Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology

Dr. D. P. Soni is a professor and Head of the Civil Engineering Department of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology, Vasad, Dist. Anand, Gujarat. He holds the position in various professional bodies and is an author of a standard textbook. He has been participating as a keynote speaker to different conferences for reaching as a voice of inspiration and motivation to all the students of the Nation.

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“The approach of never leaving the touch with my passion for learning and teaching keeps me motivated”

The idea of getting to learn something new in every opportunity I achieve keeps me inspired for education. The numerous opportunities for growth, refinement, and widening knowledge in the field of Civil Engineering acts as the most lucrative motivation of being in academics. It develops a new dimension in perspective towards the subject as the most fundamental branch catering to the basic human need of which further adds comfortable infrastructure to the society. 

Being the HOD, what is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“The importance of developing a compatible atmosphere with a participative leadership”

My philosophy to leadership includes the importance of self-reliance and confidence as a mentor to the students and a listener for the teachers. Being HOD of any technical institute needs more self-motivational, escalating, creating, and maintaining self-accountability of fellow task force rather than being the pure leader. The inclination must be towards developing the compatibility of the technical staff as well as impounding knowledge adding environment to the faculty members.

How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your College?

“Focus on the students and recruitment would always be the best strategy for the marketing of the institute”

The hallmark for administration in our college is always set up on the students and companies collaborating with us. It is purely focused on creating an organizational hierarchy and then sticking to those policies with some pragmatic liberties on special considerations. Regarding marketing my opinion the focus brand ambassadors and salesperson for the college are students themselves. Focus on them, self-marketing shall be propagated.

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What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

“The facilities required by the students to furnish their skills as an Engineer”

Our college provides the students chance to solve analytical problems, develop soft skills, do innovative projects, and interact with seniors and alumni working at key positions. These provide them the most conducive campus environment to develop transiently as a technical graduate. These are the skills students need to furnish them with to be a good inspiring civil engineer. Engineering is a study that blooms at its best with peers and in groups, creativity comes when many ideas are simultaneously working together. 

How does the curriculum of your College ensure the best practice of the industry?

“The complete insight of practical data requirement by industries to design an academic curriculum”

The real academicians and educational researchers learn the complete impending of industrial needs and then frame the curriculum for University. Curriculums for a state university are operating within the domain of university guidelines. So the following syllabus with some value-added lessons serves the Industry with the best product. But still, to groom our students to face real-life challenges we organize various sessions of expert lectures, training programs, workshops, and seminars at regular intervals.

Any insights into how your institute could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“The college promotes anti-racism and follows the path of unbiased education”

The college promotes an unbiased teaching-learning facility. We plan to provide quality education with a cosmopolitan approach and equality focus towards all students. We also follow the practice of providing education at an affordable cost. This also becomes a part of service to society. We seek a special fee waiver for economically backward students to provide them a chance they deserve to be educated.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for your institute specifically?

“The lack of unity in the diversity among various technical and nontechnical colleges”

In general education, I would want every student to be treated equally with the respect they deserve as a candidate. All the institutes should focus on providing a quality of Education to enhance the country as one. The most dreaded threat to the institute is cheap gimmicks of less able institutions trying to practice unethical means for their business and forcing such environment and panic. The threat lies in combating the competition thrown by the institutes not delivering qualities, but just resorting to their marketing strategies, highlighting the fragile student's mind with temptations rather than the strict academic practices. This purely drifts the focus from developing technocrats, rather towards adding glam quotient to the institute for mere survival.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the institute and the students are?

“We never would want to lack in providing all we should to the students as a listener, mentor, teacher, and a friend”

Playing various roles for the students gives us the confidence of achieving all the responsibilities with a conclusion. Students should never feel alone about how they have been coping with academics. Just the same they must learn the best curriculum and add confidence to their self, towards institute loyalty, sense of belonging, and focus towards its horizontal and vertical development. As an employee, we focus on continuous growth as seen in the technical capabilities of the faculty and the curve of market absorbability of our students rises continuously.

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What would you like people to know about your institute they may not know?

“The aim to provide class education and achieving a great University rank in the Country”

In the state of Gujarat, we stand to achieve the quality educational standards and great faculty for the students from the last 2 decades. We objectify our continuous thrive towards achieving excellence in teaching standards, by our faculty members. We work to make the institute foremost in our state as well as the Nation.

What are some plans that you’re currently (or will be) designing for international affairs and/or students?

“Collaboration with reputed international institutes for various exploration options for students”

A student exchange, experiential programs were undertaken in past and even planned in the future with new dimensions being added to them. The institute is also planning for faculty exchange programs along with long term internships for students into reputed foreign universities of the developed countries.