Dr.A.Padmaja is the Principal of Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad. She has nearly 25 years of experience in industry and academia concerning the areas of teaching, research, and development, and consulting. She envisions a society with the best technically sound engineers that contribute to its development. 

VJIT Hyderabad

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector? 

“The unending learning experience”

After my Doctorate at Osmania University, I started my career in the Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology Industry. In the 21st century, engineering education in India faces significant challenges as it requires meeting the demands of technical professions in emerging areas. There are a lot of challenges that can be addressed through the education sector where I feel it will benefit many of the young budding engineers who will take the future of India to a greater level. With complete support from the management, I got the privilege to work in various domains. 

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style? 

“Welcoming inputs from my colleagues and including them in important decisions”

My philosophy of leadership is to work towards the vision of the institute strategically and to maintain the quality standards of education. I want to take the responsibility for inspiring my team to own up to their responsibilities. I always treat my team members well and invite suggestions on every aspect of the institute’s well-being. Collectively we work under one umbrella under the guidance of our management to reach the strategic goals of the Institute. I keep updating myself as per the transformations in engineering education. 

In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute/ university/ school? 

“The approach to an in-depth and sustainable education”

I feel that we have a very indigenous style of education in India which has evolved itself from the traditional teaching-learning system. We have seen research and innovative collaborations take place in the upcoming learning environments. Technical educational institutes in India have been upscaling themselves to meet global standards. With NBA becoming a mandate in Indian technical educational institutions, several initiatives have also been undertaken by them in recent times to address the concerns of engineering education in India. Institutes are made to adapt to changes at the international level and to build capacity for undertaking credible quality assurance through accreditation. This has led to the institutions being able to provide education on par with international standards following the ABET guidelines. The Indian education system also not only focuses on technology alone but an overall improvement in the quality of life. At VJIT, we are always ready to take the challenge of adapting to the global scenario. The Institute is autonomous. The functional status given by the University Grants Commission (UGC) provides greater flexibility towards purely academic development by improving academic standards and excellence. Research and innovation and the start-up ecosystem have been established in the institute. We aim to keep our students on the path of both professional and holistic personality development. The incoming students of VJIT have immense trust in us and we fulfill it through our educational policies, infrastructure, and eminent faculty. 

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How does the curriculum of Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology ensure the best practice of industry? 

“Taking regular feedback and suggestions from the industry professionals”

We have introduced a choice-based credit system in the curriculum. While designing it we ensure to take inputs from people in the industry as well. All departments have two members from the industry on the board of studies. We also take inputs from alumni and recruiters who are coming to the institute. We value their feedback and incorporate the necessary changes in our curriculum. The curriculum has all the courses as per the emerging industry trends:

  • The Curriculum is designed as open electives where students can select the courses offered by other departments. 
  • Courses beneficial for employability/entrepreneurship have been embedded in the curriculum itself. 
  • A fast track curriculum has been implemented to encourage the merit students to take up internships as per the guidelines of AICTE. The student can take one extra course in 3-2nd and 4-1st semesters and utilize their 4-2nd semester for an internship in industry. 

Any insights into how your Institution could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds? 

“Treating diversity as our strength”

VJIT has always been on the upcurve of facilitating our students to be head above shoulders in comparison to their contemporaries. The institute has multicultural clubs, professional body associations, and other extracurricular activities on campus that advocates diversity. The diverse teaching staff in the institute is a good reflection of how serious an institute is about offering a well-rounded experience. The more diverse the faculty, the more likely the institute is going to embrace those who are different. The type of classroom climate we seek to create and the teaching techniques we use to produce an environment that supports our diverse students.

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years? 

“Moulding the students into global citizens with the best skill set”

We are already ranked in the Top 8 in Telangana Private Engineering Institutes/Careers360 Ranking AAA+. Our future goal is to become one of the top 5 Institutes in Telangana. The institute has a strategic plan to come up as one of the best engineering institutes in India. The economic progress and development of the nation depend on technology. The top priority of the institute is to maintain quality standards and produce globally competent engineers who will uplift the prosperity of the nation. 

What would you like people to know about your Institute they may not know? 

“Adhering to the belief that every student has the potential to be successful”

We at VJIT have a very conceptual focus on competency-based education and preparing engineers for the 21st Century. We adopt a blended teaching and learning system with an emphasis on project-based and case-based learning. We have reformed and customized our autonomous curriculum as per the industry trends and introduced various courses related to employability, entrepreneurship, and skill development programs. Apart from the regular course curriculum, value-added courses imparting transferable and life skills are offered to the students in all the departments. Here we combine knowledge, attitude, and skill set, the three parameters which are observable & measurable learning outcomes. We try to instrument skills among the students, and we do it with integrity and with a requisite for accountability. 

What do you see as Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology's greatest strengths? 

“The collaborative efforts to work together towards a common goal”

I take great pride in our strengths at VJIT. It is not just the eminent faculty or the elite students who chose to be the VJITians, but the coordination among the management, faculty, and the students that is our greatest strength. We can make things happen most positively. Our success can be gauged with our good academic environment, good placement track, and holistic development of students. Students are encouraged to participate in various events in the college as well as in those conducted at state, national, and international levels. This coordination of all the VJITians to strive towards a common goal is our strongest strength that makes us unique in disseminating our roles and standing strong to any challenges we encounter. 

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology specifically?

“Embracing major transitions with a positive attitude”

As India strives to compete in a globalized economy in areas that need highly skilled professionals, the quality of higher education has become increasingly important. Higher education is challenged at every stage of the education process, from admission to awarding a degree. We maintain that education in humanistic fields is also equally essential in dealing with the ethical values raised by societal changes. Though several factors threaten the ability to continue to serve our role in transmitting knowledge of moral and intellectual values, yet we transform ourselves consistently to the powerful waves of challenges. The impact of new waves of technological changes may be greater than the Industrial Revolution in the way they will transform our world. We have noticed that in the Industrial Revolution man learned to use machines as a substitute for physical labor. In this era, we are learning to use machines as a substitute for intellectual labor. Just as the shift to machines for physical labor transformed many aspects of society, so the challenge will be with the continuing transition to the use of machines to support our intellectual work. VJIT is ever ready to step into providing the necessary resources to keep up with the pace of new transitions.

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students? 

“The path of success never accepts any excuses”

My philosophy to the aspiring students, to get noticed and attain success, would be to deliver more than expected. To be successful you must learn from your mistakes. It takes a lot of work, vision, and a lot more perseverance to navigate on your set path of success with ease. Not just students, we all too have to learn from our mistakes and move closer to success. The most important aspect of success is that no one succeeds immediately, everyone was once a beginner. The world is full of great ideas, but success only comes through ideas put into action. As professionals of tomorrow, they also have to maintain good relationships with their team and bear in their mind that no one can succeed alone. So to stand ahead, students build your great team with character and values. Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.” 

How do you tend to establish a healthy relationship and environment in your institute/ university? 

“A management that knows and appreciates the value of transparency” 

Many elements go into making a thriving learning environment. As soon as the student enters the first year, we conduct an induction program along with parents where we interact with every parent, department wise, to build a strong relationship with them. Senior students are also present to guide them about the department initiatives. A faculty mentor is assigned to every 15 students. They are constantly in touch with students and parents regarding the performance and overall development of their wards. We develop a positive student-teacher relationship in all aspects of students during their stay in the institute. The learning environment in classroom teaching is also collaborative, project-based, and inclusive.