Dr. Padam Singh has been working as the Head of Political Science Department at Alankar Mahila P.G. Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur, Rajasthan. He has attended a wide variety of National and International conferences, seminars, workshops and FDP since 2004.

Alankar PG Girls College

Being the Head of Department, what are your responsibilities towards the students?

"I am responsible for the overall growth of my students"

One of my responsibilities being the Department Head is to inspire my students for creative learning and do self-study as much as possible. In addition to this, I keep encouraging them to not compare their individuality with anyone and trust in their capabilities.

How do you maintain healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

"By being a good and trustworthy communicator and listener"

I strongly believe that working in a group with an objective to achieve a common goal creates a competitive climate, which encourages everyone to perform their best. And I would say I am fortunate enough to have colleagues of a similar mindset. All of us work in coherence to establish good communication channels between staff members and students as communication is a key element to ensure emotional wellness of others and to maintain constructive relationships. In our Department, we interact with students regularly and have given them an ambiance where they can speak freely and share their academic and non-academic issues with us without any hesitation. 

How do you introduce a practical and industry oriented approach towards subjects?

"By introducing a participative and collaborative learning ambiance in classrooms"

For the purpose of enforcing a practical approach in subjects, I try to create an environment in the classroom which can allow a more natural flow of communication between me and students and between students itself. In addition to this, I augment my teaching with virtual laboratory experiments where students would not require any instrumentation and learn the concepts quickly. 

How do you strategize and update the curriculum to make it beneficial for the students?

"Although we follow the University designed curriculum but we supplement it through workshops and seminars"

We follow the curriculum designed by the University we are affiliated to. And although the existing syllabus is fully capable of providing a quality congregation of contents to students, we try to supplement the learning process beyond the syllabus by organizing guest lectures, workshops and conferences etc. 

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What are your views on the placements and higher education of the students from your department?

"Students needs to pursue PG program in Political Science to secure a successful career for them"

I would like to highlight that the Undergraduate course which we are offering to our students in the discipline of Political Science provides them an essential skill set to a great extent but yes they need to pursue a PG degree to hone their skills for a prospecting career in Political Science. However, most of our students prepare for such examinations which can fetch them a decent employment at the end. For PG students, I believe there are abundant career opportunities in the field of Political Science. In addition to all this, we also conduct career counseling sessions to give them a broad overview of different career options available in the outside world. 

How do you prepare your students to cope with this competitive world?

"By guiding them through career-counseling sessions, workshops and webinars"

We held numerous career-related expert presentations, webinars and workshops on a variety of topics to make our students aware about the available career scopes in the outside world and skillset they demand. In addition to this, our teaching pedagogy assists our students to prepare for various competitive exams and they do not require any separate coaching after classes. Lastly, we keep assigning them mini-major projects and conduct seminars to teach them how to work under pressure and complete the given task in a limited time frame. 

Which extracurricular activities are organized in college to enhance the skills of students?

"Activities like guest sessions, quiz competition and seminars are regularly conducted by us"

Our college understands very well that co-curricular activities are as equally important as studies because they foster the culture of teamwork, good communication and build relationships, all of which adds to students' social development and supplements their academic performance. Keeping this in mind we organize a variety of activities and events such as quizzes, brainstorming competitions, guest lectures, extension lectures and seminars etc. I also encourage them to take part in inter-college events and competitions so that they can assess their true potential in the world and improve their abilities to attain their objectives.

What challenges are you facing to uplift the education quality of your department?

"Arranging funds to set up research labs and introduce PhD program is a major roadblock for us"

There are actually many challenges which we face at different levels while upgrading the quality of education of our department. First of all, we struggle a lot in getting financial assistance for establishing research laboratories with required equipment in our institute for the benefit of students and faculty members. And we are also planning to start the PhD program in our Department which ultimately will require a lot of setup and preparation in advance.

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What approaches do you bring in apart from the curriculum to teach the students?

"We conduct skill and personality development sessions and training regularly"

For the purpose of ensuring all around personal and professional growth of our students, we firstly figure out their strengths and weaknesses after having a one-to-one discussion with them. And we conduct rigorous training programs for them for their skill enhancement and to teach them many new things about the outside competitive corporate world. Overall our main objective is to impart such quality education to students which can bring a lot of scope for them in future.