.Remember, a recession may last for only six months, but eventually it will give way to growth. Let’s take the example of the automobile industry. According to data from Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM), there was a 51% drop in sales for the month of June 2020 compared to sales in the same period last year. This data shows that people are still purchasing vehicles, but some may have abstained from making a purchase due to the pandemic. The silver lining here is that as soon as the world returns to normalcy, the sales figures will go up. This is true for every sector.

Today, more and more institutes are taking the online route for MBA programmes. But, students need not be skeptical about it because the curriculum will remain the same, in fact, an online course presents more opportunities in the form of collaboration, even with faculties.Will networking be affected? One of the plus points of doing an MBA is the opportunity to network with peers, beyond social media. In the current situation networking becomes difficult. Imagine socializing with social distancing. But an MBA programme is of two years, and it is a guarantee that several Covid medicines will be available by then. Institutes will definitely organize a get together so that students get a chance to network. On the plus side every institute has a strong alumni base who are more than happy to help students from their alma mater land their dream job.

Now, do you think it is the right time to start an MBA programme? Well, relax, most new admissions are expected to start from September 2020, so you still have time to think and decide.And before you make a decision, be inspired by this beautiful quote by author Roy T. Bennett“Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.”
You might have been in quarantine for a long time now, but do not quarantine your MBA aspirations any longer. 

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Make the smart choice!