Sri Ramanujar Engineering College

Dr.Dhanpal is the current serving Principal of Sri Ramanujar Engineering College. Mr.Dhanpal has been working with SREC for the last 16 years and has been working as the principal for the last 3 years.He has published more than 15 articles in National and International journals and has written and published more than 10 books in the field of Mechanical Engineering. He's a life member of Indian Welding Society (IWS) as well. He holds over 20 years experience in teaching and 5 years industry experience. He has pioneered a lot of digitization work in SREC, like starting a Youtube channel and other social media handles.

Teaching and learning goes hand in hand

In the profession of teaching comes learning, which goes hand in hand. The constant exchange of experiences and ideas with my colleagues and students, that's what makes it the best profession to be in. There are several other factors wherein sharing of knowledge with the student community, helping teachers build a strong personality, researching new things, teaching on basis of social factors and public wellness, structuring the minds of future leaders, and interacting with people is involved.

Hard work and Time management are two pivotal factors to succeed in life

I believe we are training students to face the real world. Hence, my style of leadership is very motivating and practical. Honesty and hard work is something that I insist everyone should possess and exhibit in their workplace. Good leaders put their students through the worst situations in a controlled environment so that they don’t face any difficulties when tides are high in the outside world. I want my students and faculties to take up such challenges with a positive approach. I help my students with another very important skill, which is time management. It is a prerequisite to survive in today’s world. Thus, they should practice these two habits to succeed in their respective field.

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Students should work by categorizing and dividing the goals

The categorization of goals is extremely crucial. I usually divide the set of goals into short term and long term goals, I try to achieve one by one. The most important factor to be considered while being the chief administrator of a college is the satisfaction of students and their parents. This is possible by maintaining a healthy environment inside the campus, providing placement opportunities to all students, providing internships that are mandatory in SREC. 

Our teaching methodology is application based and in sync with industry requirements

Our teaching methodology, at SREC, is completely application-oriented, and in sync with the industry requirements. We emphasize on training and encouraging students to take up extra-curricular activities. We have the latest lab facilities that help the students in gaining maximum practical knowledge.

We welcome students from all backgrounds and help them with scholarships

We welcome students of all backgrounds and have special scholarships for economically weak but meritorious students. I strongly believe money or ethnicity should never be a reason for a student to miss out on an opportunity to learn and hence I am extra supportive when it comes to them.

The journey of accomplishments has begun and I feel proud of where we are right now 

I came to this college with the vision of making the college as one of the top 10 engineering colleges in Tamilnadu. The journey to the destination has started and I feel proud of where we are right now.Another noticeable factor was to provide education to the underprivileged. This was on top of my mind, which I feel, I am on the verge of achieving it.

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The biggest challenge among the students is to refrain from pursuing higher education

I find the biggest challenge is to refrain from pursuing higher education. A lot of students don't show the will to take up higher education. If they want to, it becomes difficult to find the right college. I find students lack the courage to decide for higher education. 

Students should have a clear vision about their educational and career goals

Students should have a clear vision of what they want in the future. At least, after joining the college, they should be lucid about how they are going to achieve their goals and why they are important. They should work hard and prepare well for each subject. Their aim should be to get a good placement by working on their interpersonal skills and updating their concepts.