Dr. V. Muralidharan has been working as the Head of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department at Christ The King Engineering College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. He has done BE from Maharaja Engineering College, ME from Ramakrishna Engineering College and PhD from Anna University as part of his academics. He had 11 years of teaching experience and he has published more than 21 national and international journals. His area of specialization is low power VLSI signal processing.

Christ the king Engineering College

How would you describe your leadership style?

"Leadership is all about working and growing together"

I can proudly say that give me any kind of team and people and I will handle them in the most positive way possible. And I can handle hypothetical situations very clearly and calmly. And being Department Head, my main responsibility is to provide best placement and internship opportunities to students and arrange faculty development programs for the teaching staff whenever required. So overall, I believe in a collaborative way of working as it helps everyone to grow. 

What do you think should be the College’s top priority over the next 10 years?

"Enhancing college reputation, upgrading our teaching pedagogies should be our goal"

I firmly believe that the top priority of our college should be to enhance our reach among students and make our college one of the best choices for students to pursue their dream courses. Basically, we want our college to be in Tier 1 list, so we should work to achieve that goal and we should also emphasize on upgrading the research facilities in college. We also aspire to improve our admission and placement statistics, so we should work in that direction as well. Lastly, providing additional courses to help students become technically proficient and methodologically literate and improving faculty skills should be our goal.

How do you bring in a practical and industry oriented approach towards subjects?

"By arranging value-based courses for students and organizing workshops"

Our ECE Department provides value-added and embedded learning courses to enforce the practical and industry oriented approach towards subjects. Also, we organize workshops and hands-on training on topics like mobile phone repair and maintenance as and when required. As our main and the only aim is to keep our students updated with cutthroat technical skills and knowledge so that they can make a better future for themselves.

How do you strategize and update the curriculum to make it befitting for the students?

"We follow the curriculum provided by University which itself is developed after lot of research and consultancy"

Our college follows the curriculum designed by the Anna University to which we are affiliated. And the curriculum is a perfect amalgamation of best courses, education pedagogies and co-curricular activities as it is designed after rigorous analysis and consultation with industry experts, academicians and consideration of students' needs too. And to stay compliant with industry standards and perimeters, we even follow Industry 4.0 practices. Also, the syllabus of every subject has fun and entertaining activities to ensure all around development of students and making learning participative and interactive in nature. 

How does your college prepare students for placements?

"By providing customized personality development trainings programs to them and assigning projects"

We offer customized training programs to students from the first year itself. In the first year, we organize classes and sessions to improve their communication skills. After this, department specific training is conducted in the second year. And in the third year, students are assigned a wide variety of mini-projects followed by aptitude tests. Finally, in the eighth semester, students participate in placements and many of them are even working in esteemed organizations and companies. 

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What challenges are you facing to uplift the education quality of your college?

"Gap between our academic practices and industry demands is our biggest challenge"

We are actually facing different kinds of challenges at different levels and the most prominent is the gaps which are created between our academic practices and industry demands. As the industry keeps developing and something new comes everyday, it becomes a bit difficult to adjust everything accordingly. And our next issue is the communication gap which is there between our students and us, because most of the students belong from rural backgrounds, speak Tamil and find it difficult to understand what we teach them.

When you joined this college, what was your vision for it and how are you trying to achieve the same?

"Upgrading my own skills and offering best education to students was my main goal"

When I joined Christ The King Engineering College, I only had a Bachelor's Degree and I was planning to take a Doctorate Degree as well. So from the time I was at the institution, I lacked a doctorate and had only earned a bachelor's degree. Hence my aim was to improve myself, get a Doctorate Degree and improve teaching techniques. And to make all this true, I must take more courses that are related to my publications.

How does your college enhance the faculties skills and prepare them as per industry standards?

"They are upskilled through FDPs and training programs arranged by NITs and IIITs"

Although all our faculties are highly educated and experienced, with changing technologies and academic world they also need to upgrade themselves accordingly so that they can deliver best to students. Hence they regularly enroll themselves for Faculty Development Programs which are conducted by the esteemed IIT and NIT institutes. And they are also offered customized training programs and seminars as per their needs and expertise areas as and when required.

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What valuable advice would you like to give the students for a prosperous career ahead?

"Keep a positive approach towards life and be ethically and technically proficient"

I would suggest to my dear students and youths of our society to have a positive approach and attitude towards people and life respectively. Also, help others in community services and contribute in innovation and development activities to make society a better place for others. Take care of your family, parents, and become an ethically and emotionally strong person.