Dr P K Dash is the Professor and Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, NMIT, Bangalore, India. In addition to his administrative experience, he has held positions such as Dean, Principal, Director of Research, and Head of Department for over 30 years. He has several academic and research achievements to his credit. He has carried out numerous funded research projects, guided more than 100 students both from UG, PG, and Ph. D. studies. In addition to winning best researcher awards, he has also been a recipient of numerous research paper awards. Additionally, he served as a panellist at international and national conferences. As he relates to aerospace engineering, he is keen on innovating engineering disciplines in all dimensions with a view to developing a good pool of aerospace professionals for the future.

Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology

What is the latest program that you are offering in your institute?

“Academic learnings in the field of Space and satellite technology, advance aerospace vehicle design, etc”

Aeronautical Engineering faculty, students, and staff affirm their commitment to protect and nurture physical well-being first and foremost. Commitment to diversity is a core value of our department. This includes advanced Space technology and satellite technology, advanced aerospace vehicle design, orientation on MRO, Data science, Smart and advanced computational technology, online courses from MIT, Coursera, NPTEL, and the use of international standard courses to enhance their abilities. In one example, 13 students from the department qualified for the GATE test out of 28 who appeared. Additionally, adding technical publications, GRE/TOEFL, and international language classes such as German and French will help them think more modestly and lead to a more promising career in aerospace.

What are the factors that make this program the best for the students to opt for?

“Increase in demand for space exploration and communication services”

In the current era, space exploration and communication are realistic options among technocrats. Engineering in the conventional sense has largely reached its saturation point. The opportunity and demand for this course made it more versatile and have a significant impact on future technology. Its future value is evident, for instance, in its involvement in billion-dollar projects such as hypersonic vehicle development and the Mar’s landing. Students can be well-prepared with the theoretical, practical and computational knowledge and understanding of smart technologies. With regards to the involvement of the financial sector, the opportunities and scope in the field of Aerospace make it a preferred program. 

What will you say are the “best practices” in the course you’re offering?

Grooming students to face the scientific and technological challenges in fast-evolving Global scenario”

We take full initiatives and nurture systematic evaluation for the students' higher academic years. The first initiative complements a good curriculum and syllabus, point-to-point feedback and well-proven academic practices. Regular industrial visits, internships at recognized organizations, guest lectures, conduction of symposiums, workshops, seminars and conferences are also organized. Every academic calendar provides financial assistance for competitions such as paper presentations, model competitions, and other competitions. As part of our department's methodology, we also offer extra coaching for slow learners, conduct value-added programs, etc. Our goal is to make sure that our student becomes a respected and honoured professional engineer.

How does the program ensure that students are being prepared for the future?

“Industrial collaborations, projects work and MoU’s that are beneficial for students”

NMIT aerospace education is notable for its rigorous curriculum, close collaborations with faculty, and extensive collaboration with the external world. Our graduates are well trained in their ability to identify, analyze, and solve challenging problems. They are expected to be prepared to apply and communicate their expertise broadly throughout their professional careers. 

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How do you tend to build an industry connect with this program?

“Collaborative efforts are made through industrial visits and essential projects” 

An effective way to sign MOUs with the industry is through continuous association. Secondly, we invite them to participate in various activities for guidance, inspiration, and suggestions. Our Board of Studies, Academic Council, and Governing Body are all active partners to advise academic acceleration and incorporation of technicality for future enhancement. To keep the students updated on the activities and knowledge of the industry, we also invite various leaders to give guest lectures, seminars, and conferences.

What are the types of projects that the students are working on through this program?

Analytical design-based and computational based projects for better learning”

From day one, we guide the students regarding their areas of interest. The student research cell offers one to three-month entrepreneurship courses or projects at R&D organizations for students interested in entrepreneurship. There is a high demand for aerospace engineers across the country. Our projects cover a wide range of analytical, design-based, computational, etc. major areas that we cover, such as:

  • Aerospace materials and structure with composite materials, smart materials, nanomaterials, MEMS, ROBOTICS, etc.
  • Aerospace propulsion and advanced propulsion like scramjet, rocket propulsion, electrical propulsion, etc.
  • Aerodynamics in subsonic, supersonic, hypersonic, etc.
  • Space dynamics and its relevant areas like astrophysics and astronomy.
  • Avionics, control engineering, maintenance and repair, etc.

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What are the benefits and career options after pursuing this course?

“Opportunities in both private and public aerospace organizations”

Aviation is the newest pursuit of technology in a booming industry. The opportunities for our country are gradually increasing as it develops. The government and private sectors are both involved in the recruitment of aerospace students. These include: 

  • Defense Research and development organization
  • Indian space research organization, 
  • Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.
  • Boing 
  • Airbus
  • GE
  • Prat & Whitney
  • Mahindra Aerospace 

Currently, the majority of aerospace engineers are employed by both public and private companies. The jobs are at the Department of Defense, engineering firms, consulting firms, and universities. Engineers often develop new products and technologies as well as improve existing technologies.