Pachhunga University College Aizawl Arts ranking by India Today is 136 out of 173 colleges in India in 2023 and it was 141 out of 171 colleges in India in 2022.
Pachhunga University College Aizawl Overall ranking by NIRF is 34 out of 200 colleges in India in 2023 and it was 45 out of 200 colleges in India in 2022.
Stream / Category | 2023 Ranking | 2022 Ranking | 2021 Ranking |
Overall | #34 out of 200 in India 2023 | #45 out of 200 in India 2022 | #151-200 out of 200 in India 2021 |
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There are no such internships and stipend. There are no companies preferred as there are no internships. There are are some companies that hired students for internship but I am not familiar with the amount they give for stipend.
There are no such internships and stipend. There are no companies preferred as there are no internships. There are are some companies that hired students for internship but I am not familiar with the amount they give for stipend.
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