Dr. Shweta Jain, Dean, ICFAI Business School (IBS) ICFAI University Jaipur is an Educationist, Soft Skills Trainer and Academic Administrator with a rich experience of over 18 years and established aptitude in academic deliverance and management training. She is an IIM- Calcutta alumnus with PhD in the area of employee training and development, along with international certification in training.

ICFAI Business School Jaipur

When you first came to IBS Jaipur, what was your vision for the institute? How are you trying to achieve it?

“Constant innovation and growth-oriented approach”

We had a broad vision to be of utmost value to all stakeholders including the academia, industry, regulatory bodies, students, guardians, employees and above all, the larger society. For the same reason, all our endeavours are directed towards contributing & delivering excellence in all dimensions such as curriculum and pedagogy, industry interface, research, intellectual capital generation, community services, student development and employee welfare.

What goals do you have in mind for your institute for next few years?

“Enabling the students to exceed in current academic setting”

Aligning our academic offerings with the upcoming reforms and development opportunities in higher education is a priority. We aim to map our deliverables with industry expectations to create mutually rewarding industry collaboration. Additionally, building a strong research and consultancy vertical to assist our students with international collaborations, for exploring broader avenues in the academic and professional domain. Skill based education & Mentorship programs by our alumni for the benefit of existing students are our main goals.

How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

A strong bond with students, organizational workforce & feeder institutions

Connecting with prospective students and feeder institutions through our knowledge sharing programs is one of the important strategies for us. Projecting our academic and placement credentials has earned us commendable respect and trustworthy recognition from students.

For administration, creating a culture of empowerment and entrustment is essential. Promoting people to believe in themselves as process owners helps create a conducive work environment, and inculcates a mindset to respect the organizational values and practices. This has been our fundamental approach.

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How does the business program ensure a practical approach while being taught?

“Imparting classroom knowledge to resolve real world complexities, using case studies”

IBS has earned an enviable reputation in regards to the case study methodology in management education. Case study teaching is at the core of our pedagogical practices, this helps students think and act like a manager and offer valid solutions to complex business problems. Also our extensive focus on live projects, industry assignments and the intensive summer internship programs helps students to apply classroom learning to real work environments.

How does the business program stand out in your Institute?

“Latest curriculum, Expert guidance & Hands-on interaction with industry pros”

The Business programs draw extensively from industry. Upgraded syllabus that aligns with current industry needs, academic engagements facilitated by experienced corporate professionals, industry acclaimed certifications, internship programs and of course, corporate mentorship. This promises a high degree of reliability, validity and utility in this program.

What are the major challenges that you have faced in your professional career? How did you overcome them?

“A Balanced approach to resolve the concerns of Students & administration, alike”

The most challenging aspect has been striking a balance and handling the trade-offs when it comes to prioritizing your academic, administrative and institution building commitments. In this profession, being committed to meet the expectations of multiple stakeholders including students, guardians, management, industry (recruiters), regulatory frameworks and governing bodies is important. Hence, a lot of astute and ability to respond adequately to the expectations of all parties is required.

What do you think are your role and responsibilities towards the institute and the students?

“Helping the organization & its students discover its potential to succeed”

Delivering consistently in terms of quantity, quality and overall excellence on all dimensions is of prime importance. Mainly ensuring superior academic delivery, seamless execution of regular operations and student services, enhancing R&D output, developing robust corporate interface, progressive institution building and community outreach interventions. And above all, promising a strong career building foundation to each and every student who has expressed faith in us. 

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Tell us about your experience in higher education and what makes it the best industry to work in?

Enlightening the lives of several generations, with power of education

In one line, the overall gratification and sense of lasting contribution to society, this profession directly contributes in strengthening the socio-economic fabric of the country. The valuable service to generations, as education essentially is the soul of a civilization.

What approach do you have for placement of the students pursuing a business program from your university?

“Creating well trained & organized business minds, ready to take on the industry”

An extensive collaboration with regular recruiters of the industry & addition of new ones to our network along with a strong web of Alumni. Our Placement Advisory, Training and Counseling Program focuses on preparing students on all dimensions including general awareness, business intelligence, soft skills, digital abilities, communication and presentation skills, aptitude training, group discussion and personal interview skills.

What suggestions would you like to give to the current aspiring business students?

Be Agile, Alive and Awake. An overall blend of Intelligence, Morality & Emotional awareness”

Continuous upgrading and reskilling is the need of the hour. Students must be driven with agility and growth-oriented mindset, & they must have abilities to stay relevant in the long run. Expansion towards multiple domains and competencies in order to multitask is essential. Develop your “Qs” i.e. intelligence quotient (IQ), emotional quotient (EQ), moral quotient (MQ), creative quotient (CQ), and physical quotient (PQ) to secure a good life and career.