Dr.M.Akila is currently working as the principal of KPR institute of engineering and technology Coimbatore. She has 23 year of experience in the field of teaching, administration, leadership and research, and she is also working as Research supervisor at Anna University, Chennai. Dr.M.Akila has a remarkable academic record from her School till her Doctorate. She makes sure that each student under her care receives education under effective leadership and overall management of the institution. She is an effective listener, problem solver, and responsive to honest feedback for institute improvement.
The profession of teaching gives opportunity to teach and simultaneously learn and stay updated
My career commenced as a hardware professional in the IT industry. Although being settled in the industry, teaching and academics were always close to my heart. The industry tenure was an eye-opener to realize what we miss to deliver to the students in terms of skill and knowledge, and decided that I will contribute my bit in the domain of education. My academic career beginning from being a researcher and in different levels of teaching further strengthened my resolve to continue to serve the field. I found that this profession affords the opportunity to not only teach but also to continuously learn and stay updated. Here, we are forever in touch with young and brilliant minds and never grow old. Yes, it is one of the finest professions and I feel blessed.
We keep a continuous development approach for our students and teachers to flourish
The rapid and disruptive changes are escalating rampant in every domain - be it technology or expectations of the stakeholders, which are continuously changing. To meet the ever-evolving challenge, we have to constantly develop the most important resource in this ecosystem i.e, the students and teachers. Here at KPRIET, we have built this approach into the system by way of sound policies, which incorporates opportunities for encouragement and rewards. Regular monitoring, reviews & evaluation, midcourse corrections, and improving the systems & procedures are being implemented to stay ahead.
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It is essential to strike an optimum balance between being participative and corrective
In my opinion, it is pivotal to strike an optimum balance between being participative and corrective. Faculty and students are very sensitive individuals, and we need to cater to their expectations. Besides, in an educational institution, the Principal and senior faculty are seen to be role models, and hence we require to be very fair and compassionate. These are the learning points I have picked up in my career, and as we go along we learn more.
We emphasize the importance of developing and nurturing our students
We have the sound legacy of being an affiliated institution of the Anna University, which is one of the top universities in our country. Besides, we are also autonomous and hence have the freedom to implement curriculum and other academic-related processes such as evaluation, industry connect and teach the emerging areas in science and technology. We have assembled one of the best teams with leading academicians and industry experts along with our faculty members, alumni, and current students to evolve curricula for each program we offer. This is reviewed regularly and updated. We have several MoUs with different companies to help us in providing our students and faculty with Internships, training, expert lectures, projects and courses on current and futuristic industry practices and technologies. Many companies have come forward to set up Centers of Excellence to train and educate our students. To crown it all, our management headed by Dr. K.P. Ramasamy (One of the top Industrial Entrepreneurs in our country), desires to make this college an “Industry driven Institute” and is fully supporting our efforts
We need to understand the capabilities and aspirations of individual students
Our students come from varied backgrounds and strata of society and with diverse levels of skills and knowledge. We need to understand the capabilities and aspirations of individual students and tailor our teaching methodologies and techniques to meet their specific needs. To devise a system that meets this requirement to fulfill the rigors of contemporary engineering education is a hard task. We can address this challenge by a mentor-mentee mechanism, and we are happy with the outcome.
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We maintain a continuous and healthy connection with our students
We maintain a continuous and healthy connection with our students. We have informal and formal interactions with students at different levels such as mentors, course teachers, HoDs, Principal, and Management. Students are members of different forums & committees, and many decisions are taken in consultation with them. I interact with students continually at formal and informal levels. Extensive use of current digital technologies and devices helps us to stay connected even during adverse situations, like the current curfew and the teaching-learning process goes on unhindered from the safety and comfort of our homes.
We are in a journey to continuously strive for improvement and perfection
In a short span of a decade KPRIET has achieved several milestones such as NBA & NAAC accreditation, NIRF ranking, autonomous status, and several notable accolades. We do not want to rest on our laurels but will continue to strive our best to achieve further feathers. We have immediate plans to improve our NIRF ranking and create a national visibility. We wish to benchmark with top institutions in India and abroad and become a sought after institute for both national and international students. We have plans to expand both horizontally and vertically and offer a basket of courses including Liberal Arts. Our dream is to eventually become a university of repute.
We want our students to grow holistically to achieve remarkable accomplishments
The approach of KPRIET regarding the roles and responsibilities towards the students is to make them contemporary, complete, competent and compassionate professionals. To achieve this end we will endeavor to take parental care of our students.
Our vision is to become a premier institute of academic excellence
My vision for the institution is always integrated with the vision of the College, which is to become a premier institute of academic excellence by imparting technical, intellectual, and professional skills to our students for meeting the diverse needs of the Industry, Society, and the nation & world at large. We have come a long way and we realize that we have a long way to go as well. Our efforts stay focused in our vision and every passing day we take one step towards the goal.
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What you do is not important but how you do holds much importance
We live in an era of information overdose. This creates confusion and distraction in the young minds. My suggestion will be that the student should enroll for an educational program which he or she wants to do and will enjoy doing. The job that you enjoy is the job you will do best. In conclusion I wish to communicate to the youngsters, What you do is not important but how you do holds much importance.