Rev. Fr. Dr Allam Sleeva Reddy has been working as the Principal of Fatima Degree College, Hubli, Karnataka from 2006. He has done PGDM in Computer Science, B. Com, M. Com, MBA and PhD as part of his academics. He is an active Member of India Peace Association, Delhi and has given his valuable contribution towards environmental and national integrity issues. In addition to this, he has worked as a member of the Minority Commission in A.P. Government for 3 years. He has also participated in various seminars, development programs and has Imbibed his knowledge through various presentations on education and self-development programs etc. He has guided several spiritual retreats and has headed counseling sessions for priests, sisters and church members.

Fatima Degree College

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

"My eagerness to live the journey of students success by educating them have kept me connected"

It is my absolute passion to be associated with the youths of our country as they are going to be our future. The world is quite different from what it used to be and it will keep on changing in the upcoming time as well. Si I wanted to be a part of this continuous evolution along with my students by helping them to learn and cope up with the dynamic world. These things I believe have kept me associated with the education sector.

Being the Principal of Fatima Degree College, what is your philosophy of leadership?

"A true leader gives full support and guidance to his team to achieve desired goals"

I believe a leader is not born but is made, and leads by example. And I also use the same approach here in my college by involving myself fully into any task I am accountable for, because collaboration is a much better way to fulfill our shared goals of providing superior quality education to students and transforming them into future leaders. Lastly, my continuous involvement with my team helps me to empathize with them and understand their part of the story. 

How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practices of industry?

"It is developed by the University, hence industry demands automatically comes into picture"

We are affiliated to Karnataka University which restricts us from including any major changes in the curriculum of the college. But we are not just restricted to the university specific syllabus and do our best to provide the much-needed industrial exposure to our students through a wide variety of events and activities. Our faculties also give a personal touch to the quality of education they offer by utilising their industry and academic experience.

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What are your main responsibilities for the students?

"To ensure that they get best education and grow in the right direction"

Being the Principal of FDC, my greatest responsibility is to implement the curriculum provided by the university and provide quality education to our students. I believe the way curriculum is implemented speaks a lot about teaching pedagogy and learning opportunities, hence I personally involve myself in the entire process and ensure that best is being provided to students.

What are some of the greatest strengths of your Fatima Degree College?

"Our punctuality, quality of education and open communication platform makes us strong"

The greatest strength of our college is the discipline we maintain in our campus, because we strongly believe that being punctual is crucial for anyone to fulfill their goals. We also strive to improve our education quality regularly in order to prepare our students to face challenges of the real world. Apart from this, we maintain a continuous thread of communication between us and our students to address their queries and concerns on time. So in my opinion all these things together make us very strong and resilient.

When you first came to Fatima Degree College, what was your vision for it and how far have you come in implementing them?

"My objective was to make this college best for students and increase its business value"

When I joined this institute, my goal was to use my past experiences and knowledge to bring this institute to the top and offer a bright future to students by providing the best quality education and amenities. And we have applied to get an accreditation from NAAC institution and it is one of our main priorities currently. In addition to this, we always try to implement the best processes and policies to develop and align ourselves in line with the rapidly changing market. 

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Any suggestions which you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students?

"Be grateful for little things in your life and keep distance from bad activities and people"

I would like to advise my dear students and youths of our country to give proper attention to their life. Don't take people or things for granted and appreciate little things in your life, make best use of the resources you have, and visualize your future properly. Refrain yourself from indulging in bad activities and keep yourself away from those people who don't value you or your good vibes. Lastly, be a responsible citizen and make this world a better place to live for you and others as well.