Dr.R.Kabaleeswaran is working as the head of the department of commerce at Mohamed Sathak College of Arts and Science in Sholinganallur, and has 22 years of experience. His articles are published in SCOPUS and UGC Care Journals. He has organised several Guest Lectures for B.Com and M.Com students and served as FDP Programme Resource Persons.

Mohamed Sathak College Of Arts And Science

Throughout your professional career, you've held prominent roles at educational institutions. What are the primary ties that bind you to the education sector?

"Learning is contingent on the level of ambition to succeed"

If aspirations are high, the student will work diligently and accomplish more. However, the level of ambition should be proportional to the learner's capacity. The most crucial aspect of a child's education is how much we teach him to like learning! Teaching a child to enjoy learning is the best way to ensure his intellectual achievement!

As Chairman/President/ Vice-President of XYZ College/University, what is your leadership philosophy? How would you describe your style of leadership?

"I believe I am most capable of making judgments and leading the team. I wish to motivate and lead by example"

I will instruct and direct my team to satisfy the needs of the organisation. I will exhibit decisiveness, authority, and strength. Personal leadership philosophy refers to an individual's views, ideals, and feelings that they employ when leading a business or organisation. Your personal leadership philosophy is influenced by your personality and values. My leadership style is clear and based on leading by example. I enjoy delegating chores and taking the lead on projects, but I also prefer to remain hands-on and motivate my team by demonstrating that I am also helping them.

How do you, as the President/Vice-President of XYZ College/University, deliberate regarding the important marketing and administration initiatives and plans?

There are seven essential steps to creating an effective marketing strategy"

Construct your marketing plan, develop buyer profiles, choose your objectives, choose your tools, evaluate your existing resources, audit and plan your media campaigns, and then execute your approach. Construct your marketing plan, develop buyer profiles, choose your objectives, choose your tools, evaluate your existing resources, audit and plan your media campaigns, and then execute your approach. The most essential aspect of a marketing plan is the target market. Entrepreneur writers share their own opinions.

India's and other countries' educational systems are structured significantly differently. What, in your opinion, may an international student gain by studying at your institute, university, or school?

"Considering, Indian education emphasises theory over practice alone. Also, the Indian educational system does not permit innovation in its current form"

In contrast, in other nations, practical learning is typically emphasised more. It also encourages innovation in the educational system. In the 1960s, China, according to the report, prioritised eradicating illiteracy, while India continued to prioritise science and technology higher education.

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How does the curriculum at XYZ College/University ensure the finest industrial practices?

The institution has established the following incentives for its faculty and students. The rewards consist of certificates of appreciation and souvenirs. Best Teacher II. Best Class III. Best Guardian Faculty Members (GFM) IV. Best Department V. Best HOD VI. 100% University Result VII. Best Graduating Student VIII. Class IX Top Student. Subject Top Student. Universities can be significant assets for an organization's innovation strategy. To extract the maximum business value from research, however, businesses must adhere to the rules.

How could your university be more accommodating to students of different races and socioeconomic backgrounds?

Institutions should make more use of social media and digital platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, and post articles and blogs highlighting the accomplishments of current students. This contributes significantly to establishing your institution's brand, which in turn attracts prospective students.

What do you believe your tasks and obligations are with regard to the University and its students?

"To be self-motivated and self-directed in your learning management, be attentive and well-behaved in class"

Show consideration for all other members of the teaching community. must diligently study the appropriate studies as specified by your instructors.

What should be the University's major priority over the next decade, in your opinion?

Foster stronger connections between students, faculty, and staff, we must create more opportunities for student leadership development, have information systems that are easier to navigate, increase departmental collaboration, and facilitate better handoffs between admissions counsellors, advisors, success coaches, and other supportive services staff.

What was your vision for the university when you initially arrived at XYZ UNIVERSITY? Has it changed over time, and how far along are you in executing it?

The university's mission is to assist students in understanding and appreciating the complex cultural and physical worlds in which they exist and in reaching their fullest intellectual, physical, and human development potential. We must accomplish Project five to ten years into the future, Determine your organization's purpose and position, and Describe what organisational success looks like.

What would you like people to know about your institution that they may not already know? What is the nicest feature about your institution or college?

"I adore my college experience"

Equally essential to me are the classes, friends, teachers, university life, my freedom to do so many things, and my participation in some charitable activity organised by the institution.

What do you consider to be XYZ College's greatest strengths?

"One kid may be very strong in curiosity, love of learning, and perseverance, while another may be particularly strong in kindness, humility, and fairness"

yet other may be particularly strong in vivacity, social-emotional intelligence, and teamwork.

What do you believe to be the greatest problems facing higher education in general and XYZ University in particular?

'The most difficult aspect of your work is keeping up with technological advancements in this area"

The greatest difficulty will be getting to know the team members. I am accustomed to working with large and diverse teams and I thrive on bringing out the best in my coworkers.

Do you have any recommendations for the current young and aspiring students?

"Do not lose hope, be as intelligent and patient as possible, for nothing can stop you from achieving your goals"

You are distinct in your characteristics. You are more fortunate than you believe; just have faith in yourself and everything will fall into place. Continue to struggle and shine.

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What plans are you currently (or will be) creating for international affairs and/or students at XYZ College/University?

"A student's anticipated course schedule for the future semester or multiple semesters is their academic plan"

A platform for academic planning should provide guidelines and direction based on a student's major and degree requirements, future course availability, and time to degree.

How can you develop healthy relationships and a positive environment in your institute or university?

"Effective relationships and clear communication, let your pupils make decisions"

From classroom layout to project suggestions, give kids a voice. Fewer decisions for you to make, and students will enjoy feeling like they contributed to the creation of their surroundings. A Positive Learning Environment is a setting in which all students and employees enjoy a secure, healthy, caring atmosphere that develops respect and high expectations, maximises potential, and inspires curiosity and excitement.