Mr. Sudhan Kumar is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Sri Ramanujar Engineering College. His motive is to bring out the best of students when it comes to being skillful in every arena. He plays as a companion to his fellow students.

Sri Ramanujar Engineering College

Being a Faculty of the Mechanical Department, what are your roles and responsibilities toward the students?

“Organize events, allot subjects, manage students and more are my responsibilities to students”

Some of the responsibilities are basically Teaching, Class In-charge, Allotting subjects,Handling substitution alternative for the faculties,Managing students and the management. Another one is to deliver the provided information with transparency. We organize the events and are basically in charge of the department.

How do you tend to establish healthy relations with students and fellow faculty in Sri Ramanujar Engineering College, Chennai?

“Understanding the situations, prefer transparency and being friendly assists us to maintain healthy relationships”

We prefer transparency and understanding the mentality of the students. It keeps us elaborating on the issues and guiding them. Being friendly and understanding the situation trying to match the higher officials orders.

How do you try to bring in a practical approach to subjects and make it industry-oriented?

“Provide internet references, collective ideas and information related to recent curriculum”

References based on real incidents and linking up with practical-based knowledge helps us to connect with industry. We provide knowledge in internet references and collective ideas to students. They get relevant information which is useful and relative to the current curriculum.

What are the best practices offered by the department to the students which help them gain necessary skills?

“Unit tests, practical CAD Models and upgrade skills of students”

We provide unit tests and rectify students' mistakes after the completion of units. They get practical.CAD modules and have been told to visualize or develop their own models. Basic skills have been thought to upgrade Self -Evaluation of pupils.

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What are your views upon the placements and higher education for the students from Sri Ramanujar Engineering College, Chennai?

“Provide placements as per students' perspective and impart a financial mindset on them”

Placements in Sri Ramanujar Engineering college are totally based on the student’s perspective. Some students have the mindset of Financial status and are pretty much focused on higher studies. For example, most of them take higher studies in CAD, Design, and Production. Based on their specialization they proceed further in their career.

How do you help your student to cope up with the competition being so high in the outside world?

“Learning from mistakes and failures helps students to be self motivated”

Students literally cope up within themselves by making mistakes. They are being technically sound, growing as a competitor in the industry and tackling the challenges. Eventually, failure teaches them the lesson of learning from their mistakes and gets them self-motivated.

What are the challenges you faced to uplift the quality of education of Sri Ramanujar Engineering College, Chennai?

“To prepare students mently, and note preparations by them are challenging nowadays”

To be honest, it is a new place to me and I am new to the industry of teaching. Lack of analysis among students into subjects breaks me immediately. Back myself, I wanted to understand the students, encourage me to study their minds and prepare mentally. We found difficulty to commence teaching classes and note preparations by students. Every day is a new challenge for me. It makes me better as a human and a better mentor for the students.

When you came to college, what was your vision and how are you trying to achieve the same ?

“To prepare pupils to be engaged in the outside world and keep surviving in their career”

Campus vision is very clear to me and the institution entrusted me to begin teaching the subject for students. My knowledge about the subject and mental aspects of life to prepare them to engage in the outside world is my primary vision. During the pandemic, I manage to brush them up with lessons and keep them surviving during the examinations.

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How does the curriculum of Sri Ramanujar Engineering College, Chennai ensure the best practice of the industry?

“Whatsapp sessions, scholarships and industrial visits are available to students”

Our college provides students variation in college fees and it is a very cost-efficient institution. Scholarship providence by the government is accessible to all. For the students who are working as part-timers, adjustments have been made for them. Those students who work 5 days a week eventually take 2 days of leave which we may think they may miss out on. We as faculties give Whatsapp sessions and written notes which create no issues. Exams are being written on a mandate basis in each semester.

What valuable advice do you like to give for students to have a prosperous career ahead?

“Keep moving with your hard work and be self motivated”

You must be Self-Motivated always to keep going forward. Change your career according to the situation which arises. Constant hard work and smart work will keep them moving in a highly competitive world.