Dr. PA Kushalappa is the Director of Academics at JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research. His passion and continuous strive for improvement in education keeps him motivated. In his interview he talks about the major role to help groom the students by incorporating curriculum from the universities in India and abroad as well. He further mentions how the institute celebrates the spirit of unity in diversity and they aim to get more international students for the future. Moving forward, he highlights upon the challenges the pandemic has created and the hiatus in the speed of delivering education to the students. Furthermore, he asks students to contemplate before taking up any course and they should spend considerable time finalizing the same. On a concluding note, he mentions the domain expansion the institute is aiming at, and how the students are encouraged to participate in different cultural activities.
My passion to strive for improvement in the education and furthering the cause of education keeps me motivated
Ever since joining the JSS AHER in 2009, then being JSS University, I have been in the academic section in an administrative capacity. My passion for improvement in education and furthering the cause of education, especially in the early stages, which posed a huge challenge in developing the curriculum and preparing the syllabi for various courses kept me motivated.
The major role is to help groom the future leaders of the country
While serving at this position, the major role for me is to help in grooming future leaders. I identify the leadership qualities among the team members and allow them to develop their strong points, which helps them in a longer run, and guide them from time to time to help them build a prosperous career.
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The major challenge we face is the challenge during the time of admissions
Being a health related university the challenge of admissions is always present, especially in the medical and dental sector where the national selection is made. At JSS AHER we promote our courses by various advertising mediums like facebook, webinars, newspapers, magazines etc.,Also, by direct marketing or giving details about or articles regarding the courses and any new courses which are planned. The importance is given to innovative courses.
We try to incorporate curriculum from universities in India and abroad
If I talk about the education system in India, there is no doubt that there is a huge difference in the style of imparting knowledge. However, At JSS AHER, we try to incorporate curriculum from various universities both here and abroad to give the student opportunities to have a broad perspective of what foreign universities require. This gives us and our students at large to have proper global exposure as well.
The curriculum of JSS AHER especially in Pharmacy and Life Sciences is structured to meet the industry needs and taking into account the best practices of various industries. Each department has a technique and a procedure to prepare a proper syllabi or structure of the course. As mentioned earlier, proper research and study from various trustable sources is done and then the course structure is prepared for the students. Doing so helps them to be more aware and prepared for the industry they will be serving in the coming future.
We do not differentiate among the students and welcome them with open arms
Students of different races are not differentiated at JSS AHER, they are welcomed. Students of different economic backgrounds are given benefits and scholarships according to their needs and eligibility. As an administrator, it is my role to see that we come together and form the basis by laying a strong foundation for the university. Also, it is my responsibility towards academic growth and structuring the academic program according to the changing needs, and to provide a solution to the various problems for the students, especially international students.
We aim to concentrate on getting more global exposure to compete in the international arena
JSS AHER is basically a health sciences university and has many health related subjects and encourages research in related areas with a strong interdisciplinary approach.We aim to concentrate on getting more global exposure and improvement in technology to be able to compete with the best from the international arena. We want to accommodate and improvise the best of the best in our curriculum for each program. Keep our instruments and labs up to date. Invite as many professionals and experts from each stream to impart their knowledge to the aspiring students.For all those aspiring to join our university, they can be sure that we have a strong administration, and truly believe in research and innovation. We have a very warm and homely atmosphere within our campus.
The pandemic has slowed down our process of imparting education to the students
At present, with the COVID situation, imparting the education is a challenge as apart from theory classes which can be undertaken the problem of practical classes and especially in the Medical and Dental field, the clinical teaching is not possible.
Apart from the present situation, challenges facing higher education are use of technology in teaching and artificial intelligence which is an upcoming subject. Students of the future will have a revolutionary change in the way they are taught and teachers must gear up for this change. To quote “Technology will not replace the teacher but teachers who do not accept technology will be replaced by those who do” .
Students should contemplate about the course they want to pursue and research thoroughly about the same
Students should give a thorough thought to the subject they would like to study. They should examine the subject in all detail before joining a course. They should select the subject according to their proficiency and should be willing to give it their all. They should embrace technology as this is the teaching of the future.
We want to expand our horizon to attract more students from abroad
JSS AHER plans to expand its horizon to attract more students from abroad. This is in reference to enhancing its collaborations both in research and industry, which in turn, will help us garner international students.
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Students mingle freely with each other and are motivated to take up extra-curricular activities
Students are encouraged to mingle freely with one another irrespective of the courses they are in. They are motivated to take up activities such as sports and cultural fests, which are organized to allow them to get to know each other. In addition JSS AEHR prides itself in having a green and clean environment and the whole campus is eco-friendly.