WBJEE Exam Pattern 2023. Candidates appearing for WBJEE 2023 are required to appear for two papers viz. Paper I – Mathematics & Paper II – Physics and Chemistry (combined). WBJEE, a state-level engineering entrance, is conducted in offline mode as an OMR-based examination. Questions are to be answered on a specially designed optical machine-readable response (OMR) sheet, which is evaluated by the Optical Mark Recognition method. Check WBJEE 2023 Syllabus
- Candidates who take both Paper 1 and Paper 2 are eligible for admission in Engineering, Technology, Architecture and Pharmacy programs while the candidates who take only Paper 2 will be eligible for admission in only pharmacy programs except in Jadavpur University.
- Candidates who take only Paper 1 in WBJEE 2023 will not be eligible for admission in any program.
- The marking scheme for WBJEE 2023 is divided into 3 categories:
- Category 1 questions will be of 1 mark and have only one correct option.
- Category 2 questions will be of 2 marks and have only one correct option.
- Category 3 questions will be of 2 marks and have one or more correct options.
WBJEE Exam Pattern 2023 Highlights
Particulars | Details |
Mode of Exam | Offline Mode (OMR Based Examination) |
Examination Duration | 2 hours for each paper (Total 4 hours) |
Papers | Paper I - Mathematics; Paper II - Physics and Chemistry |
Number of Questions |
Category-wise Division of Questions |
Mode of Answering | There will be four alternative answers for each question. The correct response has to be selected by the candidates by darkening the appropriate circle completely with blue/black ball point pen. |
Total Marks | 200 Marks |
Marking Scheme | Category 1 - Each correct answer will be awarded one mark. Category 2 - For every correct response, two marks will be given by the candidates. |
Negative Marking | Category 1 - Incorrect response will yield a loss of ¼ mark Category 2 - For each incorrect answer, ½ mark will be deducted. Category 3 - There is no negative marking. |
WBJEE Exam Pattern 2023: Mode of Answering
- WBJEE 2023 Questions are to be answered on a specially designed Optical Machine Readable response (OMR) sheet.
- The sheet is evaluated by the method of Optical Mark Recognition.
- As there are 4 options for each question asked, the candidate has to indicate the response by darkening the appropriate circle completely with blue/black ballpoint pen.
- Any other kind of marking e.g. filling the bubble incompletely, filling with pencil, cross mark, tick mark, dot mark, circular mark, overwriting, scratching, erasing, white ink, marking outside the bubble etc. may lead to wrong/partial/ambiguous reading of the response.
- The marked responses cannot be edited/changed/erased/modified. Hence, it is advised that the candidate should be sure about the answer before marking and should not put any stray mark on which he/she does not want to attempt.

WBJEE 2023 Subject-Wise Question Distribution
All the questions will be of Multiple Choice Questions, with four options against each of the questions. There will be three categories of questions in each of the subjects. The number of questions, as well as maximum marks for each, are given in the following table:
Category | Chemistry | Mathematics | Physics |
Category 1 | 1 Mark (30 questions) | 1 Mark (50 questions) | 1 Mark (30 questions) |
Category 2 | 2 Marks (5 Questions) | 2 Marks (15 questions) | 2 Marks (5 questions) |
Category 3 | 2 Marks (5 questions) | 2 Marks (5 questions) | 2 Marks (5 questions) |
Total Marks | 50 | 100 | 50 |
WBJEE 2023 Marking Scheme
The marking scheme of the exam specifies marks distribution over a number of questions in the question paper. In WBJEE, there are three categories of questions for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics which are described below:
Category 1
- Only one option is correct
- 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer
- An incorrect answer will yield -¼ (25% negative) marks
- For any combination of responses with more than one option, the said answer will be treated as incorrect and will yield -¼ marks.
- Leaving a question unanswered will fetch the 0 (zero) mark.
Category 2
- Only one option is correct
- 2 marks will be awarded for each correct answer
- 0.5 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer
- Marking more than one answer option in the OMR sheet will be treated as incorrect answer, which means 0.5 marks will be deducted
- Leaving a question unanswered will fetch the 0 (zero) mark.
Category 3
- One or more options may be correct
- 2 marks will be awarded if all correct choices are selected
- Any combination of correct and wrong response will be treated as incorrect and will yield a 0 (zero) mark.
- For partially correct response, marks awarded will be = 2 X (no. of correct options marked + total no. of correct options)
- Not attempting the question will fetch the 0 (zero) mark.
Check WBJEE Exam Day Instructions and Guidelines
WBJEE Exam Pattern 2023 – Negative Marking
Category | Negative Marking |
Category 1 | 1/4th |
Category 2 | 1/2nd |
Category 3 | There is no negative marking |
WBJEE Important Books
WBJEE Recommended Books: Physics
Book Name | Author/Publisher |
Concepts of Physics | HC Verma |
Physics Problems | IE Irodov |
NCERT Physics | NCERT |
WBJEE Recommended Books: Chemistry
Book Name | Author/Publisher |
Chemistry by Pradeep’s | Pradeep’s |
Organic Chemistry by OP Tandon | OP Tandon and AK Virmani |
XII Chemistry by NCERT | NCERT |
WBJEE Recommended Books: Mathematics
Book Name | Author/Publisher |
Mathematics | RS Agarwal |
XII Mathematics: NCERT | NCERT |
XI Mathematics: NCERT | NCERT |
Mathematics | RD Sharma |
How to Prepare for WBJEE 2023 efficiently?
- Time management and proper scheduling: Set a proper schedule. Devote time what to study and what not. Give at least 10 – 12 hours per day. Experts suggest one must take a break from minimum 15 to maximum 20 minutes in every 2 or 3 hours. This will help in maintaining proper concentration.
- Previous years’ WBJEE Question papers: Solving previous years’ question papers always helps in determining the proper speed, type of pattern and check where you actually stand. They also helps in knowing the weak areas as well as strong areas.
- Seek Expert Guidance/ Join a good Coaching Institute: Most of the candidates prefer coaching for the preparation of WBJEE. They should approach a good and reliable coaching centre for the exam preparation. The institute must be equipped with qualified and experienced faculty members. Check Best WBJEE Coaching Institutes
- Make notes: Making notes is suggested by most of the exam experts and exam toppers. These notes not only help in sorting out the important concepts and formulae but also increase the concentration and clarity while studying.
- Clear the basic concepts: Clarity of concepts is the key to crack WBJEE. Students should never rely on any shortcuts. In case any concept is not clear, they must consult different sources till it is clear.
- WBJEE study material: Consult NCERT textbooks to build basic concepts. For the topics which are not understood from this book, should be looked for in other WBJEE reference books.
- Mock tests: Several online /offline mock tests/ test series are available students can prefer. Solving mock test series ensure time-management in the exam and help boost confidence. Download Here: WBJEE Sample Papers
WBJEE Exam Pattern 2023 FAQs
Question: What is the exam schedule for WBJEE 2023?
Answer: The exam schedule for WBJEE 2023 is as follows:
- Paper-I (Mathematics) – (11:00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.)
- Paper-II (Physics & Chemistry) – (2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.)
Question: What is the mode of WBJEE 2023?
Answer: WBJEE will be conducted in offline mode and candidates will be asked to fill OMR sheets with black or blue ballpoint pen.
Question: How many sections will be asked in WBJEE 2023?
Answer: The exam consists of 3 sections namely, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and questions in each section are further divided into 3 different categories.
Question: Which type of questions will be asked in WBJEE 2023?
Answer: Only Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) will be asked in the exam.
Question: How many total questions are asked in WBJEE 2023 and how many questions are there in each section?
Answer: There are total of 155 questions in WBJEE. Out of these Physics and Chemistry sections contain 40 Questions each while Mathematics contains 75 Questions.
Question: What are the different categories of questions in each section of WBJEE 2023?
Answer: The Physics & Chemistry contain 30 Questions each in Category 1, 5 Questions each in Category 2 and 3. The Mathematics section has 50 Questions in Category 1, 15 Questions in Category 2 and 10 Questions in Category 3.
Question: What are the Category 1, 2 and 3 of questions in WBJEE 2023?
Answer: In Category-I and Category-II only one answer option is correct, while in Category-III there might be one or more answer options are correct.
Question: What is the marking scheme of WBJEE 2023?
Answer: For Category 1 questions, 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer. While for Category 2 and 3 questions, 2 marks will be given for each correct response. The WBJEE question paper will consist of total 200 marks.
Question: Is there any negative marking scheme in WBJEE?
Answer: In category- I & category II questions, 0.25 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. There is no negative marking in category-III questions.
Question: I have marked only one option in a category 3 question. Will I get full marks?
Answer: In Category 3, more than 1 answer options may or may not be right. So, the full marks will be awarded only if the candidates mark all the right answers. However, in case of partially correct response without any incorrect marking, this formula will be applied to calculate the score – 2 x (no of correct response) / (total number of correct options).
Question: What is the total time duration of WBJEE?
Answer: There will be two papers of two hours duration each. The total time duration of WBJEE is 4 hours.
Question: What is the syllabus of WBJEE 2023?
Answer: WBJEE Syllabus 2023 will consist of subjects like Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Candidates can go through these subjects on the basis of class 11th & 12th syllabus.
Question: What are the important topics of WBJEE Mathematics?
Answer: The important topics of WBJEE mathematics are – Algebra, Trigonometry, Co-ordinate Geometry of Two Dimensions and Three Dimensions, and Calculus etc.
Question: What are the important topics of WBJEE Chemistry?
Answer: The important topics of Chemistry are- Atoms, Molecules & Chemical Arithmetic, Atomic Structure, Radioactivity and Nuclear Chemistry, The Periodic Table and Chemical Families etc.
Question: What are the important topics of WBJEE Physics?
Answer: The important topics of Physics are- Physical World, Measurements, Units & Dimensions, Atomic Physics, Nuclear Physics, Gravitation, Laws of Motion, Work, power, energy, Kinetic theory of gases etc.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.