Dr Bijal J.Talati is presently serving as Assistant Professor & Head of the Information Technology Department at Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of technology, Gujarat. Having a rich experience in the education sector, she has worked in many government funded projects under various schemes like MODROB and GUJCOST. She has published 20 research papers in various journals and conferences as well. Moreover, she is a member of Computer Society of India and life member of Indian Society of Technical Education.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of technology

What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

“Enhancing their academic and personal growth”

As an IT Department HOD, my primary responsibility is to develop passion among students towards the field to become employable IT professionals, and serve the society and nation. I put my constant efforts to help them improve their academic results and counsel them during placements. Also, I mould them with ethics and social skills to become better human beings. 

How do you tend to establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

“Clear and fruitful interactions”

By doing frequent interactions with the students, mentoring them, solving their queries related to anything and always being in touch with them generates a sense of trust and comfort to approach and build stronger relationships with them. For my colleagues, I always maintain equality and make sure to find solutions to all their problems. I am always polite and humble so that hesitancy never becomes a barrier in communication and problem resolutions. 

How does your department ensure students are being prepared for the future?

“Industrial interactions and training activities”

Right from the third semester, we start conducting mock placement activities such as aptitude tests, group discussion and personal interviews. For their personality build up, we organize workshops and expert talk. For an effective resume and profile build up, we arrange certain training sessions that have a great impact in placement and employability of students. Also, we arrange interactive sessions with our alumni who give valuable inputs for the interview. To meet the requirements of industries, I arrange several expert talks, workshops, etc to breach the industry-academic gap. 

How does the Institute enhance the skills of the faculty?

“Activities and approaches to advance learning”

Our college provides industrial training for faculties and motivates them to do NPTEL, MOOC courses as well to keep a pace with latest trends in the industry. We organize several STTP and FDP, Seminars and Webinars for our faculty to upgrade their knowledge and skills. 

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What do you see as the department’s greatest strength?

“A team of expert and equipment”

The greatest strength of my department is the qualified and experienced faculties who are very optimistic and always open to learn new things, and pass on to the students. They always maintain a comforting atmosphere for the students. Also, the department has good infrastructure and well working equipment for practical learning. 

What valuable advice would you like to give the students for a prosperous career?

“Be clear and mindful with your decisions in life”

Discipline and hard work are the most important tools for achieving success in any field. One must be logically and analytically sound, with good communication skills, and be curious to learn new technology. The new age students are smart and blessed with ample resources but the overload of information messes up their goals and the problem of abundance puts them in a dilemma. It is very important for them to filter and consume the information rather than getting deviated by the same. For which, it is important for them to understand where their passion lies. They need to choose a career or a decision that will end up making them happy, creative and financially stable in the long run. And not to forget, perseverance and commitment are rare qualities and the industry is keener to hire rare talent. I believe if you are truly passionate about the area you are leading in, not only will you be a successful leader, but there is no end to what you can do.

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How would you describe your leadership style?

“Hand holding and collective efforts”

Being there at a key position, I ensure complete participation of the team is considered, right from ideating, curating and executing the decisions taken for the future to be bright for all stakeholders of the organization. My only task is to keep them high on passion and morale. A leader who naturally assumes some people will always lack the potential to truly succeed will often overlook strengths in both their employees and themselves. However, a leader who is optimistic about everyone’s potential will constantly be on the lookout for qualities and traits they wish to cultivate in themselves and their team members.