BSc Nursing Syllabus, Subjects, 1st Year, 2nd Year, AIIMS, Semester Wise, Entrance Exam Syllabus, 2023

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Sounak Banerjee

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BSc in Nursing syllabus is a complete package for training specialists in the field of nursing. The syllabus includes both core subjects like Anatomy, Physiology, Nutrition, and Genetics, and also comprises additional subjects of courses like English, Computer Science, MBA, and Ethics. 

BSc Nursing is a 4-year long course, mostly divided into 8 semesters. The syllabus of each of these 4 years sets out a different motive in the beginning. From the 1st year to the 4th year of BSc Nursing, different domains of education are provided. Check: BSc Nursing 1st Year Syllabus

BSc Nursing Entrance Exam is NEET. BSc Nursing Entrance Exam Syllabus consists of subjects like Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. 

There are various types of nursing courses available in India. Each of the Nursing courses has similar subjects but the depth of the study depends on the level, of course, one is pursuing. Students have the option of studying BSc Nursing Post Basic syllabus or BSc (Hons) Nursing Syllabus.

Students also have the option of studying ANM Nursing Syllabus, GNM Nursing syllabus which is also a popular nursing course in India. ANM and GNM Syllabus is very similar. 

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We have also made a list of the BSc Nursing Syllabus in Hindi for you to check

BSc Nursing Syllabus

Here is the detailed year-wise syllabus for BSc nursing which is widely the same across various institutes. The syllabus for all four years is presented here in the form of a table which you can start preparing. BSc Nursing Syllabus contains subjects like Biochemistry, Excretory System, Role in Chemotherapy etc

BSc Nursing 1st Year Syllabus

BSc Nursing Subjects in the First Year comprises subjects like anatomy, Physiology, Respiratory system etc. Nurses must know everything related to the human anatomy, otherwise they not be able to assist the doctors or participate in patient care. 

Physiology Anatomy
Composition and Function of Blood Skeletal and Joint System
Endocrine and Metabolism Respiratory System
Excretory System Muscular System
Cardio Vascular System Digestive System
Nutrition and Dietetics Biochemistry
Different methods of cooking and their effect on the body Amino Acids
Meaning of Food, Nutrition, and Dietetics Introduction and Classification of Carbohydrates
Methods of Calculating Calories Catabolism of Nucleic Acid
Therapeutic adaptions of a normal diet Enzymes, Nature, and Functions

BSc Nursing 2nd Year Syllabus

BSc Nursing Syllabus deals with subjects like Psychiatric Nursing, ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) Nursing, Role in Chemotherapy etc in the second year. Nurses learn more about other aspects of the field. this gives a holistic view of all situations that may arise. 

Psychiatric Nursing Medical-Surgical Nursing
Principles and Applications of Psychiatric Nursing Maintaining the body's dynamic equilibrium
Psychiatric Emergencies ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) Nursing
Occupational Therapy Principles of Orthopaedic Nursing and Techniques
Psychotherapy Medical and surgical nursing management of patients with Angina, hypertension, etc
Role in Chemotherapy -
Nursing approaches as per the behaviors, disorders, aggression -
Operation Theatre Techniques Health Education
Sterilization of Instruments Concept, Scope, Limitations, and Benefits of Health Education
Types of Anesthesia Health Communication and Teaching
How to care for patients before, after and during the operation Audio-Visual Aids
Knowing the instruments Methods of Health Education
Microbiology Advanced Procedures
Morphology and classification of bacterial Factors and conditions affecting the growth of bacteria Immunity and Immunization Blood Examination
Process Serological tests and their corresponding diseases Lumbar Air Study
- Electrocardiography
- Angio Cardiography

BSc Nursing 3rd Year Syllabus

BSc Nursing Syllabus deals with subjects like Public Health Nursing and Health Administration, Maternal and Child Health, Sociology and Social Medicine, etc in the third year. Students learn more about dealing with the patient this year. These subjects help to improve communication skills and overall ideas about the patients. 

Public Health Nursing and Health Administration Maternal and Child Health
History of Community Medicine and Community Nursing Nutritional needs for children and adults
Principles and Concepts of Public Health Development of the Maternal and Child Health Care
Role of Epidemiology in Community Health Socio-Economic Factors affecting childcare
Organization and Administration of Health Services Family Welfare Programs
Sociology and Social Medicine Trends in Nursing and Professional Adjustment
The social structure of the society and individual Popular Nursing Programs
Significance of Sociology in Nursing Role of famous international organizations in the development of the nursing profession
Human Relations Nursing Registration and Legislation
The city and the country: Sociological and Economical contrasts Nurse’s role in family planning

BSc Nursing Syllabus 4th Year

BSc Nursing Syllabus for the Fourth Year consists of subjects like Philosophy of Supervision, Physiology of Labour, Preparation for Delivery etc. Students also learn about letter writing, spoken English, grammar, and basic things about operating computers like windows. 

Midwifery and Obstetrics Nursing Principles of Nursing Services, Administration, and Supervision
Anatomy and Physiology Formal and Informal Organizational Structure
Embryology Elementary Principles of Medicine
Preparation for Delivery Philosophy of Supervision
Physiology of Labour Medico-Legal Aspects of MCH services
Introduction to Research and Statistics English (or any other Foreign Language)
Types of measures, graphs methods of presentation Literature book as prescribed by the college/ university
Introduction to Database Essay, Letter Writing
Microsoft Windows Grammar topics like Speech, Articles, Direct and Indirect, Idioms, etc.
Introduction to Computer Science -

Courses Beneficial for Nursing Students

BSc Nursing Syllabus in Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University

The table below shows what are the key subjects covered in the BSc Nursing at the Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University in Pune. This is a collective summary of all 4 years of the course.

1st Year 2nd Year
English Sociology
Anatomy Pharmacology
Physiology Pathology
Nutrition Genetics
Psychology Microbiology
Nursing Foundation Medical Surgical Nursing
Biochemistry Environment Science
Introduction to Computers Community Health Nursing-I
3rd Year 4th Year
Medical Surgical Nursing Midwifery and Obtretical Nursing
Mental Health Nursing Community Health Nursing-I
Child Health Nursing Nursing Research
Communication and Educational Technology Management of Nursing Service and Education

BSc Nursing Entrance Exam Syllabus 

The National Medical Commission (NMC) prescribes the syllabus of the B.Sc Nursing entrance exam for the candidates. The syllabus includes class XI and XII syllabi of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The syllabus is designed keeping in mind the syllabus of CBSE, ICSE, NIOS, etc. This will help the candidate to get a better understanding of the subjects. The exam pattern is that there are a total of 200 questions which are divided into sections- Section A and Section B. Candidates are required to attempt 180 questions of their choice.

See Also:

BSc Nursing Entrance Exam Syllabus: Physics 

Physics is some of a complicated subject where candidates face a lot of issues. Provided below is the syllabus of Physics in detail which will help the candidate to crack the NEET exam. Candidates must take reference of class 11th and 12th syllabus and books to get the knowledge of the subject.

Physical World and Measurement Electrostatics
Kinematics Current Electricity
Laws of Motion Magnetic Effects of Current and magnetism
Work, energy and Power Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating currents
Motion of system of particles and Rigid Body Electromagnetic Waves
Gravitation Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
Properties of Bulk Matter Atoms and Nuclei
Thermodynamics, Oscillations and Waves Electronic Devices
Behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory -

BSc Nursing Entrance Exam Syllabus: Chemistry

Chemistry is one of the subjects that is very scoring and easy to understand. The syllabus is designed on the basis of the class 11th and 12th syllabi along with a basic understanding of the subject. Some of the basic topics include the Structure of Atom, Electrochemistry, Thermodynamics, States of Matter, Gasses and Liquid etc. The syllabus is tabulated below for your reference, 

Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Solid state
Structure of Atom Electrochemistry
Classification of elements and periodicity in properties Chemical Kinetics
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
States of Matter: Gases and Liquid P- Block Elements
Thermodynamics Coordination compounds
Equilibrium Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers Organic Compounds containing
Environmental Chemistry Biomolecules, Polymers and Chemistry in Everyday

BSc Nursing Entrance Exam Syllabus: Biology

Biology is a subject that comprises Zoology and Botany and is very vast to cover. Each topic comprises several different topics. Some of the topics include Reproduction, Ecology and Environment, Cell Structure and Function etc, The topics are tabulated below for your reference, 

Diversity in Living World Reproduction
Structural Organization in Animals and Plants Genetics and Evolution
Cell Structure and function Biology and Human Welfare
Plant Physiology Biotechnology and its application
Human Physiology Ecology and Environment

Post Basic BSc Nursing Syllabus

Post Basic B.Sc Nursing is a 2-year undergraduate program that teaches nursing at a higher level. This is a professional course that offers thorough awareness of nursing philosophy, aims and obligations. Candidates can become Nurse Practitioners, Nursing Assistants, Associate deans, Medical Content Writer etc. Candidates can brush up on their medical abilities, both surgical and non-surgical. The syllabus is tabulated below for your reference, 

BSc Nursing PB Subjects: First Year

The first year of Post Basic B.Sc Nursing comprises basics of Nursing and Advanced Nursing. Candidates can learn about the Child Health Nursing, Nursing Foundation. Maternal Nursing etc. The syllabus consists of classroom training and practical training in laboratories, experiments, etc. The detailed syllabus of the First year is tabulated below for your reference, 

Nursing Foundation Child Health Nursing
Nutrition & Dietetics Microbiology
Biochemistry & Biophysics Medical & Surgical Nursing
Psychology English (Qualifying)
Maternal Nursing -

BSc Nursing PB Subjects: Second Year

The second year of the Post Basic B.Sc Nursing comprises a practical and theoretical approach to impart advanced nursing training. The second year also comprises internships which the candidate needs to undergo mandatorily to gain experience. The detailed syllabus is mentioned below for your reference, 

Sociology Introduction to Nursing Administration
Community Health Nursing Introduction to Nursing Research & Statistics
Mental health Nursing Community Health Nursing
Introduction to Nursing Education Research Project

INC Syllabus for BSc Nursing

Indian Nursing Council releases the syllabus of B.Sc Nursing which aims at providing and developing a broad understanding of fundamental principles relating to education and nursing education. The program includes Tests, presentations, project work, written assignments etc. This program also includes field visits, educational visits, seminars etc. 

The syllabus of INC B.Sc Nursing program is tabulated below for your better reference, 

First Year Second Year
Nursing Education Nursing Management
Advance Nursing Practice Nursing Research (Dissertation)
Nursing Research and Statistics Clinical Speciality - II
Clinical Speciality - I -

KUHS BSc nursing syllabus

Kerala University of Health Services provides a B.Sc Nursing course of which the total duration is of 4 years which can be maximum extended to a period of 8 years. The course is designed for the purpose to enable candidates to get in-depth knowledge of the structure of various human body systems and any alteration in anatomical structure. The program includes lectures, classroom discussions using charts, microscopic slides, etc, presentations, fieldwork, internships, other assignments etc. 

Discussed below in detail the syllabus of B.Sc Nursing for all 4 years consisting of theoretical and practical approach, 

First Year Second Year
Anatomy Sociology
Physiology Medical Surgical Nursing (Adult including Geriatrics)- I
  1. Medical Nursing
  2. Pathology
Microbiology Medical Surgical Nursing (Adult including Geriatrics)- I Surgical Nursing
Nutrition & Biochemistry 1- Nutrition 2- Biochemistry Pharmacology
Psychology Community Health Nursing- I
Nursing Foundation -
English -
Introduction to Computers -
Third year Fourth year
Medical Surgical Nursing (Adult including geriatrics)- II Obstetric & Gynecological Nursing
Child Health Nursing Community Health Nursing-II
Mental Health Nursing Education & Management
Research & Statistics Nursing Education
Nursing Research & Statistics Management of Nursing services & education

AIIMS BSc Nursing Syllabus

AIIMS B.Sc Nursing Program is a 4-year program that can be extended to 8 years. This course aims to provide and prepare candidates for the responsibility of professional, competent nurses and midwives in providing health care services. This course also helps to prepare the candidates to take independent decisions, conduct research studies etc. Candidates will also get experience in clinical areas and candidates will also be required to spend 4 weeks in the summer vacation period in the clinical areas.

Discussed below is the syllabus of AIIMS B.Sc Nursing for better reference of the candidate, 

First year Second Year
Anatomy Pharmacology
Physiology Pathology & Genetics
Nutrition Medical- Surgical Nursing (Adult including geriatrics)- I
Biochemistry Community health Nursing- I
Nursing Foundation Communication and Educational Technology
Psychology -
Microbiology -
Introduction to Computers -
English -
Hindi -
Third Year Fourth year
Sociology Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing
Medical- Surgical Nursing (Adult including Geriatrics)-II Community Health Nursing- II
Child Health Nursing Nursing Research & statistics
Mental health Nursing Management of Nursing Services and Education
- Integrated practice

BSc Nursing Practical Subjects

Along with the theory subjects, there are many practicals also in the course curriculum. The table shows the major practical subjects in most of the top BSc Nursing Colleges in India.

Nursing Foundation Medical Surgical Nursing
Research Project on Nursing Mental Health Nursing
Midwifery and Obstetric Nursing Community Health Nursing

BSc Nursing Books

To study these theoretical and practical subjects, these are some of the most recommended books.

Book Author
Textbook of Microbiology Surinder Kumar
Psychology for Nurses R. Sreevani
Nursing Foundation B.T. Basavanthappa
Communication and Educational Technology Suresh Sharma
Textbook of Sociology K.P. Neeraja
Nutrition and Dietetics I. Clement

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OBG Book for BSc nursing

The below mentioned books are of Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing from renowned authors which the candidate can take reference from for preparations of the course. Some of them are tabulated below for your reference, 

Books Author
Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing J.B. Sharma
DC Dutta’s Textbook of Obstetrics Hiralal Konar
Midwifery and Obstetrics for B,Sc Nursing Students Dr Shally Magon- Sanju Sira
Midwifery & Gynecological Nursing PV Books
Textbook of Midwifery & Gynecological Nursing Ram Kumar Gupta
Casebook of Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing for B.Sc Nursing Students Yasmin Mansoori
Textbook of Midwifery & Gynecological Nursing Nisha Clement
Midwifery Record Book for B.Sc Nursing Students Marie Elizabeth Pinto
Midwifery & Obstetrical Nursing Nima Bhaskar

BSc Nursing Syllabus FAQs

Ques. What are the subjects in BSc Nursing?

Ans. The main subjects in BSc Nursing include:

  • Human Anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Psychology
  • Microbiology
  • Genetics
  • English
  • Computers
  • Medical Health Nursing

There are also plenty of other subjects.

Ques. How can I become a BSc topper?

Ans. The key to become a topper is determination and hard work. Focus on just the syllabus, give proper time to it and choose the best books. This will definitely help you in your journey.

Ques. What are the subjects in 1st year of BSc Nursing?

Ans. In the 1st year of BSc Nursing, the main subjects covered include:

  • English
  • Computers
  • Biochemistry
  • Nutrition
  • Psychology
  • Anatomy

Ques. Which is better, BSc Nursing Basic or BSc Nursing Post Basic?

Ans. BSc Nursing Basic is of 4 years and BSc Nursing Post Basic is of 2 years. The 2 courses have different career prospects. BSc Nursing holds more value than just the 2 years Post Basic course. Still, there are ample chances of succeeding in both of them.

Ques. What is the syllabus of BSc nursing 1st year?

Ans. The subjects that you need to study in the first year are the following.

Physiology English
Anatomy and Physiology Introduction to Computers
Nutrition and Biochemistry Microbiology
Nursing Foundation

Bachelor of Science [B.Sc] (Nursing) : 6 answered questions


Ques. Which is better for ug university college of medical sciences (ucms) or vmmc?

● Top Answer By Akriti Banerjee on 25 Sept 23

Ans. As a student of UCMS, I will try to enlighten you about my college. Location- It is true that UCMS is located in the periphery of Delhi, and its surrounding is not as developed as that of VMMC. Regardless, the location of UCMS offers most of the facilities required for a good college life. You can access Cinepolis, PVR and Big Cinemas from here, reach CP in 20-30 minutes by metro/private vehicle, and catch a metro from Jhilmil metro station to explore Delhi/NCR.  Campus- UCMS has a beautiful campus, the best among Delhi medical colleges. It has a huge central field where you can play cricket, basketball, football, etc. Boys get single seater hostel rooms from the first year itself. The campus has two 24*7 canteens, a book shop from where you can access all your medical books, an ATM, and a post office.The hospital has undergone renovation, and looks new and well managed. Academics- UCMS offers excellent academics. The faculty is skilled and teaches with sincerity. The Histology Lab in the Anatomy department is really good.  Extracurriculars- UCMS has a sports society, a western dance team, a theme choreography team, a dramatics team, a musical society, a literary society and a medical education unit. You can join any of these. According to me, both UCMS and VMMS are good medical colleges. You can choose the latter if location is a concern to you, otherwise, UCMS is a good choice too.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How to get direct admission in BSc. nursing at SGPGIMS Lucknow?

● Top Answer By Namrata Das on 30 Dec 23

Ans. As per the official website, the College of Nursing at SGPGIMS Lucknow offers a 4 year BSc. in Nursing, the admission to which is based on an All India Entrance Test conducted by the college.  Thus, there is no provision for direct admission into BSc. Nursing at the university.  You can check other details on the BSc. Nursing program at SGPGIMS such as course details, etc. Read more
1 Answer

Ques. What is the syllabus for pgims for bsc nursing

● Top Answer By Sayantani Barman on 31 Jul 23

Ans. PGIMER has two BSc Nursing programs  BSc (Post-Basic) Nursing and PGIMER BSc (Hons.) Nursing. The former is a two-year program the question paper of which is based on the syllabi taught during the GNM course while the latter is a four-year UG program the entrance exam of which is based on the syllabus taught in class 12. The syllabus of the respective programs is mentioned below BSc (Post-Basic) Nursing:    Anatomy and Physiology Personal Hygiene Ear, Nose, and Throat Community Health Nursing Midwifery and Gynaecological Nursing Microbiology First Aid Communicable Diseases Computer Education - Psychology Medical-Surgical Nursing I Oncology/Skin Community Health Nursing - II - Sociology Fundamentals of Nursing Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Pediatric Nursing - BSc (Post-Basic) Nursing: Biology The Difference between Prokaryotic & Eukaryota Cell Theory Structural Organization of Cell Mendel’s Law of Inheritance Classification Binomial and Nominal Nomenclature Five Kingdom Classifications The Role of Plants in Human Welfare Mineral Nutrition Essential Elements and Their Function Physics Current Electricity Electromagnetic Induction Electronic Devices Alternating Current Atoms and Nuclei Communication Systems Electromagnetic Waves Optics Dual Nature of Matter Electrostatics Magnetic Effect of Current & Magnetism Chemistry Solid State Biomolecules Chemistry in Everyday Life General Principles & Processes of Isolation of Elements Solutions Chemical Kinetics Electrochemistry Polymers P -Block Elements Surface Chemistry D & F -Block Elements Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen Alcohols Phenol & Ester Coordination Compounds Keystones and Carboxylic Acids General English Syllabus Comprehension passage Synonyms / Antonyms Spot the error Fill in the blanks One word substitutions Shuffling of sentence parts Shuffling of Sentences in a Passage Improvement Close passage Detecting Mis-spelt words Idioms and phrases Hope this helped you!Read more
1 Answer

Ques. What is the RUHS BSc nursing syllabus?

● Top Answer By Trina Guha on 29 Jun 22

Ans. RUHS BSc Nursing syllabus contains topics from 10+2 Biology, Physics, Chemistry of Rajasthan Board or equivalent. You can find the detailed syllabus on the official website of the institute.  The video gives a detailed explanation of semester-wise RUHS BSc Nursing Syllabus The questions asked in the examination are objective type. The question paper will be in English and Hindi both. There is no provision for negative marking.Read more
2 Answer

Ques. Give Information regarding BSc nursing course entrance exam date, seats and also fees of hostel. How to join without neet exam and how to join 2022 admission?

● Top Answer By Gayatri Sinha on 17 May 22

Ans. AIIMS BSc Nursing 2022 entrance examination date is June 18 . You will be able to get the admit card on 11th June. It is a computer-based test and will be conducted in 150 test centers in 14 cities across the country.  Number of seats available for B.Sc Nursing (Hons.) at AIIMS Delhi is 571. B.Sc Nursing students need to pay a security deposit of INR 1000 for the hostel. Mess fees need to be paid separately. The current mess charges for four meal format fixed menu is around INR 2000. For student-run messes, mess fee is higher. Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Which entrance exam is needed for bsc nursing ?

● Top Answer By Prashant Ranjan on 10 May 22

Ans. CMC Vellore conducts a computer-based entrance test for B.Sc Nursing admission. It is a state-level entrance examination. CMC released the application form for the entrance test on 2nd May 2022. The last date for submission of the online application with the required payment is 3rd June 2022 . The examination is scheduled for 12th July 2022 . The course will start on 29 November 2022. Read more
1 Answer


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Bangalore, Karnataka
1.71 L first year fees
1.82 L first year fees